LETTERS FROM GOD – Aldo’s McPherson’s Letters

Greetings everyone. The Lord is leading me to information for many new articles. They are coming soon. Some of them may test your humanity. If your heart does not cry out when you ponder the possibilities, you may need to clean up your spirit and cleanse your soul. However the research for these arcticles can take some time.

I believe this is wonderful information from YHWH!

This is Aldo McPherson and his mother Retha.

Aldo was in a really bad car accident. It left him with a blind eye and a changed brain function. Some may refer to his brain function change as brain damage, but I don’t see it that way. Any child that is talking to YHWH on a regular basis and getting insight from the GOD Almighty (the one that was, and is and is to come), IS not brain damaged, he is BLESSED BY THE ANGELS!

I hope to take more time to read his letters from Heaven and seek divine insight through the Lord’s words. In just a few minutes of reading his letters, I am already in full faith these insights are divine.

Here is the LINK to his letters. You will be blessed.

Here is a link to Sid Roth’s Supernatural show with Retha McPherson telling her story.

This one will capture your attention.



Letter 1:

He says, His Bible will tell when He is coming.

He is truly on His way.

Ma’am, He says people don’t believe His signs. (This one worries me, Lord help us all see)

He shows us signs.

He says, for those who ask Him, He will show.

God shows He is coming quickly.

And He says He keeps control of heaven and earth.

Did you know, He must still heal me before He comes?

He listens to prayer, people must keep on praying.

God shows me what my church must look like.

God holds everything in His hand.

He says you asked Him how I knew about your work in America.

Letter 2:

He shows me signs and He shows me where there is going to be war.

God says Israel.

God says read your Bible in Daniel.

He says He is in control of everything the Bible says is going to happen.

God says you are experiencing how He is pouring out His Spirit.

He shows me how you wait upon Him and God says He has given you an answer.

He knows you will keep your faith in Him.

Jesus says Wisdom is with me.

He showed me how He sent seven wise men.

Ma’am, please keep on believing.

I will be healed.

God says, hold on to your faith as everything is taking place,

Because in Him is peace.

Believe me, Jesus is on His way.

He says He shows people signs.
Keep an eye on the weather. (Keep an eye on the weather? Lord 2012 pops into my head)

Matt 24 “…And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved”


Author: admin

3 thoughts on “LETTERS FROM GOD – Aldo’s McPherson’s Letters

  1. Glory to Jesus Chrsit it is only through the shed blood of our precious Yeshua our Machiach that we are saved. The spirit of God tells me that the words of this site are true so listen up! Listen to the voice of God to those that have ears ears to listen to the voice of God through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God. Glory to him. AMEN

  2. " a new book is about to be released " a message of Faith"…Be blessed and May Our Heavenly Father send HIs Host for our protection In the Name of Jesus and His BLOOD!Amen.

  3. These are wonderful testimonies. The Lord gave me a few revelations about the end times as well. He truly is on His way and its wonderful news to whom ever makes out part of the bride. But those that will be left behind its heartbreaking. I can only pray and beg the Lord for my families souls to be ready. Thank you for this website its a blessing. I will also pray for you. Hallelujah Amen Fiona

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