Advice to A Porn Addict

Beer, Cigarettes, Pot, Cocaine and Porn!

The following is a letter (email) I wrote to a despondent person who was struggling with the most common addictions of today.  While most men won’t admit it, there is an alarming percentage of professing Christians out there that do “all of the above” and either 1) assume they are “saved” or 2) worry that they might not be “saved” and are fearing HELL and need help.

Time appears to be extremely short.  You are dealing with both demonic attack, and earthy habits and behaviors that are “addictions”.  You can break the cycle, but it takes more than a mediocre determination.  You have to do two things.

1. Fight an earthy battle against your own behaviors

2. Fight a spiritual battle to get the demonic off your back





Advice to Robert

The following is the email sent to Robert to help him “get it together”.  He was noticably upset and was pleading for prayer.


A number of years ago I was watching porn morning and night on my computer, doing coke with my wife to the tune of $1300 a month until she ended up being baker-acted, I drank, I smoked and to this day I still wrestle with smoking now and then.  This is a battle.  It’s MEANT to be a battle.
But there’s a catch …
We are actually expected to WANT Heaven and the Kingdom of God SO MUCH that we are willing to FIGHT to change ourselves.  It’s a combination of fighting the cigarettes, beer, and porn (etc.) and praying, and having people pray for you.  Believe YOU ME it is not a “miracle” that’s going to happen.  You aren’t going to wake up one morning and suddenly hate beer, porn, smoking, and drugs.  I guarantee that’s not going to happen.
It is a fight.  A serious blistering real time fight.  And the fight becomes EVEN HARDER when you are “in tune” with what’s going on in the world, because that creates “stress”.  Stress = Escape.
When you feel “guilty” in your heart, its’ because your “spirit” is crying out in pain.  Your spirit is separated from your mind ( / soul) and your body.  You spirit doesn’t want to suffer, so it is crying.  This creates guilt.  Guilt creates more stress, then demons “whisper in your thoughts” and the cycle continues.
Here is something that might help.
Have you ever quit smoking to get healthy in the past?   If you have ever gone on any type of a “get healthy” kick in the past, it includes making really huge changes to your life.  It is like creating this “shock and awe” spectacle in every part of your daily routine.  It helps me.  But it only works if you are determined and JUST DO IT!
Here what I did and have done in the past.
    1. Go to Walgreens and get the 21 mg Nicoderm Patch (The Clear Ones).  They are the best ones because they stick really well transferring a lot better.  Get the 14 patch box.  Put one on BEFORE you go to bed.  Take a shower, and then change the patch immediate after you dry off.  From that point forward, change the patch every day after  you shower.
    1. Immediately start “working out”.  Set your alarm early for the “shock and awe” effect.  If you have degraded hugely, then you might need to buy a Big Ben Alarm at Walgreens, set it for 5AM, and put it down the hallway from your bed, forcing you to GET UP!!!!  Make yourself do a MINIMUM of a 30 minute work out.  I don’t care if you just walk really fast down the road for 30 minutes but JUST DO IT!  SWEAT. SWEAT.  You must SWEAT.  If you don’t sweat and breath hard, then you wont’ flush out the toxins in your blood.  There are tons of poisons in your blood that have to be cleaned out.  Your body (and mind) NEEDS to be SHOCKED.
    1. Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy …  Read this article.  I am doing it now.  If you decide to try it, (pray about it and do your own research) you have to order “food grade” Hydrogen Peroxide and get a eye dropper bottle.  IT WORKS LIKE CRAZY.  I do it all the time and I’m doing it right now.  Hydrogen Peroxide has an extra molecule of oxygen that attacks “impurities” in your blood.  It even can cure some cancers.  You don’t have to do this, and I’m certainly NOT giving you “medical advice” by any means, but for me, it helps detox when I am on a “health kick”.PLEASE NOTE:
      A recently published an extensive article about 64 Wonderful Hydrogen Peroxide Uses and Benefits can be found here.

      Here’s the link –

    1. You have to change your daily routine.  This is HUGE.  Now its time to be creative.  Instead of going to the bar after work, you will need to find something else to do.  You can’t quit smoking if you keep drinking beer.  While I am not really big on some churches, if you can find a Pentecostal church, this can take up your Sundays (morning and night) and Wednesdays.  That helps.  Get involved in every church related event possible.  Keep busy.  Commit.  Get a cheap bike at Walmart $99.  Ride bike all over the place.  If you are doing the Hydrogen Peroxide therapy you will have tons of energy that needs burned off.  Join a health club and spend time there.  I mean spend HOURS THERE.  Every night.  Get away from YOUR HOUSE!!
    1. BURN THE PORN.  Delete it.  Delete every singe video and picture … HUNT THEM DOWN do NOT LEAVE ANYTHING on your computer ..  Get yourself a “Net Nanny” like software program to FILTER WEB SITES and REFUSE TO DO IT.  Make the porn filtering sofware password “horribly long and hard to type”. GET PISSED OFF.  The porn is a ticket straight to HELL.
The process of “sanctification” requires effort on our part.  So not only do you need prayer to get rid of the demons that are all over you right now, but you also need RESOLVE.  Without the resolve and effort on your part, the demons will always win the battle.  Did you notice that I said ALWAYS???  That’s a fact.
Is this a battle you are willing to fight over??
Another thing you can do is find a Pentecostal Church (or Assembly of God) on a Wednesday night (a small church), find the pastor before service, (or after), and tell him you need DELIVERANCE.  Have him and the elders cast out your demons.
This is a big war brother.  A fight of the “seen” and the “unseen”.
You can win this.



David’s Letter:

Hello John,

I hope all is well? I just wanted to touch base with you as I have hit a point in my walk that finds me falling over and over again.

I keep suspecting some sort of deep rooted fear, rejection or whatever. It has plagued me all my life and even after becoming a Christian. It is getting worse now as I experience horrible mood swings and self-medicate with alcohol.

I am pretty much at a stand still with this and wondered if you could point me in the right direction.

Many thanks,


My Response:

Well I wish I could tell you its easy but that’s not true brother. Once you have slipped down to where you are you have to REALLY want to win this battle. Even if you didn’t see this as a spiritual problem and only as a plain old “drinking depression” problem, it would still be a tough fight. I know SO many people, including myself, that have had to climb out of that pit from Hell.

You are not only depressed but you are oppressed by demons that will not let you go unless you fight the crap out of them with both fists pounding furiously and a determination that is second to none. Once you realize what you are up against it helps because you can change your tactics and increase your odds of success.


If you are not exceedingly determined to fight the good fight, then you are going to get your butt whooped by the demons over and over again. They will convince you that you are not worthy of salvation and that Jesus has abandoned you which is a filthy life from Hell. The problem is that the rules of the Kingdom REQUIRE us to participate in the fight for our salvation. Jesus commanded us to fight against the devil, cast out demons, praise praise praise, seek ye first the Kingdom and His righteousness, etc etc. So we have to WANT freedom from darkness and WANT the Blood of Jesus to cleanse our souls. When we truly WANT it we become motivated disciples (disciplined) and we make the changes necessary to fight back and win.

I wont tell you its easy but I will tell you that I did it and it took some time. What motivated me was when I realized that if I didn’t get my crap together and stop sinning that I would be left behind for the Great Tribulation. That scared me half to death. Fear is a GREAT motivator. And I KNEW IT and it scrared me really bad. I quit cocaine, pot, heavy alcohol, porn, and cigarettes and it took time, prayer, and LOTS OF PRAISE and life changes.

Here are links to two (2) radio shows and one article that will help you if you are serious. I do recommend you make major life style changes too and find yourself a whole new group of friends and join a Pentecostal church in your area ASAP. Do not miss ONE service ever. Make those people your best friends and support group. It helps a lot believe me.

God bless you brother I am adding you to my personal prayer list
Keep in touch


Demons and Spiritual Warfare Basics


Advice to a Port Addict

Advice to A Porn Addict

How to Pray and the Power of Praise

How to Pray and the Power of Praise

20 thoughts on “Advice to A Porn Addict

  1. Johnny, I happened upon these two videos and can testify that Dr David Owuor is on Fire with The Holy Spirit ! Wow, What a powerful message. You’re body belongs to Christ and you should not defile his Holy Temple in any way shape or form or thought.
    Repent, Repent, Repent !!!
    In Jesus name the Messiah who bought us out of bondage with his own Life. We belong to him and so do our Temple Bodies. Bless you and Martin and Jonathan for turning the lights on. We are no longer in darkness to what Satan is trying to do to us.


    1. It is truth, our bodies are temples to house God’s valuables [love, humbleness, kindness etc] and it should be kept holy as much as it belongs to THE HOLY GOD.

      I am a living testimony, it is a battle that require GOD’s Amor to overcome flesh habits mentioned.

      Over & above, meditation on the Word of GOD galvernises us to fall into demonic temptations.

      For example: waking up in the morning calling my self – Apostel Stephen [one who was stoned to death], sets a Biblical standard of conduct around my sphere of operation.

  2. PTL!!! If my salvation was dependent on my resolve to live a sinless life (impossible for anyone) I would have no hope. But PTL He delivered me out of the religious mindset that says salvation is determined by my good vs bad behavior and into the relationship whereby I believe that what He said is true “It is finished”: the price for sin has been paid in full. Hebrews clearly points out that the sacrifice of bulls and goats left a consciousness of sin but in Christ there is no consciousness of sin. Porn, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, adultery, murder, etc may destroy your life but they will not send you to hell. The only thing that will send you to hell is not believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and his shed blood for the remission of all sin. Jesus clearly said He was sending the Counselor (Holy Spirit) to convict the world of sin and then He explained that the sin was because men do not BELIEVE in Him. John 16

  3. You cant just understand that it is wrong and sinful to watch porn and smoke and then say, jesus died on the cross so its ok for me to do these things as long as i believe in him. Thats just an excuse for you to go home and turn on your computer and not feel guilty when wiping up your mess afterwards. Rather shameful indeed. You have got to try, you have got to repent, you have got to believe and you have got to practice the law of faith. Yes god is very forgiving and yes he is very merciful, but only if he knows your humble and graceful in the life you lead. He understands that we find it hard not to turn to temptation but be aware that to find the kingdom of god you must lead yourself down a Narrow path. Many shall take the wide path. May god be with you

  4. But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. Mark 10:6-8

    The answer to this question comes from this very Commandment: Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:2-3

    The only reason anyone has imbalance in this way is a lack of understanding thru their parents. When you can forgive, love and respect your original Parents for what they are and have shown you then you will find Balance again. The rest is a search for Love and understanding thru sin until we understand what it means to be One in Spirit. The reason in is about the return to The Father is it also starts with knowing your Earthly Mother and return to your Father whom are two parts of the person you are embodied. Their you will find your answers…

  5. Heb 10:26-31. NIV- If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said “It is mine to avenge; I will repay, ” and again “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

  6. Yes indeed salvation is through faith by God’s Grace. However, if you willingly, continually sin you can lose your salvation. By making choice to sin, you are turning your back on God. You have a demonic bondage! You MUST seek God to deliver you from Satan’s hand. Are you willing to do that?

    Repent, you must first repent while you have the opportunity to do so. God is gracious but the time is running out. You might die on your way to work or get a heart attack. That will be a devil’s work to take you to hell before you get your act straight with God. Devils are seeking always like a roaring lion to devour you and tempt you to sin. The wage of sin is death. Jesus is coming soon, sooner than you think. Be holy because your God is holy. Without holiness,you will not see God, will not enter in to Heaven.

    We have to start by asking God to help us. We can’t do this without God’s power. Ask God to make us sensitive to sin and convict hearts ASAP! Ask God to make you feel sick in your stomack when you think or see anything sinful. A friend of the world(ungodly, worldly ways and sinfulness) is an enemy of God, Jesus said.

    Pray to the Father in Heaven in Jesus’ name to repent of all sins and surrender to Him. If you don’t surrender all, you are leaving a crack for the devil to come in to destroy you. It’s hard but with God’s Holy Spirit, it is very possible, only if you sincerely seek God to free you from that demonic bondage. Pray with time set aside each morning. Be truthful and seek God. He is your ONLY deliverer!

    Ask God to lead you through the Bible. This is your weapon. He will give you understanding in your heart and grow to know Him. Ask God for faith, too. Devil will whisper lies in your mind to make you doubt. Then, cast the devil away IN JESUS’ NAME! They will come back so expect them and CAST OUT again and again. Devils are afraid and lose power when they hear a faithful believer of Jesus calling Jesus’ name!

    There are many devils around you. Expect to battle! But you are not alone. God (The Father, The Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit) is with you! Rely on God, not on your own understanding or will power.

    Ask God to COVER your spirit, soul, body, mind, heart and thoughts with the Blood of Jesus! Devils are afraid of the Blood of Jesus!

    Worship and be thankful to God in truth and Spirit. Devils hate when we worship God and be thankful to God. They flee also in the time of worship!

    Try this link for WORSHIP Time:

    Also see and listen what could happen to you if you continue to live in sin. See how Christians wound up in hell. Sexual sin is only one of many sins….Please, please take time to listen or read them. Let’s live a holy life before our Holy GOD my Father in Heaven!!!!Because that makes Him happy. I want to make Him proud of me and smile at me when I see Him. How about you?

    Here is a website for Heaven and Hell Testimonies: ( God changed my life through these testimonies)!

    Here is a link to free KJV Bible with audio feature. You can listen while you follow with your eyes. It will help you. Ask God to give you a heart and desire for His Word.

    God can deliver you if you trust and depend on Him. Don’t trust yourself or rely on your will power. Human heart is full of sins and wicked things.

    KEEP YOUR EYES ON GOD. Holy Spirit will guide you and help you.

  7. I’ve seen testimonies of people who were immediately healed of addictions –
    the same day they accepted Jesus as Lord. I guess some others have to struggle
    maybe but the Lord can heal all in one go. Praise God.

  8. Yes we do have to believe and have faith in Jesus, BUT He also said repent…repent means “turn from”…meaning stop the sin! No one will ever be perfect but He sure as heck expects us to do more than just believe in Him. Scripture goes much deeper than that. I believed in Him for 30 years…I only truly “repented” and “turned from” the sins that I knew were wrong just 2 and 1/2 years ago…and guess what, that is when He finally SHOWED UP AND ANSWERED MY PRAYERS…and told me WELL DONE my child. I had to do more than “believe”

  9. I agree with John the Baptist. God always does His part in helping me but He will never do my part in repenting with all of my heart soul mind and strength (determination, will, fight).

    It is because we don’t do our part that we go to hell. Our hearts are desperately wicked and deceitful above all things and unless it is crucified (our part) we are guaranteed to commit sin.

    Here are some reminders that help me:

    1) Nothing is impossible for God especially God helping us to repent all kinds of sins.

    1) Without the Blood of Jesus and the help of the Holy Spirit it is literally impossible to repent.

    2) I can only have the life of sin for so many days and that temporary season can not be worth going to eternal torments of hell AND losing eternity with Jesus who is infinitely better than all the pleasures known to mankind combined.

    3) Any unrepented sin will open doors for demons to attack you and your loved ones.

    4) Any unrepented sin can cause God to end your life to hell since Bible says any branch that does not bear fruit (especially the fruit of repentance) will be cut down to be thrown into the everlasting fire.

    5) Mind (thoughts and desires) is the ultimate battle ground. Never leave your mind idle. Always make every effort to fill it with the fear of the Lord. Meditating on bible verses and listening testimonies regarding hell is very helpful (

    6) Do the repenting prayer from as many times a day as possible.

    7) Spend time with Jesus as much as possible in prayer, worship, thanksgiving and reading His Words.

    8) If you are sinning again repent sincerely as quickly as possible. Remember, God is merciful but He will NOT wait forever for you to repent. He has only given each one of us a limited number of days to repent. When you don’t repent in that time frame, you will have go to hell. Remember repenting and stay repenting is the world’s the most difficult thing of all. This is the reason why only very few Christians are going to heaven. Most Christians are actually going to hell.

  10. I am a pentecostal christian, i teach gospel in the church, i try keeping my self away from every sin, i am married, but yet struggle with porn, to say i watch it once in a month or 2 months, it wasn,t so before, whereby i do it mostly daily before i came back to God, now it always come upon me if i sturnble on a youtube of naked girls unintentionally, something will drag me to open porn, i struggle but can,t resist it, please i need help, i read you saying filter your computer, this is what i need now, but how do i do that..i am ashamed of my self..whenever i do it, i feel guilty to pray for next few days..i am quitting it, but i need a total blockage, i want to fight it seriously now, me about this filtering my computer, please someone tell me how to do it..God bless you..please.

    1. Absolutely. Two things. First get yourself a copy of Net Nanny at You need to get someone else (like your wife or a friend) to set the password for you and promise you not to disclose it. This is serious stuff. You must overcome it.

      Second every single morning get on your knees before God and beseech Him to take away your sex drive. You really don’t need it. I’ve been doing this for more than 8 months now and mine is almost totally gone. Praise God thank you Jesus.

      This is about eternity. No behavior on this forsaken Planet should be allowed to stand between us, and our eternity with Jesus. Devils we rebuke you! Take control, repent, and overcome in Jesus name.

      The stakes are WAY too high!

      Also 1 Corinthians 10:5 says we are to “hold every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus” so when you see the “pretty girl” immediately yank your head away from the image. Temptation is not a sin but contemplation is.

      God bless you brother

      God bless you brother

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