- Please Pray These Prayers … And then TRUST in Jesus for your Forgiveness
- The Rapture May Be any Day Now!
- Soul Ties, How they’re Made, and How to Break Them
- Soul Scars, What are They and How to Cleanse Yourself of Them
- DOWNLOADABLE PDF DOCUMENT – CLICK HERE (Includes Prayers and Scriptural References) God Bless You Susan for this Contribution
Please Pray These Prayers
… And then TRUST in Jesus for your Forgiveness
Are you willing to take a chance with your eternity? Are you willing to take a chance with the eternity of your children and other family members? If the Lord Jesus Christ passed down a small handful of prayers that would help you and your family make it into heaven at the point of the “rapture”, wouldn’t it be worth taking the time to pray them?
Remember if you choose NOT to say these prayers and you’re wrong, it will be TOO LATE!
Why take ANY chances?
The Rapture May Be any Day Now!
(Even So … Why Not Pray them Now)
Stand in the Gap for Your Family
We should stand in the gap for our family. In prepare the way for the coming of The Lord there are a couple of things when you stand in the gap for your family The Holy Spirit pointed out to me that are very important. First say please forgive (repent) all my sins till the second of the rapture. Then it is very important for us to be totally submerged in the holy fire of The Lord for a full 10 minutes that will burn all residue of sin away; this can be accomplished through praise and worship and singing to the Lord. Next please be sure to ask The Lord to intercede for our family with the Father and ask him after the prayers are done to please put that person’s name in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ
The rapture of the bride of Christ is upon us.Here are instructions from our Father in heaven thru The Holy Spirit for us on how to prepare in repentance and holiness for the coming of our Lord. How do we achieve holiness? First we must ask The Lord to break our pride. Then ask the Holy Spirit to lead us into holiness thru humility. A more detailed description of this procedure can be found in Andrews Murray’s book Humility the journey towards Holiness. It can be found HERE and is FREE.
Confession of Sins
Holy Lord Jesus I confess every sin I have committed in my lifetime and every sin committed thru my complete generational and ancestral line. I also confess every soul tie I have ever made and all the sins generated thru those soul ties thru my complete generational and ancestral lines. I confess every sin that I have committed in my dreams and every sin committed by my generation and ancestral lines in their dreams. I now cover all these grievous sins with the holy blood of our Lord and Savior The Holy Lord Jesus Christ and take full and total responsibility for all of these grievous sins. Please Holy Lord Jesus forgive all of my sins. The Lord will tell or acknowledge to you he forgives you your sins.
Sincere Repentance
Holy Lord Jesus I sincerely repent every sin I have committed in my lifetime up to this very second. I will make a sincere 100% effort not to commit these sin ever again. I sincerely repent every sin from my complete generational and ancestral lines. I sincerely repent all the sins that I have ever committed in all my dreams to this very second and every sin my generational and ancestral lines committed in their dreams. I sincerely repent every soul tie I have ever made and all the sins generated thru those soul ties all the way back thru all my complete generational and ancestral lines. I cover all these sins with the holy blood of the Holy Lord Jesus Christ and take full and total responsibility for all of these grievous sins. Holy Lord Jesus I humbly ask you to please accept my sincere repentance. Start repenting until The Lord accepts your sincere repentance. He will tell you he accepts your sincere repentance or give you an acknowledgement. Now ask The Holy Lord Jesus Christ to lift off of your back all of the above mentioned sins and burn them with his holy fire. The Lord will then cover your back with his holy blood and cover you from the top of your head to the tip of your toes with his holy blood.
Cleansing and Purification
Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my heart with your precious blood and holy fire. Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my soul with your precious blood and holy fire. Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my spirit with your precious blood and holy fire. Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my mind and subconscious mind with your precious blood and holy fire. Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my flesh with your precious blood and holy fire. Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify all my record keeping books in heaven with your precious blood and holy fire. Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my robe and gown in heaven with your precious blood and holy fire.
Open Doors
Holy Lord Jesus please break every curse put on me by any and all demonic entities by any witch or warlock or any human being including myself. Please extricate all demonic beings from my person that are affecting my life in any way. Please close all my open doors in my life and in my generational and ancestral lines. Please close all the open doors caused by all my soul ties thru their generational and ancestral lines. Please seal shut all these open doors with your holy blood and holy fire. Please put my soul and my flesh deep into your holy fire that you may cleanse and totally purify me that I may be purged from all sins.
Hedge of Protection
Holy Lord Jesus please grant me a protective hedge as you have granted your servant job (job 1:10) and a protective wall of fire Zechariah (2:5) that the demonic realm has no access to my soul and my flesh. Please put this protective hedge and wall of fire between my flesh here on earth and my soul, spirit, record keeping books and robe and gown in heaven. Holy Lord Jesus I humbly come before you the one true God and beseech you to ask your great and mighty Holy Spirit to please please help to stop me from sinning. Please Holy Lord Jesus grant me your faithful servant this blessing. Holy Lord Jesus please intercedes for me with my Father in heaven and if in your eyes I am worthy to please ask my father to please put my name in the lambs book of life. Please great and mighty Holy Spirit of God help prepare me in repentance and holiness for the imminent coming of The Holy Lord Jesus Christ that I may be found worthy to participate in the wedding supper of the lamb.
Thanksgiving and Praise
Thank you holy Father for your great grace and mercy you have shown all your children on how to prepare for the coming of your son. In Jesus holy name I thank you Holy Father. For we can truly do nothing with out your holy son (john 15:5). Thank you so much Holy Spirit of God for helping us your children prepare for the rapture thank you Holy Spirit. Holy Lord Jesus how can I ever thank you for what you have done for your children you gave your life for us you have interceded time and time again with your Father for us to give us more time to prepare for your coming. I love you Holy Lord Jesus with my whole heart and soul for this extra time you have given us. Children of God time has truly run out. God in his great grace and mercy has now showed us how to prepare for the imminent coming of his holy son The Holy Lord Jesus Christ.
May God have mercy on all our souls.
Soul Ties, How they’re Made, and How to Break Them
Soul Scars, What are They and How to Cleanse Yourself of Them
thank you holy spirit ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i wuold have been lost without father JESUS.
I thank God Almighty for ever coming across this site. When I prayed the prayers, the Holy Spirit took over me and all my body began to shake severly.The experience was awesome.
Praise Master Jesus.
Shalom John,
Thank you for the prayers and they come very handy. May ABBA YHWH protect you and your family in this time and hour seeing that the time is drawing near that the prophetic events will start to be fulfilled in the earth.
Be Blessed my friend and keep watching!!
Dear Brother Chris Lindauer,
I thank Father God that he gave me time to come across this website. When I prayed this prayer, my stomach was getting very tighter and I felt great annointing of the Holy Spirit, my hands when they were open in prayer were shaking. I thank the Holy Spirit for this opportunity he gave me to come to total repentance. I will continue to watch and pray and be prepared for the rapture any moment. God bless u.
I thank my Father God Almighty that he gave me this opportunity to come across this website. When I prayed this prayer of repentance, my stomach was getting very tighter and I felt great annointing of the Holy Spirit, my hands when they were open in prayer were shaking. I thank the Holy Spirit for this opportunity he gave me to come to total repentance. I will continue to watch and pray and be prepared for the rapture any moment.
I thank you my dear Father in Heaven, I am going in my room to lite a candle and repent fully of all my sin, I know Im not worthy of your sweet grace Father, I just want to thank you for sending your Holy son Jesus Christ to the world for all that will recieve him. And bless you for considering my children and my mother and two sisters, as well as Dave! I have been a wretch of a human being and I hate my sin, please bathe me in your holy spirit Father for I have not felt you yet, but my faith is strong and I am ready to do what ever it takes to be clean and Holy, Thank you Lord Jesus I love you more than ever, your daughter Elise.
Dear Larry
I came across these prayers as I was preparing for a prayer of purification before praying for my praise and worship team in my church. Me and two other friends had an agreement to do this together and I was the one sharing the word before we start. The Lord impressed in my spirit that I share about us purifying ourselves before standing in the gab for others so that we may do it in spirit and in truth. Thank you very much that these prayers did not equip me to pray for the rupture but also applicable to the present situation. I thank God Almighty for using you to make such a great difference in my life. May He continue to use you more and more. May He protect you,your family and all your assets, in Jesus name.
Praise you Precious, beautiful, mighty Lord and Savior!
Oh, Father,Thank you for this site and the words of such wonderful assurance that we,after praying will be placed in the Book of Life. Thank you so much, Sweet Jesus for your Holy Spirit and your intersession on our accounts to be with you for eternity. The assurance of our family members that they,too,that there will be intercession that they are written in the Book of Life.
I,too, have not gotten a confirmation,but I have faith and hope in the Rock of my salvation. Thank you,Father for your love,forgiveness and Holy Grace. I will do whatever you would have me do,to be with you. I give you all of me,no matter what the cost,make me righteous and ready for you,Father and to receive confirmation that you have forgiven me all of my sins. I pray to be a vessel to used by you in these days,Father. Thank you for this site,bless Larry and John Baptist for this site and all of your Holy saints and I pray for their protection in these days.
Have mercy Father on our souls,
In Jesus Holy Name I pray
Praise Jesus!
I find myself repenting of sin even in my dreams! So, for those of you who think that it’s safe to have “dirty dreams” even though you don’t act on them, maybe you aren’t living a life that is pleasing to God. If you are living a life that is fully pleasing to God, it WILL blanket your subconsciousness and you WILL have power over the demons that plague the mind!
God bless you all! 🙂
live every day as if it is your last one day you will be surely right
praise jesus
I don’t believe Jesus shakes anyone severely. But when I read that I felt a bit of peace. I was personally shown the rapture in 2006 by Jesus. I was given no dates as Jesus would never give that to anyone because only the Father knows when. I was told that He is coming quickly and to be watchful. I do not understand what was said when one of the comments were to repent of your dreams though. Anyway never the less it was a good prayer. I took this encounter with Jesus regarding the rapture to a sister in Belgium who hears from the Lord. She said that it was prophetic and from the Lord and that He told her I will be alive when the rapture happens. That was 7 years ago and I am still alive. Unless God decides to change His mind and take me Home before that. A 12 year old Indonesian girl was taken out of her body in april this year by Jesus and He showed her Heaven and Hell. He showed her the rapture and told her these words “Time is up”. Jesus told her He will continue to use her until He comes back. If this is true then it is this generation. But I do not know when.
Praise You Holy Lord Jesus. I thank You for my salvation as I have repented of all my
sins past present & future. Help me Father God thru Your Holy Spirit to keep my heart pure, to keep me from sinning & to give me more love for everyone. It is in Jesus Name, the Name above all Names that I pray. Amen
Praise You Holy Lord Jesus. I thank You for my salvation as I have repented of all my sins past present & future. Help me Father God thru Your Holy Spirit to keep my heart pure, to keep me from sinning & to give me more love for everyone. It is in Jesus Name, the Name above all Names that I pray. Amen
Thank you for sharing these wonderful prayers. I have been searching for the right prayers which make an accurate statement of my thoughts and feelings. I was raised a catholic but throughout the years I have left the practices taught to me by my religion, I just felt it wasn’t right, among other things. john baptiste if I may know how to send you an email, could you please send me a message. I have certain things I wish to ask you, so I may start renewing my relationship with God Almighty with more awareness and knowledge, and a sincerity that I truly know will come from my own soul. May our one and only Heavenly Father bless us and enlighten us, in Jesus Name. Amen.
I read about confessing sins from one’s dream. Pls, how can someone sin in their dream?
So the “theory” of understanding goes something like this. If we are properly purified in our hearts (and oh my goodness does this take a lot of time, tears and prayer), AND we have used spiritual warfare to cleans our house of demons using holy oil etc., then we our dreams should also be purified too (clean) and not full of sex and nasty stuff. Sanctification of a saint is not something that happens magically. It takes determination, prayer, seeking God, and changing our life habits. Not opening portals of sex and bad things while watching movies and such. Becoming HOLY means to separate ourselves from the “worldly” stuff like this and spend time in prayer, reading the Bible, and speaking to the Lord and listening for Him to speak to us. This is a PROCESS and can take years of dedication however it is a process that MUST be started in a “true Bride” (e.g. saint) as soon as possible. Please see the link to Demons and Spiritual Warfare Basics https://tribulation-now.org/3685-2/ and keep on praying fervently and repenting to God asking him to purify your heart, your mind, your soul, your flesh and your spirit. Eventually the nasty dreams will subside. This is WAR. God bless you.
I haven’t had a chance to read everything yet, but it makes me so happy that I can ask Jesus to intercede to the Heavenly Father for my family and write their names in the Lamb’s book of life. It makes my day so light and cheery like when I was a kid, playing outside with not a worry in the world. I’ll read the rest very soon, but the beginning was happy enough for me, and especially the one to pray for forgiveness for everything up until the rapture. God knows I always mess up. Thank-you Jesus!
Dear Brother John Baptiste:I thank the Holy Spirit to have lead me to your site! I was
raised Catholic and left a few years back. My sister and daughter have also left. My husband who is a Muslím but loves Jesus I Pray will finally acknowledge I Pray will know that Jesus our Lord is Lord and the one true God and not just another prophet! I also Pray for our daughter Nili that she will stay strong in the Lord and break The strongholds in Jesus ñame I Pray! May the Holy Spirit protect all our souls as we repent all our sins. I Pray for all the brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering for him! Rejoyce and Pray that we are forgiven as our Lord Jesus died for our sins! Lord Jesus come! Amén!
What an opportunity, ever since i got saved in the year 1994 at Mombasa in kenya, i’ve had no idea on such a deep rependancy as revealed here, iam so thankfu now for ian now applying the right application of prayer and rependance over and over, resciting the right prayers of rependance for my family members. Thanks for this revelation. God Bless.
Thank you for these wonderful prayers. Glory be to Our Lord and Savior Christ Jeshuah for he is worthy to give Honor and Praise . LET THE PROMISE OF OUR POWERFULL ALMIGHTY GOD BE FULLFILLED! and may gods holy light be upon us and the whole earth!
Here we are in June 2020. These are wonderful prayers, especially now as we approach the end of time. Verses from the book of truth are now alive and easily interpreted (mostly in Daniel 11). We’re awaiting the abomination of desolation which is likely to occur with this annexation in Israel. Repent while there is still time, be saved from this violent world which will get far worse in the last 2300 days of trumpet and bowl plagues. The best place I’ve found so far is daniel11truth but there are others.