The Great Tribulation / Rapture Timeline
The “Seals” of Revelation Chapter Six and Imminent Events
- First Trumpet through Sixth Trumpet (Rev 8 – 9)
- The Revelation 13 Beast Government is Established (The New World Order)
- God’s Final Act of Wrath – The Bowl / Vial Judgments (Rev 16)
- Finally Jesus Returns with His Saints (The Bride – Revelation 19)
Seals Events Timeline
Please Note: This list was compiled from a large number of A-list prophecies, dreams and visions over years of time. See the confirmation from the YouTube video of Sister Claire below it that just came out April of 2016
- Libya Nukes Israel (Psalms 83)
- Other Nukes (Missiles and Ground) (FOURTH SEAL; ‘on down’)
- Israel -> Iran?
- North Korea -> USA
- Russia -> USA Cities Nuked from Ground
- Financial Collapse (THIRD SEAL)
- Chemical, Biological Attacks
- Disease, Riots, Chaos, Mayhem, Starvation
- EMP Attack (USA and Israel)
- Obama (attempts to) ratifies Israel Peace Deal Jerusalem Split
- (Possible) First Watch Rapture/Evacuation (See Luke 12:37-39; see TD Hale Nov 24, 2012 Dream – Streaks of Light)
- Rodriguez Puerto Rico Meteor Slams Atlantic (SIXTH SEAL)
- US Splits in Half (New Madrid)
- East Coast Tsunami
- California Megaquake (splits into ocean)
- Horrible Winter & Three Days Darkness
- Aliens Arrive (huge round mothership in the sky, seen worldwide)
- Harvest, Glory Light
- Final “RAPTURE” (Second/Third Watch? Luke 12:37-39)
- Final Nuclear Destruction (Babylon the Great)
- > The Rest of “The Great Tribulation” (God’s wrath)
ons of men!
Ps 11:5
5 The Lord tests the righteous,
But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.Ps 33:18-19
Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him,
On those who hope in His mercy,
19 To deliver their soul from death,
And to keep them alive in famine.Ps 34:15
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their cry.Ps 34:9
Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints!
There is no want to those who fear Him.Ps 34:17-18
17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
And delivers them out of all their troubles.
18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,
And saves such as have a contrite spirit.
And in contrast!
Ps 66:18
18 If I regard iniquity in my heart,
The Lord will not hear.
No Relationship, No Help
Next the excerpt again forewarns us that there will be ‘NO HELP’ for those who are currently not seeking God in a close personal relationship.
“If you have not taken time to invest in a relationship with Me, there will be no help for you.”
Woe to Those Who Try to Repent Later
But woe to those who play now and try to repent later!
“The strength of My Word in your spirit will sustain you then, for I will provide for those who come to know Me in this time, but woe to those who play now and try to repent later, for there will be no time to come to know Me in the midst of chaos.”
These are mighty warnings for us all to heed. When these calamities break forth upon this forsaken earth, we will need all the divine protection from the Lord we can get; PRAISE HIS NAME.
The Combined Prophetic Timeline of Events
Here below is a high-level list of events that have been confirmed through various, and in many cases, multiple sources.
- Libya Nukes Israel (Psalms 83)
- Other Nukes (Missiles and Ground)
Israel -> Iran?
North Korea -> USA
Russia -> USA?
- Financial Collapse
- Chemical, Biological Attacks
- Disease, Riots, Chaos, Mayhem, Starvation
- EMP Attack (USA and Israel)
- Horrible Winter (Sixth Seal, mega-quakes, comets, “sun turns black”, three days of darkness)
- Final Harvest, Glory Light upon the Saints
- Final Nuclear Destruction (Babylon the Great)
A Slightly More Detailed Breakout
Here below is a slightly more detailed breakout of these events. Again it is not fully possible to establish this list with any great certainty but it appears these events are all on our immediate horizon.
NORTH KOREA TURNING POINT: N. Korea attacks USA & South Korea / Nuke Ed Dames
US ATTACKS SYRIA: Daniel 11:44-45 Prophecies
FALSE FLAG EVENT: California-New York City Nuke Event(s) / Mega-quake / Martial Law
ISRAEL ATTACKS IRAN: Israel WILL attack Fordow Facility (Tactical Nukes)
THE THIRD SEAL: Financial Collapse, Starts in USA, goes global (Isaiah 19, Shmita year, Sept 2015, ref. Rabbi Cahn)
ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE : “I Shall Silence Mans Machines?” (Godshealer7); and Vision of Maurice Sklar (and more)
OBAMA RATIFIES PEACE DEAL – TD Hale nuclear destruction of US while Obama is President, Earthquakes, Tsunamis
Puerto Rico Comet / Earthquakes Go Global – Ripple Effect Outward / Comets / Tsunamis
THE SIXTH SEAL – Three Days of Darkness / Joel 2 / Isaiah 13, Psalm 91
FINAL HARVEST – Latter rain, manifest sons of God (short duration of time)
Confirmations of these Events
The following is an abbreviated list and presentation of the prophetic and empirical confirmations of these events. By overlaying a large number of prophecies, dreams and visions from a wide number of disparate sources across the last 60 plus years of time, it seems quite likely this series of events may happen in this order. Watch and pray.
Here below are the insights to these events.
As the earth zoomed up into my view, I first saw the whole world, and then various countries. It was made clear to me that in the future there would be wars and troubles, including nuclear attacks in various places of the world, and a view of how it would start was given.I am not familiar with the geography of the world, but as I looked a the various lands before my view I instinctively knew what countries they were. Looking at the Middle East, I watched as a missile flew from Libya and hit Israel. The mushroom cloud that resulted from the blast was visible, and I knew that the missile contained a nuclear bomb. I was aware that those responsible for the missile were Iranian, but the missile had been hidden and fired from within the borders of Libya.
Almost immediately after this, other missiles began flying from one country to another, quickly spreading war around the world. I also saw that many nuclear explosions did not come from missiles but from bombs of some kind on the ground.
(Dr. David Owuor – 2010)
SKOUSEN: Why North Korea is the Trigger Event
Nuclear hit Israel’s Best Option
(The Australian Newspaper Nov 12, 2012)
Only ‘the nuclear option’ Can Work Against Iran, Former IDF Chief Says
(The Times of Israel – Nov 11, 2012)
Dr. David Owuor – Vision – “Nuclear War Coming to Iran”
He sees two nuclear missiles shot into the base of a mountain (the Fordow facility) in Iran and the resulting fire.
April 2013 Webinar with Guest David Herzog and Paul Keith Davis
Infowars – Alex Jones – “Obama Bombshell I Fear Nuke Strike in NYC!
Link to full video HERE
Alert California Golden Gate Bridge Vision (Godshealer7)
Here sister Barbara not only sees the earth split near the Golden Gate but she also sees suspicious military explosive devices near by.
David Wilkerson – An Urgent Message (March 2009)
For ten years I have been warning about a thousand fires coming to New York City. It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires—such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago.
There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting—including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath. In Psalm 11 it is written,
“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (v. 3).
For more see HERE
David Wilkerson – Financial Collapse (Mexico and Macy’s)
David Wilkerson’s prophecy about Mexico. This volcano, when it blows, will cause Mexico’s economy to collapse.
“It is just about to happen very soon; and I am speaking prophetically. If I’ve ever heard anything from God in my life I heard it! About the notions! Poland owes $30 billion and they haven’t even paid the interest in two years! Saudi Arabia is behind on their payments on $8 billion – the richest country in the world as far as Arab states and it is not paying its bills! Very soon a European or North African or Eastern nation is going to default on its international loan and when that happens within two weeks Mexico is going to default. Mexico owes $100 billion – 80% of it to American banks – and here is what is going to happen: About two weeks after the first country goes bankrupt we are going to survive that because most of that money is owed to European banks; German, Swiss and French banks. THe 2nd country is going to go down probably Argentina or Brazil and we will kind of live that out and people will settle down and say “Well maybe its not going to hurt.” But two weeks!
after the first country goes down, Mexico is going to default on $100 billion. And When the banks open the next day at 9:00 am in the morning $15 billion an hour is going to be withdrawn from our American banks. They are going to be running our banks; the Arabs, all the Latin American countries. They are going to be running our banks – and before the day is over the United States is going to have to declare a bank holiday. And we are going into six months of the worst hell America has ever seen! THere is going to be chaos! Not even the National Guard is going to be able to quiet it down. We are going to have to call out the whole United States Army.“Now I’ve had visions recently for I’ve been in New York City and I was in Macy’s in vision and I say people walking around stunned because they couldn’t get their money out the bank. Now I’m going to give you a word of advice. The first country that goes bankrupt, and I’ve documented this and I’ve got it sealed in an envelope and I’m going to call all my friends and I’m telling you – this is the first time I’ve said it in a public meeting like this – but the first country that bellies up you get every dime you have – church get your money out of the bank because you’ve got two weeks because there’s going to be a bank holiday and you won’t be able to get a dime for six months. Now of course, there is going to be order restored, but the nation will never be like it is again. There is going to be fear like we’ve never known. Judgment is at the door!
“When I was at Macy’s department store in a vision and I watched people walking around stunned. They didn’t even know what to do. They didn’t know what was happening. Then a bunch of young people walked into Macy’s and suddenly went wild and began to steal. Within an hour everybody, I saw their sprit, everybody in that store = and they were robbing and stealing. They raped Macy’s and destroyed all five floors of Macy’s. It was raped and ruined in period of an hour or two. That is just the beginning.”
Randy Hecker – A Vision of What’s Coming to America
Aug 13, 2012
Randy“Anyway here goes. The sequence I am watching (as a Watchman of the Lord) begins with Mt. Popocatepetl in Mexico. There will be a sudden very powerful eruption that will blow its lid off. Within hours an 8+ magnitude earthquake will strike Mexico City and virtually level it. Thousands will be killed. Hundreeds of thousands will be injured. And millions will be displaced from their homes. The economy of Mexico, bad as its, will collapse except for precious metal values. There will be anarchy throughout the land.
This event will radically increase pressure on the San Andreas Fault to the north. The fault is locked up in an area from Palm Springs in the south to Palm Dale to the north. HAARP will be used to create a super earthquake in this area. The magnified and duration n of the quake will both be magnified. The earthquake will strike (I believe) in the afternoon either this coming October or the following May. It will occur just after a complete economic meltdown of the American dollar. The magnitude of this quake will reach somewhere between 9.5 and 10.5 and it will last for nearly three minutes. Two to three million people will be killed outright. Millions more will be injured.
The worst part of this is not the earthquake itself but the events that will be associated with it. The ground shock from this quake will cause every other stressed fault within 1,500 to 2,000 miles to release all pent-up stresses. As the ground shockwave moves to the north the Sierra Nevada volcanoes will be triggered, the Cascadia volcanoes, and also the Yellowstone super volcano will also be triggered. This is both a blessing and a curse.
The nation will be so disorganized after this event that martial law will be declared , but it will be completely unenforceable.Two to four days after this earthquake America will be further devastated a nuclear sneak attack on American cities, that will coordinated and started by our own Shadow Government. There will also be some Russia n and Chinese nukes as well. The world will very quickly descend into global thermonuclear war (Gog Magog war).”
“The next thing that came to me was more felt than seen. It was the understanding that shortly after the crashing of the buildings in New York City, commerce ceased. Shopping and buying seemed to stop, and the economy failed **throughout the world**. Few had any money at all, and those who did have it could not buy anything of worth with it. Gold and silver and other commodities had value and could be traded.”
“I then saw a man walk into a middle of a crowd of people and drop what seemed like a quart jar full of liquid. The jar broke and the liquid spread. I understood that people nearby had become infected with a disease from the liquid, and ***they didn’t even know it***.
A day or two later the people became sick and started dying. I saw that this would happen in four particular cities: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake City.The disease started with white blisters, some the size of a dime, appearing the hands, arms and face of the victims. The blisters quickly developed into white puffy sores. Those with the disease would stumble around and fall over dead. Many died within a short time, perhaps 24 hours.”
“I also saw other people with a flu-like virus that spread more quickly than the first disease. The victims had blood coming from their nose, mouth, eyes, and ears. These people died even faster of this disease than the ones who had the first sickness.”
“These diseases became wide-spread across the United States with hundreds of thousands infected.As the people were fleeing the cities in the hope of saving their lives, gangs were attacking them and killing them.
In the towns that were struck with disease there was chaos, with looting, rioting and murders involved in a complete breakdown of society. Many people seemed to go crazy.”
“I sensed that the electricity had failed everywhere and that nothing was running throughout the country, including any of the communication systems. I watched people throw rocks through windows to steal TV’s that would not work and thought it was very strange.
While I watched all this happening in the United States, my view instantly jumped back to the Middle East, and I saw the same thing taking place in Israel. The same sores and the same types of sickness and disease that were plaguing the U.S. had also been unleashed in Israel.The switch in view only lasted an instant, and I was back in the United States.”
I Shall Silence Man’s Machines
(Prophecy – Godshealer7)
Dream “My Understanding Was That it Was an EMP”
(Dream – Godshealer7)
Government Frantically Preparing for an EMP
(John Moore Show 5-28-2014)
For more go HERE
Maurice Sklar Dream
(March 2014)
“Then I saw three giant rocket missiles that took off into the air. Two came from out of the ocean waters, and one came from land and traveled a great distance. All of them blew up in the air one, two, and THREE in the upper atmosphere within five minutes of each other. It was out near space. They were terrible nuclear bombs. But the last one was the biggest and it created a huge mushroom cloud over the Midwest part of America. Then the ground shook and everything just went black. There wasn’t any electric light coming out of any homes. Then candles began to be lit and fires, and a little light was seen.”
(Sixth Seal – Sun Turns Black as Sackcloth of Hair; Rev 6:12-17)
“There was a tremendously long winter that caught everyone by surprise following the siege of sickness. It started early and lasted into the summer months. A famine had begun over the few years leading up to the long winter because of storms, droughts, floods and other plagues that had taken place; and the abnormally long cold period seemed to cause the famine to suddenly increase to its full measure.
In the period of time following the disease, which was quickly followed by the long winter, things started going down hill very quickly. Events piled up one on top of another without any breaks.(SENSE OF TIMING OFF)
My sense of timing was not very clear at this moment; however because I was seeing several things happening all at the same time or very close together.”Note: Because her sense of timing was off, I do not believe the time period that she perceives is accurate and is of a much shorter duration.
Important Note: It is important to note that because Padre Pio is Catholic he believes in such things as praying to Mary and the rosary. These were added to this by PIO. NOT GOD. These are not righteous practices and should be AVOIDED as they are seen by Jesus as “idolatry”. Nevertheless God will in fact use people who are imperfect, PRAISE JESUS.
The following key points are covered in this prophecy:
> God Will Save the Animals
> Evil Angels Sent for Judgment of the Wicked (Joel 2, Isaiah 13)
> Hurricanes of Fire (see TD Hale below)
> Very Cold Night
Pastor TD Hale Dream
November 24, 2012
“I was immediately standing in front of the desk in the Oval Office. Standing in the Oval Office, I was in front of the President. A voice came forth and said, “Weep and howl for the misery that shall come shortly.”
There on the floor of the Oval Office was the eagle I saw him
shoot back in December. He walks from behind that desk with the same smirk I saw on his face and puts his foot on the neck of the eagle. At this point, he picks it up by its head and twists it three times until his head comes off of the body.
At that point that voice said, “The spirit of Rehoboam.” I knew what that meant and I knew it rested upon the President.
The President of the United States was totally dressed in black: suit, tie, shirt, shoes, pants, etc. As I was standing in front of him, looking directly at him, all of a sudden his chest cavity began to open and his heart was exposed. As I was looking at his heart, thick, black, dark mist was swirling around his heart.
At this point he, picked up a gavel which was part wood and part stone. Handle was wood; head of the gavel was stone. He hit a document on the desk and when he did an earthquake hit Washington.
[Note: Possibly the Israel peace agreement splitting Jerusalem]
All of a sudden, I was standing above the White House and saw the earth open and it went toward the Washington Monument, then toward the Jefferson Memorial.
At that point, an odd-color rain started falling, the color of fire.[Note: ref. Hurricane of fire Padre Pio] It started slowly coming down and intensified little by little until the waters started rising; the starting point was Washington, D.C.
As the waters started rising, I went up a little higher into the atmosphere and saw the map of the United States. The waters left Washington and began to flood the nation. I saw it hit MD, WV, OH, MI, KY, IN, SC and on and on until it covered America. On the document on the desk of the President was written, “The Final Abomination.”
I began to hear screams across the nation, as if it was a mournful sound. I thought of Noah and what it must have been like for the people outside of the Ark as the flood waters came in and they knew they had not listened to Noah or the voice God gave to them to speak. The screams were as if their lives were over and there was no hope.
As I was still in the air, and I am going to try and explain this as best I can, I saw America in this state of being covered with flood waters and then, all of a sudden, I saw beams of light quickly coming out of the flood waters like a speed of light quickly going up into the air. Millions it looked like but at that moment I was taken above the earth and then I saw it around the world. Possibly they were the prayers of the saints.
[Note: I believe this is the rapture, this happens just prior to Russia destroying the United States with a nuclear attack, Rev. 18, Jeremiah 51]
After this point, now I was back to the earth, as if I was back to the beginning of all of this. I heard a voice say, “The shifting has begun!” At this point, I was looking over top of megachurches and, like a flash, a voice said, “A breeding ground for sin. The people know not Me but play around their calf.” (I know that as we enter into the “time of the end” it will not be large churches but home meetings of where the saints will gather in secret where God will abide and speak in the last days because of the persecution that will come upon this generation.)
Then, at this point, I was looking again at homes of people I knew loved and served God. I saw the homes of men and women who were gathered together, praying in deep prayers across the nation and a voice that said, “The season is upon the nation. Because you have set the abomination before my eyes, I will set judgment before yours! When will these things be?” said the voice, “After he will be sworn in.””
As Israel is Separated America Will Be Separated
(Heed the Message – Annie Nelson)
“Explosions and dividing of the land will ensue from the Gulf of Mexico up to the Great Lakes – Oh America. Today is the day of salvation! ”
As Israel is being separated, I shall separate your land, America.
Then I saw another series of tremendous earthquakes all over the world. But they were not many, separate earthquakes, rather it was all part of one gigantic earthquake that shook the entire earth. Because of this earthquake waters overflowed their boundaries onto land all over the world. There were again huge walls of water along all of the coastal regions. This earthquake and the walls of water made the earlier ones seem small by comparison. I am not sure if the earthquake that split the United States in two was a part of this worldwide quake or not.
(More Sixth Seal)Next I saw a mighty wind come upon wind come upon the earth. As the wind hit, I saw people go into caves and into the cracks of rocks to try to escape its fury. It appeared to be stronger than any hurricane or tornado. It seemed that everything that had been left was now blown away.I understood, without asking, that the great worldwide earthquake and the mighty wind were somehow caused by a huge planet-like object, that had come very close to the earth and had disrupted everything. It was also made clear to me that it was very near the “end” when this happened.
Biblical Confirmations
50:1 And in those days there will be a change for the holy and chosen, and the light of the days will dwell over them, and glory and honor will be turned over to the holy.
50:2 And on the day of trouble, evil will gather over the sinners, but the just will over come through the name of the Lord of the spirits; and he will show it to the others, that they may repent, and cease the work of their hands.Isa 60:1-3
60 Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the Lord will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.
3 The Gentiles shall come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising.
“As I was viewing the cities of light, my focus changed, and I became aware of missiles being launched and hitting U.S. cities. I watched as mushroom clouds started forming over many areas of the United States. Some of the clouds came from missiles that I knew were fired from Russia, and others were not from missiles at all, but from bombs that were already in the United States. These latter bombs had been hidden in trucks and in cars driven to certain locations and then detonated. I specifically saw Los Angeles, Los Vegas, and New York City hit with bombs. New York City was hit with a missile, but I think that Los Angeles was hit by at least one truck bomb, if not several, because I didn’t see any missile. I also saw a mushroom cloud from north of Salt Lake City, but without the aid of a missile. “
AA Allen’s 1954 Vision of the USA being Attacked by Nukes
(Please Note: He sees the nukes coming out of the water like fish leaping. In 1954 there were no such things as submarine launched ballistic missiles)
“(…) Then suddenly I saw from the Atlantic and from the Pacific, and out of the Gulf, rocket-like objects that seemed to
come up like fish leaping out of the water. High into the air they leaped, each headed in a different direction, but every one towards the U.S. On the ground, the sirens screamed louder. And up from the ground I saw similar rockets begin to ascend. To me, these appeared to be interceptor rockets although they arose from different points all over the U.S. However, none of them seemed to be successful in intercepting the rockets that had risen from the ocean on every side. These rockets finally reached their maximum height, slowly turned over, and fell back toward the earth in defeat. Then suddenly, the rockets which had leaped out of the ocean like fish all exploded at once.
The explosion was ear- splitting. The next thing which I saw was a huge ball of fire. The only thing I have ever seen which resembled the thing I saw in my vision was the picture of the explosion of the H-bomb in the South Pacific. In my vision, it was so real I seemed to fell a searing heat from it. As the vision spread before my eyes, and I viewed the widespread desolation brought about by the terrific explosions, I could not help thinking, “While the defenders of our nation have quibbled over what means of defense to use, and neglected the only true means of defense, faith and dependence upon the true and living God, the thing which she greatly feared has come unto her! How true it has proven that Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain. Psalm 127
Then as the noise of the battle subsided, to my ears cam this quotation from Joel, the second chapter, Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain:let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.”
END A A Allen’s Vision
Pastor Dimitru Duduman – America will Burn
Vision of Russian Submarine Launched Nuclear Attack
(Henry Gruver – Prophecy Club)
Pastor TD Hale – The US is Nuked While Obama is in the White House
More Sixth Seal, Fire Balls, Comets, Fires
“In the darkness I also saw little fireballs. I’m not sure if this happened just before or during the mushroom clouds. The balls fell from the sky, were of different sizes – most being the size of golf balls – and were very hot. There were millions of them. As they fell from the sky they left streaks of flame and smoke behind them. Everything they touched started on fire: people, buildings, trees, or grass. Everything burned. I didn’t ask what they were or where they had come from because by this time I was sick because of the scene before me, and so I observed without asking many questions.
(part of nuclear war)At almost the same time and in the same locations as the mushroom clouds, I saw Russian and Chinese troops invading the United States. The Russians were parachuting at many spots along the Eastern Coast; I also saw them parachuting in Utah. Chinese troops were invading from the West Coast near Los Angeles. They were met with resistance from those who had survived the disease and bombs. I did not see any United States military there at that time.The invasion was part of the nuclear war that I had seen earlier, and I knew that similar events were taking place all over the world as I had seen previously.
I did not see much of this war, but was impressed that it was short in duration and the Russian and Chinese armies lost and left. No explanation regarding how or why was received.Now the smoke became very heavy, dark and thick.
Just as things appeared to be as bad as they could get, the earth began to quake. This occurred during a winter, seemingly the winter that followed the very long one I had seen earlier. The chaos had existed for almost a full year by this time.
The earthquakes began in the west, around Idaho and Wyoming, and then quickly spread in every direction. I saw a huge earthquake hit Utah, and then California. There were earthquakes all over California, but they were especially devastating in the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas. San Francisco appeared to turn upside down.”
The Joe Brandt Dream of 1937
- Happens at 4:30 PM Pacific Time
- Smell of Sulfur in the Air
- Land appears to fall off into the Ocean
- Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam) Collapses
- Affects parts of Nevada / Utah
- Flooding (tsunamis) inland (East Coast)
- Earthquake affects Other parts of the Word
For the entire Dream click HERE
These are JUST the events that occur PRIOR to (or immediately after) the Rapture of the Bride. These are the events (cataclysms) of the SEALS of Revelation 6. What is coming after this is the most horrible time the earth has ever seen.
I hope you choose to seek the Lord now with all your heart, get the SIN out of your life, practice righteousness (1 John 3:7) and aspire to be a WISE VIRGIN (Matthew 25) OR you will most likely be “left behind” for the GREAT TRIBULATION which includes the Trumpet Judgments, the Beast Government (Mark of the Beast and guillotines) AND the Bowl Judgments / Armageddon.
Eph 5:27
(…) that He [Jesus] might present her [The Bride] to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.
Thank you! That is all i can say. We all need to stand together as one in Christ jesus , our Lord and Savior. Amen
My name is Yunus, me and my two colleagues, Rev. Jopie Rattu Ph.D. and Mr. Sridadi Atyanto, Ph.D. are studying the endtimes subject and have published some writings that can be found and freely download at
We are thankful to our Lord Jesus to have discovered many things, some of which are: the fulfillment of 4 Jewish holy days, which is the feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, feast of Tabernacles and Hanukkah that occur precisely on the holy days with the same meaning. Other than that, we are also surprised that our timeline of the End of Times have the same sequence as was explained by Jesus Christ, all in the gospel Mathew, Mark, or Luke.
Soli Deo Gloria.
Jesus tells us his bride will not suffer through the temptation yea even the hour there of…. in other words we, the church, the bride, will be gone before the tribulation and time of temptation. Will return with him in his second coming and will be a part of his mighty army. His church will not suffer.
Love in Christ
the bot
Sorry brother. The scripture you are referring to is
Rev 3:10-11
Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.
This is referring to the Great Tribulation not the pre-trib rapture belief of a “Tribulation Period” which does not exist in the Bible and is created in reference to Daniels 70th week by the pre-trib folks God help them. They will not be ready. I used to be one of them. Lord have mercy; so many unprepared.
We have to be watching and ready , for what? the Bridegroom comes suddently, the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night, sudden destruction comes to them.
Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by. See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling
to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer.
Isaiah 26.20-21
please ad my name to your mailing list
gotchya God bless you
I love site been putting pieces together for years and warning everyone ,,,, this september 2015 will be very big as so many events will unfold. I put the 49 weeks and 1967 together yrs ago to give me a target date. Also, been studying rev 12:1-6 that event has a date of September 23, 2017 on nasa sites it only happens in the heavens every 7,000 yrs. If this is in the middle of book and then the devil is thrown to earth with 1/3 of the stars ( fallen angels) this lines up with Israel fleeing into desert to Petra.
A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this inrftmaoion.
I have learned a lot from the website and I find it fascinating. I have two separate comments/questions:
Has even one, just one person had a clear prophecy that was accurate and proven?
Even I have had a visions and dreams, but I am not presumptuous to assume it is prophetic. False prophets abound.
Secondly, some visions makes a mockery of the gospel by saying ‘if you are not holy enough you cannot be saved’ – since when was salvation based on our holiness? Is it not based on Christ’s holiness and our faith in Him? How holy is holy enough? Noone can live a sinless life, so which sins exactly will makes us be ‘left behind’.
Any willful and habitual sin will make you be “left behind”. I beg you to read your Bible and stop listening to the churches. Why not just start by reading 1 John. Then read 1 and 2 Peter.
Here is a peak at what you should be studying:
1 John 3:4-8
Sin and the Child of God
4 Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. 5 And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. 6 Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.
7 Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. 8 He who sins is of the devil,
Amen Brother Johnny
Great website. I do believe the Lord will come in our lifetime, though I don’t like to be certain with dates as I was disappointed a number of times before.
It appears that such an infinitesimal number of people will be saved. What hope is there left? As I read your website, it makes me look at the church and even myself and say I am not living a holy enough life and deep down I recognise and see I do not love God with ALL my strength, heart and mind. It terrifies me but I don’t see anything in me turned fully from sin. I want to be one of the wise virgins prepared for His coming.
I do believe in what Christ has done for me and praise the Lord for his blessings often. I am transformed only a little. I do go to church, pray earnestly, read my bible and think often of the Lord and my salvation. But I also enjoy tv and movies and watch things I know are even blasphemous. I believe in astrology and psychic abilities (even though I know they are fully demonic) and have visited both astrologer and psychic AFTER I came to Christ. I repented in that I didn’t do it again but I still think it was helpful for that moment in my life. Ironically both talked about how important my faith is.
I sin every day. Just today, I lied(deliberate exaggerations), stole (well I stole by omission by not paying for a 5c plastic bag), was deliberately mean (joke on my colleague) and had lustful and angry thoughts.
If trusting in Christ for salvation doesn’t save me unless I have personal holiness by not sinning as you say in your above comment, then I am doomed and I see no way forward. I cry out to the Lord to save me, fix me and help me to love him more than anything – yet here I am – totally confused and hopeless. If our holiness saves us then why did Jesus die in the first place? I am so confused about the gospel – I am sure this is some demonic confusion.
If only a handful of people are chosen to be His, and if I am clearly not one of them – what should I do? I can only say God have mercy on me.
The problem is brother you simply do not fear God. You are counting on the Father “cutting you a break”. What you need to do is listen to “23 Minutes in Hell” by Bill Weiss and understand this is for keeps. No second chance. No whoopsie daisy. If you are willing to toss away what God has laid before you by the suffering of His son because you want to or choose to sin willfully then all I can say is brother God help you.
Rev 21:8
8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
Amen Brother Johnny God bless you for all you do, not only for Jesus, but for us also! Hallelujah
Do not lose hope. The fact that you are deeply contemplating your salvation is a big indication of the Holy Spirit working in your life. You clearly believe in Christ and are struggling with sin. That is the same for ALL Christians. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar (see 1 John!).
Sanctification is a process – you are not magically transformed into a sinless person but you will become a person who sins less. If through the Holy Spirit we are suddenly made into people that don’t ever want to sin – then Paul wouldn’t have needed to write any letters to the church or to keep encouraging people. Just take it one day at a time and ask the Lord to help you. He will! It takes time to see fruit. Just try taking little steps of faith every day – get rid of things in your life you know are a big distraction – one at a time. God will give you the ability to overcome.
Do not listen to false gospels of faith + you keeping up your ‘holiness’. You can see the ‘fruit’ of that belief by the extremely unloving/ uncaring response you just received. Your holiness does not save you – it is God’s grace through your faith.
There is so much hope in Christ. I am praying for you.
I agree with Matt brother. Hang in there and keep seeking God. Do not give up. But understand you CAN do it and the stakes are high.
Because I was firm in my point does not make it unloving or uncaring. The only reason I answered you at all is because I do love you and I don’t want you to fail. The church today placates people and removes their personal responsibility to overcome.
But Matt is right.
You CAN do this and God loves you and Jesus WILL help you. Don’t give up.
You can email me at [email protected] and I will pray and work with you.
God bless you
Thank you so much for the information. I like to share my dream which i had very long time back…….in the dream i saw years in the calender was rolling down and i see few persons dyeing …..calender rolling 2013..2014….2015 and stoped at 2017……I personally believe year 2017 is God appointed year……we need to wait and see…….
thanks for this internet page about the end times.
Have you seen a video from the prophecy club with
Ken Peters. I saw the Tribulation.
God bless you.
Every year since World War 2, practically, you pentecostal and evangelical idiots have been predicting the end. Every year its gonna happen. For sure. That many websites have bitten the dust over the last decade especially of doomsday endtimes predictors, with the sure and certain day of judgment known without doubt, which have come, gone, and proved false time and time again. Will you guys ever get over your bullshit?
Brother I say this out of love and hope for you. At this point you do not have a hope of making it into heaven. I pray you wake up and start reading your bible before its too late. Normally I don’t post comments like this, but brother you have little hope unless you repent and change because comments like this are demonstrative of who we are NOT to be as Christians. God bless you I pray you heed this warning.
I sometimes come to this website but I just wish one or two of these type of websites would just admit that all the date setting is ridiculous and everyone is wrong. There is NOT ONE person I have seen who is a true prophet. Clue: a true prophet NEVER gets it wrong. All the indicators of a rapture in April 2015, September 2015, October 2015, got replaced by dates further out. Well I would at least be smart enough to pretend the rapture is happening in 2099 – that way, I would be long dead before I make a fool of myself by getting it wrong.
I would not be surprised if demons are having a whale of a time with all of you, messing with your heads – giving you visions and feelings and ‘dates’. A lot of this stuff is DEMONIC, not from the Holy Spirit. This type of thing spreads confusion – that is not what the Holy Spirit does.
Instead of focusing on loving others and preaching the gospel properly – you denigrate it by making Christians look like red neck Americans with little education who believe in conspiracy theories. That is not Christianity. I think that all the focus on the ‘end time’ is a selfish indulgence by people not content with what the Lord has given them.
All I can do is pray for you.
Actually brother you really have no idea what you are talking about. Before you speak you should read and study your Bible. Please consider repenting of your sins of judging people before God and in public.
Deuteronomy 18:22 makes it clear that even good prophets will sometimes prophetically weave in “presumptions” (read it please), and 1 Thess 5 clearly states that you “brethren are not of the darkness” (…) that “this day should overtake you as a thief. Moreover James 4:11 warns us that we are in sin when we judge a fellow brother or sister.
You have a lot of praying to do brother God bless you
We all do
Lord have mercy on our souls.
Well put. Amen!
Donald Trump is the man of perdition! He doesn’t believe in forgiveness nor asked God to forgive him for anything because he feels he’s never committed a sin. His soul is more susceptible to be taken over by the enemy because he feels that he doesn’t need God. It’s more difficult for a rich man to enter unto the kingdom of heave than it for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle. His becoming president will signal the beginning of sorrows for the US and world.
The beginning of sorrows has already begun I believe. However, what you said about Trump could be correct.
Blessings Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus, I am just a baby in my walk with the Lord Jesus, I Love our Lord and Saviour, I must confess I am not in His word daily and often get discouraged with my quick temper.
Yes, Jesus said watch… Fill your lamps… on this we are in agreement.
Pre, post or mid trib is not known dogmatically, But I we all can agree we will be raptured pre-wrath.
The heavy cloud of judgement groes daily, abortion, same sex marriages, our Father has hardened hearts and given reprabate minds… theres no turning back!
May God put a hedge of protection around you Brothers & Sisters, put on the full armor of God!
Please pray for me & I will pray for you! …One day we will open our eyes and Jesus will welcome us… Well done good and faithful servant!
With Love your brother….joey
I agree but I just want to know what ever happened to the 2012 rapture predictions?
I love the site very well and it gives me more current informations about end of the world.thanks
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
The Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ has begun!
The Return of Our Lord is an Act of Justice, Love, and Mercy!
The Judgment is Everlasting : Eternal Peace is coming!
Great and Holy Thursday, March 24th, 2016 A.D., is the 1,290th day of Daniel 12:11.
Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D., is the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12 (Malachi 4:5).
The First Year of Judgment began September 1, 2015 A.D. (the Final Day of Indiction) and the following First Sunday of Advent.
The warning sign for the Three Days of Darkness is November 16, 2016 A.D., the beginning of the Leonid meteor shower.
The final window for the Three Days of Darkness is November 24th through November 26th, 2016 A.D.
The First Sunday of Advent, November 27th, 2016 A.D., is the Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5), the Day of the Great Illumination, the Day of Triumph for the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the conversion of Russia, the end of World War III, and the fulfillment of the 2,300 day cleansing period of Daniel 8:14.
It is the day foretold that the world would be saved through Our Lady’s Brown Scapular and Holy Rosary.
Satan and his minions have been cast into hell (to be temporarily released during the Three Days of Darkness).
During the countdown to the fulfillment of Daniel 12:12 which was, is, and shall forever be, Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D., I began to include the 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14 as equating to the same date, including any future blessing with the blessing of Daniel 12:12.
The Lord was leading me to the 1,335th day but was going to give me a break and he didn’t want me to forget the final computation to the end.
So the counting for those 2,300 days began August 11, 2010 A.D., which is completed by the First Sunday of Advent for the Second Year of the Judgment, November 27, 2016 A.D.
Recently there has been a rise in articles regarding the Three Days of Darkness.
A warning sign 8 (eight) days prior is due to come so that all may prepare : November 16, 2016 A.D., the beginning of the Leonid meteor shower.
November 23, 2016 A.D. is also supposed to be exceptionally cold.
The Three Days of Darkness are November 24th through the 26th, 2016 A.D.
A passing of a soul to eternal life was necessary each for the interpretation of the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12 and the Three Days of Darkness.
Regular updates to the countdown to the Three Days of Darkness :