A Vision of What the Bride Will Experience
During the ….
A Vision of The Bride During the Three Days of Darkness
Isa 60:1-3
Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the Lord will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.
3 The Gentiles shall come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising.
Isa 26:20-21
Take Refuge from the Coming Judgment
20 Come, my people, enter your chambers,
And shut your doors behind you;
Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,
Until the indignation is past.
21 For behold, the Lord comes out of His place
To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;
The earth will also disclose her blood,
And will no more cover her slain.
But WAIT where in the Bible does it speak of the “three days of darkness”.
You have to understand types and shadows to understand the “three day” duration attribute. The darkness occurs during the Sixth Seal in Revelation 6:12
Rev 6:12
And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair,
The “three day duration” is hinted at by Jesus here:
Matt 12:39-40
“An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was ** three days ** and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Ex 10:21-23
The Ninth Plague: Darkness
21 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, darkness which may even be felt.” 22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and there was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt ** three days ***.
Its important to note that …
Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.
Eccl 1:9
9 That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun.
God bless you
3 Days of Darkness, Transformation, Last Revivals and Rapture
Padre Pio’s Vision of the Three Days of Darkness
Comment: God uses imperfect people, or He would have no one to use; so disregard / avoid the Catholic stuff (e.g. holy candles, Rosary and Hail Mary stuff ) but pay attention to the information.
JANUARY 28, 1950
Keep your windows well covered. Do not look out. Light a blessed candle, which will suffice for many days. (…) Make acts of Spiritual Communion, also acts of love, which are so pleasing to Us. Pray with outstretched arms, or prostrate on the ground, in order that many souls may be saved. Do not go outside the house. Provide yourself with sufficient food. The powers of nature shall be moved and a rain of fire shall make people tremble with fear. Have courage! I am in the midst of you.
FEBRUARY 7, 1950
Take care of the animals during these days. I am the Creator and Preserver of all animals as well as man. I shall give you a Few signs beforehand, at which time you should place more food before them. I will preserve the property of the elect, including the animals, for they shall be in need of sustenance afterwards as well. Let no one go across the yard, even to feed the animals–he who steps outside will perish! Cover your windows carefully. My elect shall not see My wrath. Have confidence in Me, and I will be your protection. Your confidence obliges Me to come to your aid.
The hour of My coming is near! But I will show mercy. A most dreadful punishment will bear witness to the times. My angels, who are to be the executioners of this work, are ready with their pointed swords! They will take special care to annihilate all those who mocked Me and would not believe in My revelations.
Hurricanes of fire will pour forth from the clouds and spread over the entire earth! Storms, bad weather, thunderbolts and earthquakes will cover the earth for two days. An uninterrupted rain of fire will take place! It will begin during a very cold night. All this is to prove that God is the Master of Creation. Those who hope in Me, and believe in my words, have nothing to fear because I will not forsake them, nor those who spread My message. No harm will come to those who are in the state of grace and who seek My (…) protection.
That you may be prepared for these visitations, I will give you the following signs and instructions: The night will be very cold. The wind will roar. After a time, thunderbolts will be heard. Lock all the doors and windows. Talk to no one outside the house. Kneel down before a crucifix, be sorry for your sins, and beg (…) protection. Do not look during the earthquake, because the anger of God is holy! Jesus does not want us to behold the anger of God, because God’s anger must be contemplated with fear and trembling.
Those who disregard this advice will be killed instantly. The wind will carry with it poisonous gases which will be diffused over the entire earth. Those who suffer and die innocently will be martyrs and they will be with Me in My Kingdom.
Satan will triumph! But after three nights, the earthquake and fire will cease. On the following day the sun will shine again. angels will descend from Heaven and will spread the spirit of peace over the earth. A feeling of immeasurable gratitude will take possession of those who survive this terrible ordeal-the impending punishment-with which God has visited the earth since creation.
I have chosen souls in other countries too, such as Belgium, Switzerland. Spain, who have received these revelations so that other countries also may be prepared. Pray much during this Holy Year of 1950. (…) Soon a more terrible catastrophe shall come upon the entire world, such as never before has been witnessed, a terrible chastisement never before experienced! The war of 1950 shall be the introduction to these things.
How unconcerned men are regarding these things! which shall so soon come upon them, contrary to all expectations. How indifferent they are in preparing themselves for these unheard of events, through which they will have to pass so shortly!
The weight of the Divine balance has reached the earth! The wrath of My Father shall be poured out over the entire world! I am again warning the world through your instrumentality, as I have so often done heretofore.
The sins of men have multiplied beyond measure: Irreverence in Church, sinful pride committed in sham religious activities, lack of true brotherly love, indecency in dress, especially at summer seasons…The world is filled with iniquity.
This catastrophe shall come upon the earth like a flash of lightning at which moment the light of the morning sun shall be replaced by black darkness! No one shall leave the house or look out of a window from that moment on. I Myself shall come amidst thunder and lightning. The wicked shall behold My Divine Heart. There shall be great confusion because of this utter darkness in which the entire earth shall be enveloped, and many, many shall die from fear and despair.
Those who shall fight for My cause shall receive grace from My Divine Heart; and the cry: “WHO IS LIKE UNTO GOD!” shall serve as a means of protection to many. However, many shall burn in the open fields like withered grass! The godless shall be annihilated, so that afterwards the just shall be able to stand afresh.
On the day, as soon as complete darkness has set in, no one shall leave the house or look from out of the window. The darkness shall last a day and a night, followed by another day and a night, and another day–but on the night following, the stars will shine again, and on the next morning the sun shall rise again, and it will be SPRINGTIME!!
In the days of darkness, My elect shall not sleep, as did the disciples in the garden of olives. They, shall pray incessantly, and they shall not be disappointed in Me. I shall gather My elect. Hell will believe itself to be in possession of the entire earth, but I shall reclaim it!
Do you, perhaps, think that I would permit My Father to have such terrible chastisements come upon the world, if the world would turn from iniquity to justice? But because of My great love, these afflictions shall be permitted to come upon man. Although many shall curse Me, yet thousands of souls shall be saved through them. No human understanding can fathom the depth of My love!
Pray! Pray! I desire your prayers. (…) The devastation shall be very great! But I, Your God, will have purified the earth. I am with you. Have confidence!
I am a Christian, but I am not Catholic. The Lord recently gave me a dream in which I was shown the Church being raptured from the earth and great darkness (the blackest black) came upon the earth. It was the darkest atmosphere I have ever seen on the earth. The sun’s rays of light were not even penetrating the thickness of the clouds covering the entire globe like a heavy blanket. It also was the scariest evil I have ever felt in my soul. All sense of God’s love and goodness had been removed from mankind. I have never felt so frightened about what I sensed was coming to the world. Electricity wasn’t working at this point in my dream…no sunlight reaching the earth and no way of creating light. I saw people (I assume in America) drowning when giant tsunami waves came inland and engulfed them…like whole areas of land basically going into the ocean… I woke up with the Lord warning me that I am still not yet ready, (He seemed very upset about that, due to His amazing love) and with Him reminding me in my spirit that it is, indeed, now or never.
In 2012 I had 2 separate dreams about the coming 3 days of darkness. I knew something was going to happen with the sun and there would be physical darkness for 3 days. I knew it was supernatural, from God himself, but no one around me knew. They thought a storm was coming. 3 things I knew in my dreams were that 1. I needed to get myself home to hunker down there, 2. I HAD to be with my husband and kids at all costs, and 3. we had to light a candle and say the Lord’s Prayer. Praise be to God for showing his people these signs and wonders! Our God is SO GOOD!
I had a dream about a giant tsunami hitting the area where i live.shortly after that the lord spoke to me about getting life right with him. And to warn other c
It’s going to happen for sure.
i had a vision- dream. in this dream i and people were outside in the streets. suddenly as i looked around there were dark oceans of black clouds surrounding us all. i could see a giant tsunami wave coming in a distance. i kept hearing the word PRAY . suddenly i felt fearful and the ocean was coming directly at us all. in my dream i had a newspaper in my hand looking for the weather report of what was about to occur. when suddenly i looked up and the water was right there so quickly. there was no place to hide. i could feel death and fear. The words PRAY were mentioned i believe 3 times in my dream. i think the newspaper met that there would be no signs for a generation seeking to find why this is taking place. That we must pray! Now is the Time! Our Jesus is merciful but in these last days we must be alert and watchful!
Where exactly did you see this Tsunami…was it on the East coast or the West coast….???
When that meteor hits the earth, the entire earth will rock to and fro like a drunkard (Isa 24) and it will created a super-megaquake all over the entire world horribly impacting 240 countries worldwide. There will be tsunamis all over the world. Imainge like someone picking up the earth and shaking it. Massive global event. The resulting tsunami of the meteor impact will travel some 500 + mph and (according to some accounts) be several hundred feet high. 22 million people will perish on the East Coast of the USA. However make no mistake, Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Russia, China …. all the countries of the world will be absolutely devastated. Remember that brick houses and buildings crumble during earthquakes.
Yes it will come. But Almighty Father God Will KEEP US safe.
About 8 month ago, I had a dream. My dream started on the farm where I grew up in South Dakota. We went outside in our yard because of some disturbance, and I noticed that in the distance, to my right, which would have been to the east, was what looked like a giant pillar cloud that was so perfect. The form of this cloud looked like it was manmade. This cloud went from the earth to the sky. When it touched the sky, it looked almost like one of those mushroom clouds you would see when an atomic explosion goes off. The form of this cloud was awesomely large and like I said, almost too perfect to be part of nature. My attention was drawn to a hot air balloon that was floating from the west, headed toward our farm. There was a man who was riding in this hot air balloon, and the balloon was black, and the rider had a scowl on his face and he was dressed in all black as well. As the balloon approached where we were, I noticed that he was dropping out leaflets of paper. The papers looked small and had some sort of message on them. As they were fluttering down to the ground, this man had what looked like a windex squeeze bottle in his hand. As the papers left the balloon, he was squirting the papers as they floated to the ground. I was concerned, because as they floated, they were headed toward us and many other people, and I became very concerned for my children. The dream ended, and the Lord gave me an interpretation: The perfect cloud is a manmade catastophe, that evil men are planning to bring to the world. The rider in the black bolloon is the devil. He is spreading his lies which is just “Hot Air”, and his propaganda to try to deceive those below regarding this catastophe. After this catastrophe, no motorized vehicles will work, and even the devil will be limited, as even he had to resort to a balloon for transportation. If the lies on the paper were not bad enough the devil was squirting the papers with more poison, just to make sure the lies will work, and so as to deceive even the elect if that were possible. As believers, we must be aware of the poison and propoganda being waged by the devil and his agents.
Padre Pio was a saint who had God given supernatural powers for the purpose of spreading God’s word through the church.
Why would God give Padre Pio a message in 1950 about three days of darkness for the purpose of warning people who would not live to see it?
Because that is EXACTLY how our Heavenly Father does things.
They told an entire generation that would be there to see it… They may have died but anyone 10 year of age and up could still be living now…. and they have heard of it… They are not dead yet,at least not all of them
I had a dream I was sitting in a beach with two women from church. It was night. I was dusting off this antique decoration of the earth. It had Satan hovering to the right of it looking like a miestro of an orchestra. I said “Satan is casting spells over the earth.” Then I liked in the sky to see the sun and moon at the same time looking pale and beautiful. Then I liked back at the decoration and sang “down came the rain and washed the spider out” (meaning Satan) and with that a huge wave came over me. I was tumbling under the waves, but I could breath. I was thinking I had to stay above the water. I was washed onto the beach and I saw lights coming at me, thinking they were people coming. But when I opened my eyes again it was a black dog with red eyes snarling at me and I realized there were no people around to help me. Any thoughts on this dream??
God gives me a prophetic poem every year. This is what He gave for:
This is a time of great tribulation upon this earth
There will be much turbulence throughout the world.
Havoc will take place suddenly without warning.
Many are not prepared for what will come forth
throughout the nations.
Have I not said that in the last days there will be
wars and rumors of war?
Pestilence, famine, brother against brother,
devastation throughout the land?
There will be a window of opportunity
for those seeking My face and a great revival
will break out bringing in the third Great Awakening.
I am calling out to My people, “Arise and shine
for the glory of the Lord has risen upon thee.”
Signs, wonders, and miracles will abound
upon those who are willing to pay the price.
You will see the blinded eyes open, the deaf hear, and the lame walk.
This is the time to get in your prayer closet.
Rid yourself of hypocrisy, lethargy “in the spirit.”
I will loose My angels to protect those in dangerous places.
Many shall come into My kingdom that you would least expect!
This will be a time of great rejoicing in the spirit.
But also a time of great perplexity!
Sudden changes will happen to the earth.
There will be a great shaking in the natural and in the spiritual!
My people must meet in their prayer closets.
Repent and press into a deeper place in me.
I am calling unity in the body.
There’s no big I’s and little U’s
Humble yourself down if you’re walking in pride or I will bring you down.
I am a jealous God and will not share My glory with anyone.
You will pull down the strongholds and walk forth
into a new dimension of My Holy Spirit, saith the Lord
(Given to Rose McCoy by the Holy Spirit 1-13-15)
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good; that put darkness for light,
and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Jeremiah 10:10 But the Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king:
at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.
God has been showing me warnings sack cloth asbes and repentance.
He showed me how Islam was deceived so was muhammed by tge devil distorting gods words.
He sbowex me Judism and Abraham to bless Israel and Israels people
He showed me America devided and many dying war famine and disease
He showed me the book of lambs those who are gods live again
Speak out against evil sins are sins God is fear wrath for sinners but he has mercy if you honestly believe
Re read the bible pray in all you do
Gods people have been decieved by many pastors priests and pope franciz god says he Goes against Gods words also Obama Goes against God and blaztphimed Jesus.
God says bis words are true now all shall bare withnesz repent in sack clotb and ashes before it is too late,,,All must,
Could it be that the asteroid (prophecy from Efrain Rodriguez) will cause 3 days of darkness? And with it big earthquakes (West Coast going into the Ocean for its sins, splitting of the USA at the New Madrid Fault Line because of their treatment of Israel), tsunamis, pestilence, and then we have the Russians or/and Chinese coming in.
All this sounds like the opening of the seals (earthquakes, famine, wars, pestilence, etc.).
Jesus warned us in Matthew 24 of what is to come before HIS coming.
Absolutely the Rodriguez comet is in fact that which causes the Three Days of Darkness. Yep.
My dream was a yr ago in a few days. I was 37 and living a life where I was not communicating with my earthy father, Peter Krump. It was a simple dream. I and two vultures circled my father in the air. I was deeply saddened because I didn’t know if I was also a vulture. You see, I could not observe myself. I could look at the 2 Ravens and see the 3 of us in flight were in a triangle flying in a clockwise direction. I set my heart at that moment. I asked God to give me the strength to tear those two fucking Ravens limb from limb when we all landed. Dad died of a brain aneurism 30 days later, impossible for me to call. He sent me a letter dated “About mid September 2014,” Dad NEVER used this date method on letters. He died a poly mathematician.
That WAS the dream. About mid September, 2014 that night I was deeply troubled. I asked my wife to help with my dream and she said, “Just call your dad.” Maybe it meant something to him? I did, he was overjoyed at my call (he was a holy man with all his flaws in great restraints). I ended up crying, I was a balling for 37 years of pushing his buttons on purpose. I told him, I didn’t want him to die without being in his grace. I told him it didn’t matter that we were poor; I wanted a blessing of his choosing upon me- like Old Testament style stuff. He asked me to take the MA-the-matics work he spent 20 yrs developing for a lady he met in the field of our farm. I have over 1200 Geometric Proofs on numbered plates. I have around 20 full lab books of mathematics, which are, in my fathers words, “not my discovery, but shown to my by my tutor, my Queen, and the mother of God.”
I’m the eldest of his 8 children. I returned to God and began to seek wisdom from my dads Tutor, the Lady of the Field. I speak to God but grow violently stronger day by day as if I’m to lead an Army of poor in a great fight. I pray for peace on my soul, I have a lot of post war nightmares but despite my prayers…I feel like Pride, pre-destruction phase anyway. I asked God that he send his son Jesus to calm me. I told God I would even be willing to let Jesus slay me if I could not be contained, I would spend eternity in hell just to glance once on the face of my fathers Lady. I’m willing to be a sacrificial antichrist, just to bring Jesus down for mankind. If I’m slain by Jesus I pray he let me see his eyes before my head is lopped off.
Please pray for me. I’m obviously in need of help, but my words now are typed as tears stream from both eyes down my cheeks.
Wow. I pray that God touches you and gives you comfort. You ARE a child of the Most High God.
God is with you brother.
I awake at 3:24a this morning after having a dream. In this dream I was in a crowded park and I was trying to put people in groups when I heard what I
believe was the voice of GOD saying”for three days and three nights I will bring darkness upon the earth” just as soon as HE finished it immediately turned dark so dark that I could not see my hands in front of me. I believe that this message is a warning that something is getting ready to happen.
I have had many dreams of being in a holy place, walking joyfully (almost like dancing) in the clouds and of traveling on a road that is going up into the sky. Sometimes the road is shining and dazzling white and often there is chaos and darkness all around it like a whirlwind. I am encouraged by the video on the 3 days of darkness but I was a little worried about what Padre Pio said about not looking out the windows or going outside because my house is full of French door full windows that cover three whole walls. How could we help but to look out because, being on a farm, our pets are outside? (12 cats) I still have faith that the Lord will protect us and show us what to do. On Monday morning, Dec. 7th, 2015 I heard the words, “I will vanquish the waters.” and “I AM your Protector.” Can someone help me with this worry I have about looking outside? I would want to go out and try to do something good and to help save people and animals.
In Padre Pio’s Three Days of Darkness vision/dream he is shown that God’s angels take care of ALL our animals outside including livestock. http://www.tldm.org/news/darkness-11-13-98.htm
Ann there is much information about the 3 days of darkness and what to do. I know only a blessed beeswax candle will give light and one should make use of holy water during this time. The animals will be provided for. As for windows, if you can stay in an area away from windows or somehow cover them. I don’t think you should worry. I was 21 years old when I first learned about the 3 days of darkness, I am now 60 years old and yes I was very concerned. Over the years I have learned that God will instruct His faithful. The main thing is the state of our soul. Stay close to God and keep His commandments.
Just follow instructions, as everything needs instructions to work right as our TVs need instructions to be in operation
Obey the Lord dont look dont go outside as well He has told us not to have a spirit of fear… He cares for animals if you care about the cats you must bring them in of course….. He will protect what you ask as when we are of Christ we are protected and the windows n doors you will need to cover them you will have warning of what is to come as well remember Lots wife Much love to you … you will be ok NO FEAR ONLY LOVE N TRUST IN THE LORD HE IS MIGHTY TO SAVE N THIS IS WHAT ALL THIS IS ABOUT TO SAVE US FROM satan n evil the world is so full of horrible horrible things we know not thank God for that … it must happen Yahweh bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you Ann my dear sister amen
You need to be obedient and trust God 100%He will take care of the animals.
Efrain Rodriguez, Pastor of Puerto Rico, saw in a vision 3 days of darkness due to an asteroid hitting near the island. He has warned NASA and FEMA. Many foreign soldiers have pre positioned themselves there with supplies etc. up in the high lands in readiness. They obviously believe it will be soon for they cannot afford to be there indefinitely. Nevertheless, the US government has chosen not to tell us about the coming event. It will cause 3 days of darkness, tsunami’s along the coastlines , millions dead, etc. The judgement is on the church in Puerto Rico and on the church in America. Judgement unto repentance. This is a pre-Revelation event. Judgement begins with the house of God. Jesus is our Refuge.
In all that I read from present day Visionaries, they so agree that I too feel that we are fast moving from the period of (Gods Mercy-Divine Mercy) to the period of Justice.
As we allow our nation to legalize Major sin- how can we expect His Blessings? How quick we have forgotten, makes it easier to understand when the Israelites built the golden calf-after All God did for them!!
Years ago I was told-some day we will pay for our wrong doing like abortion.
Has no one googled Nimrod, the planet hurtling toward us which is several times larger than earth? It’s shadow alone could cause three days of darkness, and its gravitational pull could easily cause earthquake, tsunamis, meteor strikes, masive fires, hailstones, the famine, civil unrest, etc
Couple of years back I had a dream. In this dream I had four of my senses respond at the same time:
Touch: On my Shoulder – “Remember the last words before I went to heaven”
Vision: The sound “Remember the last words before I went to heaven”
Hearing and Seeing: Jesus thru Spirit spoken set of words in sound and touch – “Remember the last words before I went to heaven”
I do believe that God speaks in the physical and spiritual at the same time. On February 18 O Sírius the Brightest star will not show her light. This is first time of this happening. Due to a 3 mile long asteroid. There is also be a Winter Supermoon on Tuesday February 19 th. There will a total of 3 Supermoons in 2019. There has been meteorites recorded on Camera hitting Cuba and Venezuela last 2 weeks. Many people in youtube have had rapture dreams of the Moon getting larger and larger and then the Rapture happening. I do believe with Red heffer being born and the third temple being rebuilt we are in last of the last days. Russia is threatening Israel at this time. We are living in very exciting times if you are a Christian. Worry about your salvation and accept your Lord Jesus Christ as your saviour. God did not create earth to last forever but it is his wish that we are saved by the Grace of God of sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us.
I too had disturbing dreams years ago. The day turned black, I was driving in a car. It was so black. I felt helpless, so alone. So dark and thick was the blackness. No car headlights. The darkness was so thick, I felt smothered and so afraid.
Then another dream. The sky became so black. I stepped out onto my deck and the sky became deep red. With a lot of what looked like shooting stars, but they were actually bolts of fire, hitting the earth. Everywhere.
Then yet another dream, I was traveling in an RV, and stopped to get gas. The sky became dark, I was scared. Manna rained from the sky. I have no idea what all that meant. Years and years ago I had these dreams. Now I believe it was prophecy, from God. His coming is coming! We must prepare, and give praise and thanks, adoration to the King of Kings. Praise to my Lord, Jesus Christ!
I had a Night Vision in 1985 Jan. Just met Jesus and was delivered supernaturally from 13yrs of severe Drug Addiction.
‘in my sleep dreaming I had the vision, I started out where I was fallen asleep reading my new bible on the couch, Next thing I knew I was being raptured floating up in a field up into space, I quickly noticed I was breathing, strange! years later I released that I had been raptured. I was breathing! Jesus spoke to me from behind, He said, “be not afraid” be not afraid” again be not afraid/ on my right shoulder looking back I heard a loud roaring sound with a huge fireball or small moon or asteroid on fire. I was hovering over the Earth as you would see in a Superman movie, and this huge asteroid went into the earth pass me closely and hit west coast it looked to be , west coast of America.
Seen the same vision 4 times total about every 9 years, recently june 2017 had the vision, this time the Lord spoke to me. Go find what we call Planet x , Nibiru, Nemesis which I call in my word in revelation Wormwood. Show the people on youtube and tell them I love them and want them to have enough time to prepare their souls. since that time I have been doing just that. Found Planet x / learned and started a channel. showing sky events and many other demonic things uncovering the times and the great deception we are facing, but never the less ” BE NOT AFRAID” JUST RELEASED A VIDEO THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS WORD FROM THE LORD!! PLEASE VISIT.. https://youtube.com/channel/UCxZZhVG82mY0EXtqWUP5iaw
I don’t know what time it was, it must have been between 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM, All I know I was a sleep.
The dream: I saw a real bright light; it was all white, like I was looking straight into a bright light bulb. Then I heard a great big explosion and everything went black. It was so real, I thought our house breaker box blew up and we lost our electric power. (It really scared me) I open my eyes and it wasn’t so black. I looked at my lamp indicator light and it was on, (working). I knew then I had been dreaming, but it was so real.
I have 3 dreams about 20 years ago, which were so real, but I was able to discerned them. This one I have not as yet been able to discern it. Although I think it has something to do with the warning God is going give to the world.
Jesus Christ will intervene on a Friday. Every person in the whole world will see their sins of their entire lifetime. It is an intervention by Jesus Christ, as is stated in Matthew 24: 22. “If those days had not been shortened, no one would be saved; but for the sake of the elect they will be shortened.” This intervention is called the Warning or Illumination of Conscience also called a Correction of Conscience and will be like a judgment. This is not the second coming of Christ. It will bring all things on earth to a standstill. For two to three days, all that humanity will be able to think about, is their individual offenses before God. I found this on the website:
http://www.afterthewarningto2038.com/prophecy-update-06.php although I have read about the warning from many Saints and today visionaries, but I never read that there would be three days to think about it.
Charles Fears
P.S. 4/7/2019
Sometime during the night I had another dream and it happen twice in the same night. All I can say is all I saw was a deep black and I mean a deep dark black, and it scared me and I woke up yelling. Again it was so real; I thought we lost our electricity, but when I open my eyes I could see we had not lost our electrical power. In both of the dreams there was no light or sound as I had before, just deep blackness, and so real and each time I yelled out.
Now I think it could be about the three days of darkness, but I really don’t know. Praying for discernment. If anyone has any input please let me know.
Also I have read about the three days of darkness several years ago and it seem to me that it would not happen for many more years or even longer. But I have not thought about this so as I said I don’t understand why I had these dreams at this time.
Here are my dreams I had about 20 years ago, about 1997:
I was in an older home, standing it the middle of the front room, very happy giving money to a man dressed in black with an outfit that look like Dick Tracy in the comics, only his coat was black. I felt like my family was there with me, and there was a window in the front door allowing some light to come in. After I gave him the money, he left. Not long after he left I look out the window and here he was coming back. I was very happy and started yelling to everybody that he was back. I went to the front door to open it for him and when I had the door half way open and he had stepped half way through the door, I realized it was Satan. I got very scared and slammed the door on him. At that time he got very ugly and mad, but I used all my strength and put my foot against the wall (there was a closet behind me) for more leveraged, he began to get madder, and I got more afraid and I began to think what can I do. Then I remembered that I read in some messages that to get rid of Satan, you could command him to be gone in Jesus name, so I began to say, “in Jesus’ name I command you to be gone”, “in Jesus’ name I command you to be gone”. I kept pushing harder and harder, and saying “in Jesus’ name I command you to be gone, and it did not seem to be working, and I got scared and wondered what I was doing wrong. But I kept persevering, pushing harder and harder and saying “I command you to be gone in Jesus name”, in Jesus name I command you to be gone, and when I thought I might not be able to keep it up, because I was pushing as hard as I could and yelling as loud as I could, “in Jesus’ name I command you to be gone”, the door started to very slowly close, and as Satan was push out of the door, he still had one leg from the knee down in the door, I woke up. My entire body was sweating and trembling as I lay on the bed. I got up found my wife and told her what had happen. Now this was the first of three dreams I had like this, I mean a dream like I never had before. A dream that stays with me in the slightest details, as if I had just dreamed it.
My next dream happen in the same manner. I came home from work tired, lay down on my bed to rest for a little while and went right to sleep. This is what I dreamed:
I saw a picture of Jesus just as He looks on the cover of “I am your Jesus of Mercy” book, accept it was in black and white, as if it was carved out of ice or glass. I felt great peace and love. Then I looked up and I saw a picture of a face that looked very mad, like your father’s face looks when you did something wrong and he is scolding you. I said, “What is that?”, and I heard a very kind and gentle voice say, “That is Jesus”. I said “No, no, this is Jesus; this is Jesus, refereeing to the picture of “I am Your Jesus of Mercy”. The kind and gentle voice said, “That is Jesus of Mercy and that is Jesus of Justice”, and I woke up. I went and told my wife the dream.
Jesus of Justice Jesus of Mercy
Then some days later we were watching a tape showing the inside of the church at the shrine in Washington DC, when they showed an icon of Jesus and under it was written Jesus of Judgment, I said that is the picture I saw in my dream as Jesus of Justice. Above is a copy of an icon picture that looks similar to the Jesus of Justice and a copy of I am Your Jesus of Mercy. The dream has given me much consolation and peace. When I am in doubt, despair, distressed, or restless, I think of this dream and it fills me with peace and love. For, as I said, I can remember it in great detail, and when I think of the dream I can still feel the peace and love.
The next dream I had was after I had been prayed over in tongues and I had asked to able to Pray from the heart. I had got home about 11:00 PM and went to bed.
I dreamed that I was standing in a large room and it was filled with Protestants, and they were praying. I was confused. I didn’t understand what I was doing in a room full of Protestants, when I am Catholic. So I raised my arms up as high as they would raise and began to pray, “My Jesus I Love You”, my Jesus I Love You’. Then all of a sudden a light started penetrating into the palms of my hands and going down my arms, through my body. Then I felt great peace and my body started rising up into the air, till I was above everybody. Then my body starting moving around the room, all the while I kept praying, “My Jesus I Love You”. Then all of a sudden I started saying “the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God, the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God,” I continued saying this until I was in the corner of the room above five women. The women looked like they were scared or worried, and I said to them “do not worry, all Christians go to Heaven.” Then my body floated over to the middle of the room and went perpendicular to the floor, with my face toward the floor and about 18” above the floor. I continued saying, “the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God, the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God.” Then I woke up and got up and sit on the side of the bed, my wife was a sleep so I just sat there for a while.
This below was not a dream, as I was a wake, but came to my mind so fast, but I had time to think about it. I don’t think it was a day dream as it happen so fast. Just popped into my mind.
One night as I lay on my bed I began to think about this big beautiful house and how I was not worthy to knock on the door. Then my guardian angel knocks on the door for me. The blessed Mother, Mary (our Mother) opens the door. She took me in and cleaned me up and dressed me in beautiful clothes. Then she took me to Jesus. She told Jesus all the good things that I had done. Not one bad thing did she say to Jesus, only good things. Jesus, He smiled at Mary and me, and said to me, I will take you to My Father. But first you must be purified. And before I knew what happen, I was purified by the Holy Spirit and sitting on God the Father’s lap filled with great love and peace, beyond what words can describe. And I did not remember any suffering that I had been though.
One other thing I like to say.
My discernment on how souls go to Hell or Purgatory or Heaven
In September, of 1995, my wife, my daughter and I went to a Marian conference in Chicago. While we there listening to the speakers, a thought came to my mind about how souls go to hell. Now no one was talking about this subject, for some reason I just started thinking about it. Before I go on, I must tell you that I have read several messages that state that God does not send souls to hell, that the soul sends itself to hell, and I had wondered how this could happen.
Well as I said, I was thinking about this, and it is like this, darkness is sin and light is God. Now if a person lives in a room or cave of compete darkness and has been there for along time, when that person comes into the light, he or she can not stand the light so the person goes back in to the dark room. This is like a soul that has lived in sin, when the soul dies, it can not stand to look at God, Who is pure Light, so the soul drives itself into hell.
Now the next day I was praying before Jesus in the blessed sacrament, the Holy Eucharist, when I began to think of this again and it was like this, a soul who lives in sin lives in darkness, but if the soul, while still living would let some light in, then when the soul died it would be like a person, who was in a dark room but let some light in. So then when the person went into the Light, he or she would be able to squint their eyes and look at the light and eventually be able to open their eyes all the way. This would be a soul that, when it died was not pure enough to go to heaven, so it went to purgatory.
All souls are different some have to squint harder then others and some can adjust faster to the light and some live always in the light, their eyes are wide open, these go straight to heaven.
Now on this same subject I would like to quote from the book “The Victorious Queen of The World”, a spiritual diary of a mystic, Sr. Natalia of Hungary, page 45:
“Once I cried on Jesus shoulder: “Why did you create hell?” To answer me, Jesus brought me to the judgment of a very sinful soul, whose sins He forgave. Satan was outraged!
“You are not just! This soul was mine all his life!” He shouted to Jesus: “This one committed so many sins, while I committed only one, and You still created hell for me.”
Jesus then with unbound love told Satan: “Lucifer! Did you ever ask Me for forgiveness?” Then Lucifer, seemingly beside himself, shouted: “That never! That I will never do!”
Then Jesus turned to me, “You see, if he could ask Me for forgiveness only once, hell would cease to exist.”
In November 1995 I bought a book “The Sorrow, The Sacrifice, and The Triumph” by Thomas W. Petrisko, which had just come out in November 1995. This book is about Christina Gallagher, The Apparitions, Visions, and Prophecies.
Now I do not promote or judge Christina Gallagher or any other visionary. I do read several books that I get at Marian conferences and some are on visionaries. I try to do as St. Paul says: Hold on to the good and let go of the bad and obey what the Church teaches.
Now I would like to quote, what happens at death starting on page 117, “ When release from the body each soul is destined for immortal life, and its future in eternity is determined by its state when death takes place and the soul is released from the body.
When the body dies and the soul is released, it suddenly finds itself in the full light of awareness, able to see itself as it stands in the sight of God. It then realizes the darkness to which the body’s actions condemned it. The sensitivity of the soul to the enormity of the Light of God is like the naked eye before the brilliance of a thousand suns, and the soul in darkness quivers in pain. It plunges itself into the sea of Hell to avoid the pain of the enormity of the Light.”
“The soul destined for Purgatory seeks shade at the level in Purgatory appropriate to its own imperfection. It will automatically plunge itself into which it failed to atone sufficiently; it will gladly go to whatever level of Purgatory is necessary, and it will be eternally grateful to God, in the knowledge that it will one day gain His Presence in Heaven.
2/17/05 Also from The Diary Of St. Faustina, I quote, “After these words, I received a deeper understanding of divine mercy. Only that soul who wants [to be damned] will be damned, for God condemns no one.(1452)
To St. Faustina: “My daughter, know without a doubt, and once and for all, that only mortal sin drives Me out of a soul, and nothing else.” (1181) AND “My daughter, know that you give Me greater glory by a single act of obedience than by long prayers and mortifications.” (894)
Also from The Diary Of St. Faustina, I quote, “At the end of the road there was a magnificent garden filled with all sorts of happiness, and all these souls entered there. At the very first instant they forgot all their sufferings.” (153)
Here is something else I would like to share with you.
This is why Jesus asks us to live in constant penance for our sins! We should meditate on how much He suffered for our sins, in order that we might reach salvation. We should ask His forgiveness often and love Him for His unfathomable love!
Go in peace and the Love of God
And pray for me
Charles Fears