The Shavuot Wedding Coincidence








An unknown Author –

2024 while in school I taught my
students or rather let me say we
discussed The Bravery of those who
fought for freedom the ideals theybelieved in and how
Those values still speak today seeing my students connectwith these
moments after class I feltthe urge to go to the library the day had
been long and I was already feeling the weariness from the
weeks activities even though I was tired the
desire to discover something new kept me
going so I headed there as I sat in the quiet corner of
the library reading through a book on
colonial America my eyes started to blur
for a moment I thought it was just the
exhaustion I wrapped my eyes trying to
shake off the faat seek but the
sensation only grew stronger it was as
if the words on the page were slipping
away and I couldn’t shake the feeling
that something wasn’t right I was really
tired yes but this was different this
was something I couldn’t explain
suddenly everything around me
shifted I found myself at the library
entrance again as if I had just walked
in the library was the same
yet it felt different almost as if I was
seeing it through new
eyes I found myself drawn to a
particular section of the library my
eyes landed on a book a gigantic volume
the title of the book was the world’s
Untold as I lifted the book from the
Sher I noticed the people around me they
had all stopped what they were doing
they gazed at me with a mixture of
curiosity and concern their expressions
were uneasy almost fearful as if they
couldn’t understand why I would choose
such a book I found a quiet spot and
carefully opened the massive book as I
turned to the first page I saw the words
January 2025 written at the
top below the heading there were
detailed entries for each day describing
events that were yet to come each page
covered a month filled with dates and
descriptions of what was to happen on
each day of the month the content in the
book was just like a diary it wasn’t
until I reached June that my heart truly
began to raise the page for June was
completely blank I quickly flipped to
July August and the rest of the
month but every single page was the same
empty as though nothing was written for
the second half of the year
The Emptiness was just more than a blank
page the more I stared at those blank
pages the more the ease Within Me grew
what could this mean why was there no
record of the future beyond the month of
May the questions swelled in my mind and
the fear of the unknown pressed heavily
on my chest
I made my way towards the front deex
where the library attendant usually sit
as I approached I noticed something
different about him his presence was
almost different radiating warmth and
calm he looked up at me with a gentle
smile his eyes filled with a deep
understanding that seemed to reach into
my very Soul it was as though he had
been expecting me before I could even
ask my question he spoke and he began
revealing to me shocking things
concerning what I just
witnessed he let me know that every book
in this Library holds the future of a
Nation or a state it also revealed to me
that the book in my hand holds the truth
about the future of
2025 then he let me know that the reason
those pages were empty is because
the last seven months of 2025 will bring
events that are too D to be recorded in
detail fine economic collapse and
suffering these are just the beginning
the tribulations that will unfold during
that time will be so severe that there
will be nothing good to write
about he spoke of a great farming that
will sweep across the world affect ing
even the most prosperous of
Nations the abundance we had once taken
for granted would vanish replaced by a
desperate Scramble for the most
Necessities there will be food shortage
and many would go hungry the farming
would not discriminate it would touch
every corner of the globe he also let me
know that the global economy would
collapse under the weight of the crisis
entire nations will falter their systems
of trade and finance crumbling into
chaos people would lose their jobs their
homes and their savings left to F for
themselves in a world that has suddenly
turned hostile leaving behind a
shattered world where Law and Order were
no longer
guaranteed but what struck me the
hardest was his description of the
suffering that would Beall Christians
during this time
he spoke of a tribulation unlike
anything we had ever known a period of
intense persecution and hardship for
those who held fast to their
faith the world will turn against us and
standing up for Christ would become a
dangerous Act of
defiance Believers would be tested in
ways that they had never imagined facing
trials that would push them to the wall
as he spoke the vision became clearer in
my mind the scenes of Devastation played
out before me like a nightmare Vivid and
clear I saw cities in Ru streets were
filled with desperate and
destitute the emotional impact of what I
was seeing was
overwhelming my heart ached for the
countless Souls who would be caught in
this storm for the pain and suffering
that would sweep across the world like a
plague I then asked a question that had
been disturbing my soul since he first
began to speak is there a way out I
needed to know if there was any hope
left any possibility of Escaping The
Darkness that loomed over the
future the man remained silent for a
moment when he finally spoke his
response was that with God not nothing
impossible before I could fully process
his answer I felt a sudden shift as if
the ground beneath me was moving the
library the attendance the weighty book
in my hands all began to fade I was back
in my body seated at the library table
where I had first opened the book the
room was the same as before but
everything felt different my body was
drenched in sweat my mind racing to make
sense of what I had seen and heard it
was real as real as the world around me
and the burden of it was almost too much
bear as I left the library the weight of
the vision was still heavy on my heart I
knew that what I had witnessed was not
just a personal
revelation I will urge you to take this
Vision seriously the events that were
revealed are not just distant
possibilities they are eminent realities
that we must confront the empty pages of
the book were not just a symbol of what
was to come but a direct challenge to us
it is a call for us to seek God’s
intervention with all our might there is
a Great Tribulation that is coming in
2025 that will bring unprecedented
hardship famine economic collapse and
persecution of Christians these are not
abstract fears
but concrete threats that will test the
very core of our faith our prayers can
make a difference with God nothing is
impossible our prayers are powerful
tools in the fight against forces of
evil we must come together as a unified
body of Believers setting aside
differences and focus fusing on our
shared mission to intercede on behalf of
the world we need to pray fervently
asking for God’s mercy and intervention
unbelievers must repent of their sins
and find Salvation in Jesus if you’re a
Christian also living in sin it is time
for you to repent and also strengthen
your faith in God the future of 2025 is
rapidly approaching and the need for
divine intervention has never been
greater let us rise to this challenge with a
spirit of unity and Faith trusting


The Three Main Harvests in Israel are:

  1. BARLEY (The First Fruits Barley, prior to the Rev 6:12 Great Earthquake)
  2. WHEAT (The Final Harvest During the Day of the Lord)
  3. GRAPE (Tribulation Saints Rev 14)

It is important to note that after Shavuot comes the “Counting of the Omer”.
Omers are essentially sheaves of BARLEY!!!









She writes essentially that 2025 will be the year
The Forces of Darkness will Rise Up


Author: John Baptist
Researcher. Writer. Engineer. Born Again "Spirit Filled" Christian. If you want to get to know me, just email me. All Tribulation-Now email list members are friends in Jesus.