Becoming Born Again
A Visualization
The following is a graphical visualization of what “I think” becoming “born-again” is all about. Some of the concepts in the images below are scriptural. For example, God says that we may not enter into heaven unless we are born again. God also says that “unbelief” is a “sin”. We also know that unbelief is the opposite of “faith”, or perhaps the enemy of faith. We can also assume that unbelief is a result of education and worldly experience since having faith is similar to having the mind of a child (e.g. child-like faith). This also explains why those who live in “developing” countries are far more receptive to the “spiritual world” than we are and why they receive “divine healings” more easily than we.
I attempted to capture these concepts visually below. The reason I am trying to create these concepts visually is because our minds have been ravaged by “media”. Satan’s army has effectively dumbed us down to a point where our minds are unresponsive to our own imaginations. Whereas before television we could read a book and visualize all the things happening in our mind, now we have become virtually dependent on vivid media presentations to jar our thought processes. This dumbing down of our minds and hardening of our souls creates unbelief. Unbelief is a sin (this is scriptural). All things not of faith, are a sin (scriptural).
This is my attempt to “fight back” using visual media to assist the reader in “visualizing” what our minds might have been able to imagine before we were poisoned with our life styles. I am taking technology, used by the enemy in his effort to “dumb us down”, and shoving it right back into his face. I pray this is a blessing to you and helps you understand visually, what otherwise is a concept too challenging for most of us to grasp. This has been an exercise that has made me say …. “cool”! I hope you get the “coolness” feeling that I did too.
Ineligible for Heaven
The normal person is born into sin. Their spirit is sinful by nature. You can look at this like an energy field that surrounds the person’s body and soul. The “soul” is the natural part of your existence. It is made up of your worldly composition. It includes your thoughts, your emotions, your personality, etc. The soul is of the “flesh” (again worldly) and it develops and becomes stronger as you grow older. You will see on the subsequent images the black line between the soul and the spirit becomes “thicker” and acts as a barrier to prevent your spirit from communicating with the “worldly you”.
Notice the normal person’s spirit is dark. It is full of “sin” which is arguably the absence of “faith”. God hates sin and cannot allow it into his existence. In the state of “human-ness” shown above, you are ineligible for entry into Heaven.
Becoming Born Again