Do We Shoot the Messenger and Toss the Message?
Then We Must Remove Proverbs, Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes from Our Bible because Solomon Apostatized before God (1 Kings 11)
Discernment of the truth is one of the most misunderstood elements of the Christian walk. Often times we expect that the Holy Spirit will reveal all truths to us because this is what the Bible says. However Act 5:32 is a warning to us in this regard.
Acts 5:32
32 And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.”
In addition to Acts 5:32 we also have another warning in the Bible regarding our ability to hear God properly. Here in Psalms, the Father warns us that our communication with Him is in jeopardy should we have iniquity in our hearts.
Ps 66:18
18 If I regard iniquity in my heart,
The Lord will not hear.
Iniquity is any form of “perversion” from the obedience of God and His holy Word. Does this mean that God will not use you (or your ministry) if you have iniquity in your heart? No. Here is the proof in the Bible and by testimony of a wonderful “man of God”, named Pastor John Mulinde.
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
And here is a gentle warning to us all, lest we risk becoming “puffed up” and believing that we cannot make mistakes in our walk and ministries. In this testimony below, pastor John Mulinde is told by God in a supernatural appearance that he would not be the Bride of Christ (in the rapture; Matt 25) because he was looking at women lustfully. Pastor Mulinde was in tears before God because he did not understand why he was able to heal the sick. Pastor Mulinde believed that he must have been healing the sick through the power of the devil.
But God explained to him that HE (the Lord) healed the sick THROUGH pastor Mulinde because God loves THE PEOPLE.
The moral of the story is that we must never be quick to judge our brothers, always do so humbly and lovingly, and be extremely careful with our own hearts because WE may be out of line too. Has God not forgiven Pastor Jimmy Swaggart? Had God not forgiven others who have made mistakes in their lives. Are we not all filthy rags before God the Father?
Lord have mercy upon all our souls.
The Pastor Levy Testimony
A Lesson of Humility and Discernment
Tribulation Now recently played parts of the testimony of a fellow who goes by the name Pastor Levy. He appeared on two back-to-back shows with Rick Wiles on TruNews. What pastor Levy said is very exciting. Was it 100% accurate? Who knows for sure. Most theologians and decent Bible teachers realize they are probably not 100% accurate about everything they teach and recommend that we all should be “good Bereans” (Acts 17:11) and search the scripture daily to see if it is so.
A strong series of indictments were made public about Pastor Levy. Naturally this causes much “to do” out there. Our tendency as humans is to always “toss the baby out with the bath water”. Jesus warns us to judge a tree by its fruit and not to judge our brothers.
11 Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. 12 There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?
I, for one, prefer not to take any chances. I know from personal experience that the devil seeks to devour whomever he may; and that any of us who serve God publicly SHALL be attacked viciously by Satan and his demons. I also know that in most cases the devil attacks Christians through the mouths of OTHER Christians.
John 16:1-4
“These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. 3 And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me.
I do not judge pastor Levy. What I will do is “Examine his Fruit” and see if the fruit is good fruit.
Here below is a letter I wrote to our team about what is being said on Pastor Levy.
As always we cannot more highly recommend that you seek God with all your heart and humbly look to Him for your own discernment.
People are raising concerns about the Pastor Levy testimony we played on the last radio show. Here is a link to where brother Rick Wiles explains that Pastor Levy is a fraud (he routinely misrepresents himself and his credentials etc.). I am not saying brother Rick is overstating his concerns about brother Levy, I am simply saying we may need to step back and take a closer look at the overall message and ask ourselves IF MAYBE the “fruit” bears some witness. Here also is a link to the radio show we did on this message.
Here is a list of indictments on Levy:
- Claims he has a degree in Hebrew studies from La Salle University – supposedly this is not true.
- Uses different names such as Levy, Reb, Yacov Levy, and James Aung
- Has supposedly sold real estate in Florida (I kid you not)
- Promoter of Sacred Names (this is teaching about the names of God that some have more power than others etc.)
- Believes in restoring multiple wives (Old Testament Marriage) and reportedly has more than one wife himself.
- Reportedly Levy contacted Henry Gruver about a Hebrew Calendar he was working on and used Henry Gruver’s name as a reference when contacting Rick Wiles for the radio show date.
(supposedly there may be more; which is actually beside the point)
Do we know if these things are true about Pastor Levy? We don’t. Is it wrong for someone to sell real estate in Florida? Some think this is a very bad thing to do. Is it wrong to mis-represent your education. Yes it is a form of a lie. Did he attend La Salle University but not get a degree from there and overstate his credentials. … we do not know.
The bottom line here is that when you examine the indictments on Levy you see that he could be a fraud. People call ME a fraud because I use Johnny Baptist as a “pen-name” instead of my last name which is long, German, and hard to pronounce. I state on my resume that I attended Ohio Institute of Technology even though I never got a degree from that College. Does that make me a fraud? Some people might think so. But I did not lie; I told the truth. What did Levy actually say about Henry Gruver when he spoke to TruNews? We do not know. Did he actually lie or did he embellish the nature of his relationship? We don’t know. Is that a good way to represent yourself? Probably not.
Jesus said two things we must apply to this:
3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?NKJV
So we must be very careful how quickly we accept the indictment upon Mr. Levy because IF what he says is true; then the devil will attack and rip Mr. Levy to pieces just like he has Tribulation Now (and other good ministries); many many times.
Jesus also said we must judge a tree by its fruit (not the tree itself).
You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.NKJV
People have been attacking me heavily for bringing Kat Kerr on the radio show. Let’s examine Kat Kerr’s fruit. Has she bore any negative fruit? Has she said anything bad that might cause a person to stumble and fall into the hands of the devil? No. Her fruit is good. Is it all 100% accurate? Maybe not. We all see through the mirror dimly. We all have “specks” in our eyes. None of us are perfect.
1 Cor 13:12
2 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face.
So what we must always do is look at the DATA
Pastor Levy’s information / testimony lined up, for the most part, historically and archaeologically (easily researched and verified by the listeners) with the Bible. This is good and it is something people (good Bereans Acts 17:11 can verify on their own). Tribulation Now recommends, over and again on every single show, that YOU NEED to do your own homework and verify these things. AMEN? PRAISE JESUS.
Pastor Levy agreed with everything that Rabbi Cahn says in the Harbinger and aligns easily verifiable data up with NASA blood moon timelines. Is this verifiable? … yes it is.
Was Obama born in Kenya and is Kenya the birth place of the Nubian Pharaoahs? Evidently this is so.
I realize that most people out there do not understand how to look at the DATA / FRUIT issue and we all tend to get worked up whenever we think someone has told a fib. Who is it out there who is perfect? Who is a fully trustworthy guy or does not have a past they regret? I do not know. Have we done a background check on brother Rick Wiles? No. Why? Because he does GOOD WORK and bears Good Fruit for the Kingdom (although admitted I grieve about his outspoken anti-rapture beliefs because if he is not correct …. many will suffer needlessly in the Great Tribulation … but nevertheless, brother Rick does great work for the Kingdom of God and none of us are perfect).
I believe the information Levy brought forth was every exciting and lines up with the Bible AND with what all the other people out there are saying bout 2015 and 2016. It also lines up with pastor TD Hales’ testimony about Obama being in the Office of the President when the US is destroyed by a nuclear attack (Rev 18, Jer 51).
Discernment is not easy. May God deeply bless you. We are ALL in this mess together. Let’s always help people to look at the “message” and not so much at the “messenger” because we are all filthy rags before God.
Also … how appropriate this Word from the Lord just recently came out to all of us:
I personally got a lot out of what levy brought to the table .. I like thought provoking talks . I am more disturbed with the people who bash others . I have had to un subscribe to people for this very reason . There is a very prideful jealous spirit that surrounds such people . And in many cases the people who were attacking others had no good fruit in their ministries . Which ultimately IS why I had to unsubscribe to them. If what people are hearing stumbles them then don’t listen to it! Seek first the kingdom ! Eyes on Jesus guys !!! He will set our paths straight . Let us work on our own fruit . And pray that The Lord will see us worthy .
Praise God so true. Everything must come out of intense love for one another and empathy and humility. Otherwise we do not know the Lord as we think we do. God bless you.
My beloved brother John, amen and amen, this is one of the best messages on judging I have read in a LONG, LONG time. Thank you for this message.
May God forgive me, when I judge.
Grace and Peace,
Thanks John. This is loud and clear. I already prayed about this this morning. It is a constant battle for all of us.
Especially for those of us who God is calling in these last days. It is so easy to think we are something better and more special because God has awakened us and we “see” and they do not.
It is actually something I confess of immediately before it can gain any ground in my life.
Again, I did not feel in my heart I was judging the Catholics and am sorry it came across that way. I simply wanted to add them to my prayer list like I have everyone who has not awakened to God’s truth yet.
I tell the Lord ALL during the day how very grateful I am that He woke me up through (of all things) a video my son sent by Alex Jones. When I stop to think that I was going along my merry way just like everyone else, thinking once saved always saved, it humbles me beyond belief that the Lord did not give up on me and has given me another chance.
Praise God, thanks for this article. I’ve got a scripture to send to you that I was reading this morning. It is wonderful and as always just filled me with love of His Amazing Grace!
Thanks for keeping me in check…Everyone should have a brother like you! Praise God and Amen!
Nice one. Way too late in the game to be doing anything other than praying, praising and sounding the shofar for those who can hear. My fav saying when people are cruel and mean to me… Love em anyway. Forgive em anyway! Hugs to you my friend – Pam
Just read the article and it was great. I’m sorry you have to deal with darts today.
You do such great work for the kingdom. You show people how to live a righteous obedient life for our king, as the path is narrow.
The Lord supernaturally lead me to your show almost a year ago. I was a baby christian just 6 months saved but still sinning and under the impression of once saved. Praise God for leading me to your great ministry.
In July it will be a year since I quit smoking weed, which was a direct result of your show and of course the Holy Spirit. Praise God!
Since being saved both my parents have been baptized and attend a bible teaching church. Praise God.
I look forward to those 6 hrs every week brother. I also feel so blessed that The Lord allowed us to have lunch a few months ago. Praise God!
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I too was led supernaturally to you (at the beginning of the year). Your ministry convicted me to come out of complacent, backslidden mire. I am eternally grateful. Thank you for your humble example as you present a great breath and depth of teachings / prophecies / visions.
I am sorry for the personal attacks — but thank you for the beautiful example you just set for all of us when we disagree, especially with another believer. I personally liked both shows – they challenged me to do more exploring, asking for guidance from the Holy Spirit. What a boring world if we all agreed 100% on everything!
Very good article John! The only army in the world that doesn’t take care of their wounded is the Christian Army. Sad but true. . . J God bless and Maranathua!
What a mess…… And I happened to make 2-3 audio CD’s for people to listen to that radio show with Levy. I might still give them out, though…… You know what bothers me the most about anything anymore, is the fact that nobody wants to believe what it coming down the bend soon. I would rather send out warnings to people then not at all. At least a lot of will be able to say we actually said something and warned people……What a mess, John….I’m sorry to hear you get so much crap from people, and I was surprised to hear how much people dislike Kat Kerr…… really???Maybe I am just a gullible person who is attracted to radical and alternative Christian teachings, but then why do I feel it makes more sense? I dunno, John, all truth will be made known to people sooner or later.And I certainly have no place to judge anybody else, for sure… We just need to keep saying it: “THE END IS NEAR! THE ANTICHRIST IS RISING! AMERICA WILL BE DESTROYED! JESUS IS COMING SOON! REPENT!”BLESSINGS,–CHRIS