Author: John Baptist

Researcher. Writer. Engineer. Born Again "Spirit Filled" Christian. If you want to get to know me, just email me. All Tribulation-Now email list members are friends in Jesus.
0 239

Black Horse and Pale Horse (Death) Riding (Third and Fourth Seal)

  SOMEONE KNOWS THEIR BIBLE REALLY WELL Rev 6:5-8 Third Seal: Scarcity on Earth 5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and…

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0 233

Apocalyptic Red Sun in China

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0 250

Bugs with Numbers Stamped on Them

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0 265

Demons Manifesting in Humans


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0 245

The Entity Biden’s Rubber Mask – Very Obvious

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0 262

Planet X Nibiru Eclipse Links and Anomalies

  3 Moons in Sky Mothership UFO during Eclispe Person First Views Eclipse thru Glasses then Pans to Left to See THE Moon #Nibiru ( Strange Red Light Sprite…

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0 292

Alien “Stars” Fall from the Sky Like a Fig Tree (Rev 6:13)

Sorry for the bad words but consider this video with this Bible verse. Rev 6:13-14 13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops…

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0 376

OBAMA – The Final Antichrist, “Son of Kenya” prophecy from 1912

The Owalo Prophecy of 1912 Kenyan Son and Destroyer of America – Is Barak Obama the “Son of Kenya” foretold by the great 19th Century Kenyan Prophet, Johanwa Owalo, the founder…

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0 474

Do Our Prayers Count for Those Who Didn’t Except Jesus before they Died?

Do Our Prayers Count for Those Who Didn’t Except Jesus before they Died?     On Friday, April 28, I was seeking Yahushua for answers about prayer. A close friend…

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1 375

The Stanley Frodsham Prophecy (seducing spirits deceiving prophets)

The Stanley Frodsham Prophecy Beware of Seducing Spirits Controlling Prophets A Prophetic call to Discernment This prophecy was given at the Elim Bible Institute USA, in 1965 by the late…

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0 310

Phil Schneider – The Alien Agenda END GAME

THIS WAS RECORDED IN THE 90’S PRIOR TO HIS EXECUTION THESE ENTITIES ARE COORDINATING THIS SATANIC AGENDA   In 1995, Phil Schneider claimed that there are 1,477 Deep Underground Military…

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0 445

80% ARE KHAZARIAN JEWS (Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9)

THE SYNOGOGUE OF SATAN Rev 2:9-10 I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.   Sorros is Synogogue…

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0 277


MIAMI “ET” EVENT-LIKE POLICE CARS AT HOUSE EXPLOSION   The significant presence of police cars and emergency vehicles at the scene of a house explosion in Sterling, Virginia, tonight is…

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0 293

GREG REESE REPORT – Hydrogels in All of Us (PART 1 & 2)

GREG REESE REPORT (PART 1) Hydrogels in All of US 5 MINUTES     GREG REESE REPORT (PART 2) Hydrogels in All of US 5 MINUTES…

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0 249

Barney Miller Trilateral Commission Episode

Barney Miller Trilateral Commission Episode This is making the rounds again. Epic foreshadowing. — eve (@eveforamerica) February 20, 2024

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1 555

Dafuq a Humanoid Alien Being attending Trump Trial

DAFUQ A HUMANOID ALIEN AT A TRUMP TRIAL     Note: This is the same alien in “Underground: The Director’s Cut” on PRIME about Phil Schneider’s life. Here…

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1 1172

Christian Dr. Walter Veith Discusses 1950’s Satanist Writing Pointing to 2025


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0 802

Rapture Events (What Happens to Warn Us It’s Coming)

THE BLUE OBJECT FILMED IN THE SKY BY BROTHER JIM OCT-31-NOV-1 This object was just filmed in the sky by brother Jim in the last 24 hours prior to this…

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2 718

Tribulation-Now visits Israeli News Live – Steven Ben-Nun

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