Month: November 2011

0 752

Hoover Dam Bombed After Rapture

CONFIRMATION! GLORY TO JESUS The number of confirmations I’ve received that the “rescue mission” of the Bride of Jesus Christ is “any time now” is OFF THE CHARTS.  Glory to…

 Posted in False Flag Terror, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings, Uncategorized
0 2621

Until All Hell Breaks Loose

When Will These Things Happen? The Luciferian War Scenario Builds  When will the war with Iran start?  Will the war with Iran be nuclear?  What about martial law?  What about…

 Posted in False Flag Terror, Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, Media Control, Mind Control, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich, Secret Societies, The Ancients, The Divine Council - Gods, The Great Deception, Uncategorized
0 906

They Need a Pearl Harbor

False Flag Event Iran Declares War? For quite some time now, when appearing on the Alex Jones Show, Pastor Lindsey Williams has been saying the “elite” are behind schedule for…

 Posted in False Flag Terror, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Lucifer's Lawyers, Marshal Law and Police State, Prophetic Warnings, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich, Secret Societies, The Ancients, The Great Deception, Uncategorized