- Tying things Together Today’s Events Aligned to Scripture
- Warnings Abound and are Increasing
- Heightened Terror Alert
- Excellent YouTube Video Compilations
- The Rapture Alien Abduction Scenario
- Hopi Indians Moving Underground
- Dragons of Arabia UFO Onslaught
- The Pleidians take their orders from the Greys, and the Greys take their orders from the “earth bound” reptilians. – Maximillien de Lafayette
- Hydrogen Cyanide HCN
- Water Turning To Blood
- Summary in Jesus Name
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Tying things Together
Today’s Events Aligned to Scripture
Warnings Abound and are Increasing
Heightened Terror Alert
Excellent YouTube Video Compilations
Rom 8:23
23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
“On the wing of a flying army of especially detestable and disgusting things, shall be that which astonishes, devestates and stupefies”
Luke 21:26
Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
The Rapture Alien Abduction Scenario
Rev 12:6
6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
Rev 12:14
But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.
1 Cor 7:14-15
For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy.
Hopi Indians Moving Underground
Rev 8:7
7 The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.
Dragons of Arabia UFO Onslaught
ALIEN TYPE 2: THE REPTILIANSA genetics akin to reptiles, these are highly advanced entities but viewed as being of a negative, hostile or dangerous disposition since they regard humans as a totally inferior race. They would perceive us much the way we would perceive a herd of cattle (think Goyim here). They are carnivorous in regard to humans. There is supposedly a “driven” planetoid or asteroid inhabited by 30 million of these lizard-folk that is to enter our solar system in the mid 90s if the present schedule is kept.
The Pleidians take their orders from the Greys,
and the Greys take their orders
from the “earth bound” reptilians.
Maximillien de Lafayette
Job 38:31
31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
Hydrogen Cyanide HCN
Rev 8:10-11
And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.
Water Turning To Blood
Summary in Jesus Name
(Matt. 25)
Hmmm…the trick. The trick is that people are going to be told as Christians to show up to certain locations for the “rapture”. “If they say he is in the desert, go not forth” book of matt. He comes here once, not twice…according to the bible anyway. So yes, there will be a lie about the rapture. It’s an easy way to collect Christians with a butterfly net. Don’t fall for it. You are here to stand and be a spiritual speaking warrior for others that dont know or understand. He only comes in the 7th trump…again, according to the bible. “those that choose to save their life shall lose it”…bible. “those that endure till the end shall be saved”…bible. Yes there is a trick coming and obviously it’s already working as the rapture is taught and believed across the globe…so sad
..since i have no proper definitions, i m forced to use phrases like ‘energyfield ‘, ‘chakras ‘, etc,
and though it sound all very eastern mumbojumbo, it certainly isnt,
– that is , if set in the right context.
The Physical body , does not live ‘on its own ‘, seperate,
but is ‘fed ‘ by certain energyfields, call them EM electromagnetic fields,
.. whole of Heaven is made of spiritual essence ( Energy) ,
therefore it makes sense, that the material world, and the body, are but shadows of that, right ?
What ‘they ‘ are doing, right now,
is messing with the energyfield of people
– especially those, who are His ‘.
the world is full of invisable grids,
which give the energy to plants, water, the body, all that breathes and lives
– this is the reason, a physical body ” knows how to grow “,
..because flowing energy moves in vortices.
likewise, human has these energyfields, and points, where they connect to the glands –
the main difference with plantlife is, that this energyfield causes emotions, also
every person has a Soul – you ARE a Soul.
… and the physical body, included the energypoints, is the ‘flesh ‘,
the un-regenerated body.
Since Adam, this un-regenerated body is rather useless, and incapable.
Like, ‘the points could light up only dimly ‘ .
Just enough, to eat, sleep, work, all the natural, human things
– but usually never capable of (expieriencing) anything supernatural.
But that is about to change.
see –
‘they ‘ are manipulating the energyfields, the energystream,
and that work is finished, now, and about to be implemented.
that means, not only the (holographic) reality, as we know it, will change,
but they can enhance the energystream to your vessel – but also cut it.
.. they can (will) make human to behave like the Pavlov dog, automats,
( dont think experiments like Pavlov were for humanitarian benefit!)
soon, people will be either rewarded or punished,
by either enhancing or cutting off the energy field to them.
this way, entire masses can be controlled.
Suppose, when physical-shaped-aliens would appear,
(or whatever reality, that was invisible, untill now) than that same moment,
entire masses could be send a boost of energy, which they expierience as ‘joyful ‘…’fear ‘…
… the possibilities are endless.
If you read Rev 13, its about ‘ the image of the beast ‘
as opposed to the ” man, being the image of God ‘.
The difference between these 2
is, who controls the energyfield of man: God, or It
The difference is, that It wants to pimp up the old human vessel – to create their superhuman, the adam kadmon – yet imprisoning the soul of that person,
..while God desires to give freedom to that soul, inside a new body.
vers 15 “.. was given power to give life to the image ”
that is, given the control to manipulate the energyfield of the vessel.
If you look around, and on the net,
you will find that a number of (new age) people are very exited about their ‘improving feelings ‘,
while a ( sadly) too small part of christians are feeling drained … attacked…. flat
…the Soul cannot survive long in thirst, without energy ( life)
either she will subdue to the manipulation of false energy (bow to the beast)
OR wait , untill He will appear, to set her free
Rev. 13:10
forgive me for the long post
Truly some excellent points and backed by Ancient writings as well as God’s Holy Scripture. However be aware we are not only dealing with the shifting of dimensions and visually seeing these interdimensional entities, we are ALSO dealing with INTERSTELLAR beings (aliens) that hate our guts and are flying here in UFOS. Many of them are already here. There are 30 million more on the way and a bunch of them coming with Planet X (which is just down the street). Glory to Jesus Christ, Yahushua our SAVIOR. Amen
I just watched a very interesting video that connects a lot of dots.
While I find some of his findings fascinating I am still skeptical. There are too many scriptures that don’t line up with a pretib rapture. I know there are many that do, but I have to be careful to only listen to what the Lord is telling me and not to listen to man’s views and opinions. Either way it goes I am thrilled to be with Him…sooner sure would be better than later in my book! Anyway this is a 58 minute video and very uplifting in many ways,,,,but truth? I only want the truth whether I like it or not.
A couple points to ponder.
1. Maybe Jesus fulfilled the Daniel 9:27 covenant week during the 63rd week when he died in the midst of the week (passover) and resurrected on the sabbath (firsfruits) and concluded the 70 weeks on pentecost while sending the Holy Spirit.
2. Maybe the 6th seal is next on the timeline and then the first 4 trumpets blow quickly before the final 3.5 years. If trumpet 5 depicts satan cast to earth, and if revelation 12 depicts satan cast to earth, and both accounts are referred to as a WOE, then the first 4 trumpets happen prior to the final 3.5 years. Makes sense to have mega earth changes to allow the beast system to rise and pose as saviours when satan arrives.
3. What if no aliens, except fallen angels and demons posing as aliens. I am sure the governments have made hybrids, but star aliens made by Yahweh? I understand your view, but do not agree.
4. Perhaps it is wise to consider only Jesus’ words and the prophets without putting any weight on what Paul said about these events. The great confusion lies in Paul on the rapture timing. Study the scriptures that do not include Paul on the rapture. The answer becomes clearer.
Thanks for sharing your ideas Chad. 6 years of intensive research and many many confirmations from the Lord says, your estimations are not correct. But that’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with making estimations. I do it all the time. The main problem with guessing that Extraterrestrials are not beings in the “flesh” is that it does not support the scripture of God. The Bene Ha Elhoyim in Genesis 6.4 obvious had SEX with human woman and they had BABIES!! I could go on and on but there just isnt’ enough time. The other problem with that assumption is that WHEN they arrive, there won’t be a single “theologian” on the face of the earth that thinks they are interdimensional. There will be motherships and huge forces in the millions and there will be a huge war. All the “Christians” that have been saying they are “interdimensional” will have instantly LOST CREDIBILITY and the unsaved will be doomed. We need to wake up and accept the facts as they present themsevles.