- False Flag Event Iran Declares War?
- Looking at All the Data
- YU-55, Hoover Dam, Pacific Wave 11, Mayan Elders, Crystal Skulls, Splitting of Jerusalem, Israel War with Iran, and 11-11-11
- More Unbelievable Coincidences!
- Summary in Jesus Name
False Flag Event
Iran Declares War?
For quite some time now, when appearing on the Alex Jones Show, Pastor Lindsey Williams has been saying the “elite” are behind schedule for their 2012 agenda. Assuming this “intel” is correct, and looking at all the data points, it seems evident this agenda includes the inevitable arrival of the Mayan “New Men of Knowledge”.
These “New Men of Knowledge” can indeed be none other than Lucifer’s chief minions – the oligarchy from the “Dog Star Sirius”, the “Sumerian gods”. These would be the same entities to whom the Pope waves on Sol Invictus from the front of the Vatican as the Pleiades star system moves just above the horizon. These would be the same entities whose “star” is conspicuously displayed on the wall mural of virtually every Masonic temple.
How do you know the ETs out there are in cahoots with the ETs here on earth? Simple, go back and read the last 2 sentences. Again, the Illuminati filth worship these freaks. The Masons have the Dog Star Sirius depicted top-dead-center on their temple wall murals. The POPE waves to them from the Vatican on Christmas Day. They are ceremoniously welcoming their “gods” back to earth. These are the “ultra-upper echelon” of the dark cabal. David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, and these other Ashtar Command people are MISSING CRITICAL DATA!
Sol Invictus (“Invincible Sun”) was the official sun god of the later Roman empire. In 274 Aurelian made it an official cult alongside the traditional Roman cults. Scholars disagree whether the new deity was a refoundation of the ancient Latin cult of Sol,a revival of the cult of Elagabalus or completely new. The god was favored by emperors after Aurelian and appeared on their coins until Constantine.The last inscription referring to Sol Invictus dates to 387 AD.and there were enough devotees in the 5th century that Augustine found it necessary to preach against them.A festival on 25 December is sometimes thought to be responsible for the date of Christmas. (ref. wikipedia.org)
I simply don’t understand how these “New Age” leaders can miss this data. They have to be mentally “persuaded” some how. They have to be mentally “controlled” somehow. This connection should be obvious to these people. Something is controlling them. Something is blinding them. Can someone get Dr. Joseph Farrell on the telephone please? Forget Hoagland, he’s obviously already on their payroll. More on that later.
Looking at All the Data
It’s critical in these “latter days” we don’t get lost in the confusion of the “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Lucifer“; suspiciously and surreptitiously named “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion“.
Never forget their ultimate goal is the complete destruction of all human beings born of the “Adamic bloodlines” (ultimately Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). These humans would be the “spirit breathed” (“living Soul breathed”) version of “man” created by our Heavenly Father (YHWH, Lord God Elohim) in Genesis 2:7.
However, since “mankind” has interbred with the hybrids of the Land of Canaan for thousands of years, the supernatural DNA conversion caused by the symbolic “Blood of Jesus Christ” (Yahushau) via the process of becoming “born-again” through “action, thought, words, and deed”, is necessary for a full “conversion”. This is a long story and I recommend you take the time to listen to the Tribulation-Now Radio Show dedicated to this topic here for more information.
While there are multitudes of websites dedicated to various “end-of-days” topics, very few bother to “connect ALL the dots”. It is critical one doesn’t investigate “earth changes” without having an in-depth understanding of the history of Nibiru / Planet X. However it’s just as important to understand the “star god” connection to Nibiru by studying the Ancient Sumerian claims and adding in a “shaker full” of well-filtered “Pleiadian channeler” testimony. You can’t study the New World Order without understanding that Lucifer is behind it all. You can’t analyze the motivation of the Pleiadians unless you understand they are at type of “fallen-angel” in a “host body” working in cahoots with the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex here on earth.
You ALWAYS have to apply the principle of “cui bono” (who benefits) to all your analysis. You MUST apply this principle to both Lucifer and the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father. God is at war with Lucifer. You need to consider all the variables. You need to apply Bible scripture to these variables. This is a complicated process. This is what is known as critical thinking (or critical analysis).
The omission of one critical variable can alter the outcome of “cui bono”. Amen?
YU-55, Hoover Dam, Pacific Wave 11, Mayan Elders, Crystal Skulls, Splitting of Jerusalem, Israel War with Iran, and 11-11-11
In the years I have been writing articles for Tribulation-Now, I have never seen such a crescendo of events. The disparity of these events unfolding merits mentioning. Let’s look at these things in a simplified format.
YU-55 – A round object, classified as an asteroid, mentioned on main-stream media, talked about incessantly by the disinformation agent Richard C. Hoagland (warning), not-spinning at all (warning), and coming closer to the earth than any cosmic object of this size has historically (at least that I’m aware of), and is approximately 1300-1500 feet in diameter. It is suggested should this object crash into the ocean the resulting tidal wave would be approximately 70 feet high, and travel 600 miles. That’s relatively noteworthy.
It’s also noteworthy this object is supposedly passing between the earth and moon on the same date of the FEMA Emergency Broadcast System Test (November 9th). It’s also noteworthy this Pacific Wave 2011 “tsunami drill” is happening during this object’s passing. It’s also noteworthy there is a mysterious “Red X” supposedly discovered in some “leaked” Google Earth XML file from NASA showing up at nearly the same location as the Pac Wave 11 drill mock impact zone. In fact there are more bizarre coincidental “drills” taking place the week of November 7th than I can recall. Everything from “nuclear drills” to “tsunami drills”.
This subject has been beaten to death. People have been sending out alerts, making You Tube videos, and screaming bloody-murder about this for weeks now. I covered this in great detail in the article entitled “The Epoch of Elenin” written on July 31st, however many more coincidences have surfaced since then.
Then Richard Hoagland comes out with this RIDICULOUS claim that he thinks the thing is going to hit the MOON. While without a doubt the thing could certainly hit the moon, claiming you have some “insider knowledge” on this possibility is delusional. Hoagland has publicly admited he does not believe in Nibiru / Planet X. Either the man has extreme brain damage, or he is a disinformation agent. Of course there’s always the possibility that he is an alien-abductee and is micro-chipped. It’s probably BOTH!
Even the movie Melancholia has a scene where the scientist insider (of sorts) played by Kiefer Sutherland, admits to his horrified family that there is a “margin of error” when predicting cosmic periods and trajectories. NO KIDDING. And should this thing be “steered” or controlled in some way by these “ET” entities, anything is possible. In fact, the Revelation 12:15 prophecy could easily be caused by YU-55 should it hit the oceans of earth unexpectedly.
Rev 12:15-16
So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood.
However, the next verse makes it clear that the earth “helps the woman” in such a way as to minimize the impact upon her. I struggle how that is possible with a “tsunami” event. Makes you think. One thing is for certain, the “serpent” is going to use some type of water event to attack “the woman”.
Which “segues” nicely into the next subject. The Hoover Dam.
Hoover Dam and 11-11-11
Jonathan Kleck, the $50 dollar bill, and related prophecies indicates that sooner or later the Hoover Dam is going to become another “false flag” attack target similar to the World Trade Centers of 911. And isn’t it fascinating that 11-9-11 is occurring next week? Isn’t it fascinating one decryption of the Simpson’s Doomsday Clock event suggest that 11-9-11 could be “the date” for something ominous. Isn’t it fascinating ALL THESE THINGS are correlating?
Never mind the “Lady GaGag” Race withing a Race statement on the Jay Leno Show February 14th, 2011.
This is all occult symbolism associated with the “birth” of the Age of Aquarius (Age of Lucifer). “GaGa” is the SUMERIAN name of one of Saturn’s moons. Saturn is symbolic of Lucifer. Saturn emerges from the constellation Virgo this same week! Lucifer is symbolically birthed out of the occult virgin “Isis / Dionysus”. Never mind those wacky Mayan “elders” and their demonic crystal skulls (sigh).
The Hoover Dam looks like a giant “birth canal” from above. There are “fallen angels” holding their wings straight up to the sky making 11-11.
If you haven’t listened already I cannot more highly recommend you take the time to hear the following two Radio Shows:
Mayan Calendar Ends, Wars, UFOs, and 11-11 Warnings Abound
Mayan Calendar Ends, Wars, UFOs, and 11-11 Warnings Abound
11-11-11 Hoover Dam Special with Jonathan Kleck
11-11-11 Hoover Dam Special with Jonathan Kleck
More Unbelievable Coincidences!
And if all that were not enough, never mind the AMAZING testimony of Jackie during the last Radio Show where she was shown by our Heavenly Father, UFO’s fighting in the heavens and SHOWN that some of them were God’s HOLY WATCHERS!
Dan 4:13-14
“I saw in the visions of my head while on my bed, and there was a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven.
Which supernaturally confirms the article I wrote back in April entitled:
That Which Restrains
Evidently “That Which Restrains” is MUCH MUCH MORE than simply the Holy Spirit.
2 Thess 2:7-8
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.
Be sure to listen to THAT Radio Show Here!
Alien Demon Encounters & Spiritual Warfare Basics
Alien Demon Encounters & Spiritual Warfare Basics
Here is an email comment about that show just in from Trudy:
Good Morning John!!!!
WoW! What an Awesome show!!! Pass me some tissue please!:)
I sooo needed to hear every word of that! The battle has been pretty intense in my household for the past few months and I have been feeling really beat up! That show was a booster shot from heaven! Thank You Jesus!! Thank you John!! Yes, I know that’s a lot of exclaimation points, but I’m excited!! I love it! Kick the dogs! is my new motto! Lol.
I have so much to share but the main reason I am writing you this morning is that I had a dream. The minute I woke up I knew that I needed to pass this on to you. I know that sounds a little odd but anyway…you know. This was today at four-thirty am. To be quite honest I have not been following events as closely as I once did but I remembered your email regarding the show and decided to listen and perhaps gain a little insight as to why I felt the need to send this in. Wow! When Jackie started talking about the shooting stars I almost fell out.
The Dream- Nov. 5
It was a beautiful moonlit night and me and my family were on some kind of party barge. There were three or so other barges full of people out in the open water. There was soft music playing in the background and the smell of tropical flowers in the air. Some of the guest had Leis and flowers tucked in their hair. Everyone was softly chatting with each other in small groups , like at a cocktail party. It was very nice. I remember breathing deeply with sighs of relaxation. Sadly, that scene did not last long.
The atmosphere quickly changed with bright flashes of light, intense heat and the sound of loud gasps and chatter. We all hurried over to the other side of the barge to see what was happening. I saw a very large pulsating light coming from the horizon. Kind of like city lights but much more intense. Whatever it was it was pretty far from us but the heat was almost unbearable. We could barely breath. It was all eery quiet except for the sonic like booms that started to occur. It looked like a Meteor shower with bright flashes of light in the sky but without the streaks. The sounds started to get louder, boom,boom,boom. One boom right after another. These bright lights were far off in the sky but it sounded so close.
Right before I woke up I saw what was coming! I remember thinking in the dream,” How in the world did they get here so quickly?!!!” Again, so quiet, zoom, zoom they rushed overhead. Directly overhead, I would say less than fifty feet away. The crafts looked like flying motorcycles with soldiers dressed in black leather riding them. They were not of this world. The war was on! They were putting troops on the ground.
Uggh! Its not good John, it’s not good.
Somehow I did not feel panic. It was like I was an observer. Praise God!
Anyway, I know that’s a lot but felt led to share!Thanks as always for your faithfulness! Have a wonderful day,
Summary in Jesus Name
Hopefully by now you are aware that the rumor mill is flooded with claims that a war with Iran is imminent. This morning I was reading a well written article posted on the Intel-Hub entitled:
The Western Assault on Iran Has Begun
This article does a good job of presenting the complexities of staring a war with Iran. And indeed there are a vast number of complexities.
When you add in ALL THE VARIABLES, including those “not of this earth”, you have to figure in the imminent arrival of the “Sumerian gods”. Again, according to the prophet Esdras (from the 1611 KJV), not long after the upheaval in Egypt (the metaphorical middle-east), there is an attack from the “dragons of Arabia” here on earth.
2 Esdras 15:28
Behold an horrible vision, and the appearance thereof from the east:
Where the nations of the dragons of Arabia shall come out with many chariots, and the multitude of them shall be carried as the wind upon earth, that all they which hear them may fear and tremble.
And not long after that, in verse 40, after the seas roar and earth cataclysms abound, comes the arrival of …
Jesus Christ Comes Like a Thief
If you are not REPENTING!
You are STAYING!
… for the Great Tribulation!
… or …
I just want to say God Bless you John for your ministry during these ‘times’. I hope God blesses you and Kenneth with your radio show and to your website. Both have being invaluable and a great source of prophetic wisdom and understandings, that we are all searching for, during these trying times. Keep up the great work, live in God’s light and peace be upon your brother. Much love,
God Bless You Brother!!