Destruction FIRST then Rapture

The Final Word
Destruction First

The FEMA Camps are being “activated” at this time.  This is NOT A DRILL.  The Lord has spoken through His prophets, not once but many times.  The information this article will share correlates years of research and confirms dreams and visions from thousands of Christians across the world.  It matches the scripture perfectly.

It is with both a heavy heart, and one of eventual victory, that I write this article.  I’m not sure how long we have to prepare.


The Unfolding

The prophet Dr. David Owuor has been given vivid visions from our Father.  David Wilkerson was given visions of the same destruction years ago.  Now our Father, as prophesied by the prophet Joel, is speaking through His “people”.  Take heed and prepare, or ignore and suffer.

For what it’s worth I have been researching the dreams and visions of God’s leaders off and on for more than 30 years.  Indeed at the age of 10 I was listening to a record album of Jack Van Impe on the Gog and Magog invasion.  I’ve appeared on radio shows that have reached more than 8 million people.  I study the enemy with discerning ears and eyes.  I have written articles warning of cataclysmic destruction such as “Until All Hell Breaks Loose“.  ALL the data correlates.  There is no longer any doubt in my mind.

The utter destruction of the United States of America is “at hand”.  I believe this will mark the opening of the Sixth Seal (ref. Rev. 6:12).  It’s hard to be sure, as that could come even later.  As Dr. Owuor “speculated” in His 2009 You Tube video, the rapture of the Bride will happen sometime prior to the full manifestation of the Gog Magog war in Ezekiel 38 and 39.  However now, thanks to the mercy and grace of our Heavenly Father, a detailed revealing of events has been disclosed.

The following “key” events will unfold on short notice and almost certainly in “rapid fire succession“.

  • An Earthquake will Destroy California
  • A Massive West Coast Tsunami (think PacWave 2011, they know)
  • More Massive Earthquakes Ensue (possibly global)
  • A Massive East Coast Tsunami
  • Destruction of the United States
  • Immediate Activation of the FEMA Camps and 5 Districts
  • World War III – Gog and Magog Invasion
  • Nuclear War (pawned off by the enemy as Armageddon later)
  • Manifestation of Demonic / Fallen Angelic Entities in the Flesh
  • Almost certainly a massive UFO invasion to follow (ref. 2 Esdras 15)

Wilkerson and Owuor saw horrific visions of the first four (4) bullet points.  Many untold others have prophesied and seen visions of similar events.  Alex Jones has just received leaked confidential documentation from insider access to Kellog Brown & Root, a Halliburton subsidiary and the contractors responsible for leading the construction of more than 800 FEMA civil detention camps in the United States.  They are activating the FEMA Camps right now.


The FEMA Camps are Being Activated

Just hours ago, the Alex Jones “Infowars / Prison Planet” operation released arguably the most horrific news thus far.  Information has leaked.  The FEMA Camps are being activated at this time.  Not only have we seen the National Level Exercise Drills across the United States for Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Nuclear, Biological and Chemical threats, but we have seen the military troop buildups.  We know about the Chinese troops on North American soil.  We are NOT blind.

We know about Planet X.  We’ve SEEN IT.

Here is an excerpt from the article mentioned above.

Exclusive: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S.

Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones
December 6, 2011 has received a document originating from Halliburton subsidiary KBR that provides details on a push to outfit FEMA and U.S. Army camps around the United States. Entitled “Project Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements,” the document describes services KBR is looking to farm out to subcontractors. The document was passed on to us by a state government employee who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.

Click HERE to read the entire article.


Here is the You Tube video of that report:


DO NOT forget in January of this year, FEMA issued RFIs (Requests for Information) through their purchasing units for more than 7 million emergency food rations, emergency blankets and UNDERWATER BODY BAGS!  That was in January of this year!  By now they have filled those orders and placed many more.  The numbers are certainly FAR higher than the original RFIs reflected.



The Final Verdict is In

Our Heavenly Father is now communicating through his people across the world in different ways.  Not only is He giving visions to His “leading” obedient and holy prophets, but He is now speaking through the “sons and daughters” and His regular followers.

Acts 2:17-18
17 ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
18 And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy.

Amen to THAT!

Here below is one such “young man”.  His name is Elvi Zapata.   God Bless Him!!   Mr. Zapata has been taken to Heaven in vivid “technicolor” visions.  His vision match those of Kat Kerr, Jesse Duplantis, and the book written in the 1800’s entitled “My Dream of Heaven”.  The information IS CONFIRMED people.  These revelations can NOT be disputed.

Elvi Zapata’s testimony confirms David Wilkerson’s visions from the ’70s.  Elvi Zapata’s testimony confirms the prophet Dr. David Owuors visions of destruction in the U.S.  Elvi Zapata’s testimony “matches” the Mayan “lore” from 5,000 plus years ago.  Evli Zapata’s testimony matches information embedded in the Hopi Red and Blue Star Kachina prophecy.  Zapata’s testimony even matches some of the “mixed bag” of information coming in from the fallen-angelic “channelers”.


Get out your NOTE PAD.  Take notes.  This is the real deal.


Also be sure to see this article entitled:



Summary in Jesus Name

Glory to Jesus Christ the King of Kings.  Glory to our awesome Heavenly Father.  TIME IS UP.  The only piece of this complex and confusing equation we weren’t able to figure out was WHEN the Bride would be taken.  And GLORY TO GOD … NOW we know precisely when.

The Bride will be take IMMEDIATELY AFTER the destruction of the West and East Coast of the United States via earthquake and tsunami.  Millions will die.  We are to PRAY for the people of Israel whom God will protect during the Iran (Gog and Magog) invasion / nuclear war.  We are to PRAY for the unsaved and saved people of the United States and the world.

Do not fear for your life, FEAR for your ETERNITY.

The TIME IS NOW for the Bride to prepare to endure these forthcoming calamities.  The Bride must buy rice, canned food, and stock up on water.  We do not know how long these calamities will take to fully unfold.  I don’t care how poor you think you are, SEEK THE LORD, visit a Metropolitan Ministry, get yourself some food and water.  If you are the Bride of Jesus Christ you won’t need much.  If you have doubts that you qualify as the Bride of Jesus Christ, you will need A LOT.

It rains on the Just and the Unjust.









Author: John Baptist
Researcher. Writer. Engineer. Born Again "Spirit Filled" Christian. If you want to get to know me, just email me. All Tribulation-Now email list members are friends in Jesus.

5 thoughts on “Destruction FIRST then Rapture

  1. Well if you true, then tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of believers will die just prior to the rapture, correct? I hope it doesn’t all go down in the next few days. My Dad is taking our family (me, hubby, and two kiddos) to Disneyland for Christmas and we leave in a few minutes. This is their first trip and I’d like to enjoy it. I really don’t want to watch my family die in an earthquake, and most certainly not in a tsunami…

  2. Hi I’m confused about this trial thing during the 1000 yr reign. What is he say there ? I always understood nonce your in heaven there is no pain or stress or worry and he contradicts himself from other videos where he says heaven is worry stress free etc.. Or is he saying trials in heaven while the trib is going on in earth either way I’m confused….. Spreading the word on this however great stuff

  3. Shalom!
    I believe you are on the right way. We have to be prepared. To abide in Him, to have a close relationship with the Lord is the best way to know and be guided. Repentance is the way to Heaven. Not every one that says Lord is doing the will of the Father. True repentance is to bring forth fruit. Many Christians are not ready. God bless you for your wake-up call. Time is running out, no delay, prophecy will be fulfilled before our eyes.

  4. It is not about what we want to ” watch” happen to America .
    The American Church says this frequently : “I hope we do not have to suffer before The Rapture ” . All the while watching people in every country around the world suffer for belonging to Christ Jesus .
    Our belief system concerning America’s exemption from unpleasant events is false !

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