Aliens, Otherworldly Beings, Other Dimensions or Realms – They are Coming
Isa 13:3-5
I have commanded My sanctified ones;
I have also called My mighty ones for My anger —
Those who rejoice in My exaltation.”
4 The noise of a multitude in the mountains,
Like that of many people!
A tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together!
The Lord of hosts musters
The army for battle.
5 They come from a far country,
From the end of heaven —
The Lord and His weapons of indignation,
To destroy the whole land.
Destruction Unleashed
My children, as the destruction falls, you will see terrible things in your atmosphere. I desire to warn you of this so you will understand.

Destruction unleashed is something you have only glimpsed in make-believe. You have never truly seen destruction unleashed in your world and it shall be a terrifying sight. With destruction come many demonic entities that have heretofore been in another realm where you could not see them. These were not meant to dwell on the earth, but will be loosed for a season upon the wicked. You cannot kill these with weapons, and this, too, shall make you afraid, but you, My children, have the true weapons to keep them away from you – My Word, My Blood, and My Name.
This is part of why it is imperative you learn about Me now. You need these weapons and the knowledge of how to use each one stored up on your heart for that time, for it is not far into the future for you.
I forewarn you in My Mercy.
Other Worlds

My people, there are dangers from other worlds you know not of. My people are unaware of dangers that lurk in the darkness around them, and these dangers are coming to the earth.
Find your refuge in Me, children, for there is no power on earth not of Me that can defeat these powers that are coming. Only those found in Me will survive.

In the world around you in times to come, My people will see the invisible realm. For those of you who do not see now, this will be frightening, but it is for your good that I shall open your eyes then. Otherwise would the deception be so great, none of My people would survive at all.
The creatures you shall see then are from the pits of hell, where the enemy of your soul reigns. They will attempt to terrify you, but I command you now – Fear not! Do not give place to the enemy in this way. You shall fear the Lord your God only and Him only shall you serve.
Remember when that time arrives that what you are seeing is not anything new, but things that are very ancient. They have always been around you, but you have not always needed to know this was so. In that time, it will be necessary for you to live without being deceived by those who are wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Fear not, only believe in Me. I am well able to protect you.
Preview of the Day of the Lord
Preview of the Day of the Lord
Subject: Barb God’s Healer7 12-6-16 Preview of the Day of the Lord A foreshadowing Matt 24:27 Joel 1:15

Pt 1 Listen! The Lion Roars! The birds take flight. You can see the beasts of the earth running.
Look at the sky-it’s clear. Shhhhhh. Listen! I hear thunder. I know-How can there be thunder? the sky is clear.
I know, but it looks strange. Something’s not right. I have a peculiar feeling. Look over there-it looks like it’s
Lightning. I think we should go inside-it’s lightning and thundering to the east.
I’m going to put the news on to see if something is going on. The newsman says “the lightning and thunder can be
Heard and seen all over the world. The lightning is causing fires everywhere.”
What’s that? It looks like airplanes. I don’t know, but I can hear sirens. No, there is something else! Yes, I hear it.
It sounds like a trumpet blowing. Did you hear that???? The news says the government has ordered our planes up.
They are tracking something on the radar.
Let’s go down the street and look at the national guard armory. I can see the trucks coming up the road. I think we
Should go over to the store now. The local news just cut in and said the schools are all being let out early. All the national
Guard units are on alert. I’m going to stop at the bank first. Hurry up so we can get back before the kids come home.
Pt 2
We’d better hurry! The place looks jammed already. Put the news on. I can’t. The tv stations are all off the air.
I’ll try the radio. There’s nothing. It’s off the air too. I think I know what’s going on. Let’s get what we need and get home.
Look! None of the street lights are working. We will have to take the back roads. See if your cell phone works. No-it’s dead.
I can feel the earth shaking. Remember that earthquake we had? The doors were moving and the pictures. I think this is
What the Bible calls “the end of time” when Jesus returns, or The Day of the Lord. They say it will be a regular day.
No one knows when, but the signs are all available to see for those with eyes, and those with ears can hear the warnings.
I guess God gave warnings like He did in the time of Noah, and no one listened. They all laughed at the warnings.
God, I made fun of it until it started to rain.
Guess what? I think it’s raining.
Barb adds:
That’s very intriguing. It’s a glimpse. It’s going to be a regular day. The Second Coming of Christ- no one is going to expect it,
Just like the Day of Noah. Everyone was just going about their regular business…
You know time is short when I’m getting a prophecy like this about The Day of the Lord and the Second Coming of Jesus.
NOTE: Compare this to the beginning of the movie War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise

WARNING!!! All to come! ~ 278pikelk September 27th, 2014
TRANSCRIPT: Wait and watch! For all of this is to come. My children, My warriors, recite My Words, claiming victory or sin, in the face of evil. Stand upon My rock, My Word, My promise of victory. Victory is mine, therefore it is yours. You are victorious through Me My children! Be strong in battle, for I have supplied you with My armour. The more evil that comes against you, praise Me and worship Me and thank Me, because My shield around you cannot be penetrated. Seek Me with your whole heart now My children. Let My presence fill your every cell. Soon your transfiguration will begin. And for that to happen you must be purged of this world, and its evil. With every step you take see Me. Seek My Face. My heart breaks for those that have come so far but surrender to the temptations and are being pulled back into this world, for their lack of knowledge. They fail to seek Me out. They never get past My name and learn who I Am. My children I implore you, take the time to get to know who I Am, through My Word. Learn who I Am before it is too late. There is a time coming upon your earth, that unless you are grounded in Me you will be deceived. Fear is a great motivator, and when you are told lies they will appear to be truths. You will not be able to see the difference without My Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh guiding you My loves. Do not wait any longer to receive My Holy Spirit. Receive Him and receive His guidance. He speaks softly but clearly and will be your guide along with My angels, in the soon coming times of peril. For the gates of hell have been opened, and every demon has been set free to run too and fro upon your earth seeking whom they may devour. Their leader has set himself in place and is waiting for his army to appear front and centre. They are in formation and ready to receive their marching orders. This is nearer in the spiritual realm, as you can see, even sometimes in the natural on your earth as they have set up monuments to satan and worship then as their god. Your earth groans for reconciliation. My creation and animals groan for reconciliation. You will be seeing powerful earthquakes, storms and earth changes. Chaos will be breaking out. Evil at a whole new level. The smell of death will reach every nostril. Satan will have his way for a short time within your earth and many will fall for his lies. He is the ultimate deceiver and he will take every soul granted to him. I reach for My lost sheep, trying to reign them in, so that they will not be swept away in the rushing current of evil that is coming upon your earth now. Do not take any chances, do not subject yourself to any evil and be tempted by your world now. You must be diligently seeking Me at all times. I will instruct My chosen as to what will be expected of each of you. If you are not focused on Me you will miss your instructions. Stay focused My loves. The Lion of Judah will protect His flock from evil. I know the number of hairs on your head. Trust that My protection reigns over every evil. Do not worry. Do not fear. Prepare for battle My soldiers. Do not turn to the right or to the left but focus on My face. Focus on the end result and end defeat of the enemy that has already been assured. Victory is Mine, through My own shed blood. If I live in your heart victory will also be yours. Do not shrink back in the face of evil, do not be deceived by the evil ones that are coming in a cloak of false peace, offering you security. They are nothing like you have ever seen before, and will easily slay the weak hearted and the people that aren’t expecting their arrival. Be prepared My loves. I know to many this sounds strange and far out there, but this will happen. They will come and offer their help, and broadcast their ability to create a utopia on your fallen planet. They will deceive the masses who will want so badly what they have to offer. This is coming My loves. These creatures will appear almost human, but My children will know the evil that lurks behind their eyes. Wake up My children, wake up! My soldiers do not sleep. Be vigilant in prayer for slumber is not your friend. Your only rest should be in Me. When you rest in Me you will not become weary. Receive from Me your power, wait and watch for all of this is to come.
Yes. I am aware. For about aq month now, they have been spreading their propaganda on youtube. The Pleadians, the Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Command , Ashtar Sheran, the Acturians and some others. Second Thessalonians chapter 2 is upon us. The Lord was asked about the posts by these beings and below is what he said. I have been sharing it to help bring awareness. I included bible scriptures and included info on Jonathan Kleck, whom the Lord has given much info concerning this deception. Below is what I have been sharing at these youtube help make readers aware of what they really are. THE DEMON/ALIENS/FALLEN ANGELS ARE ON THEIR WAY TO TRY TO DECEIVE GOD’S VERY ELECT. COULD IT BE???
Published on May 21, 2017
( So, could this denote that rapture of the Bride is so very soon and will NOT be here for this deception???)
The below information was received from Yeshua Hamashiach , King of Kings and Lord of Lords regarding the beings making these posts on youtube. This information is straight from the Lord Jesus Christ, himself . It can be accepted and believed, so as to prevent as many as possible, from being deceived. If in doubt, go in prayer and he will confirm that the information is true. They are demons and they are in cahoots with the nwo . They are not our friends. They actually want to create human alien hybrids by abducting people and using them as lab rats to create a new species of humanoids . Also, they want to destroy our planet and take over our planet as well. They are anything but good. They are complete evil . They may very well be advanced with their technology and are incredibly intelligent but that does not mean they have love or anything of me, the Lord. They are not human. They are a separate creation, altogether. God Yahweh did create them but not for the purposes they are fulfilling right now. They are part of the enemy, completely. They are demons in disguise. Do not trust them. They may mean well in the beginning but their intentions are not for our benefit. They will be used to torture Christians into taking the mark of the beast. They are completely evil. Do not trust them an inch. ( The Lord has also revealed much to Jonathan Kleck on this issue) . See his information on youtube channel The Jonathan Kleck. Also, please go to a bible and read Genesis chapter 6 and read Second Thessalonians chapter 2. You will then realize that the battle to win God’s human souls is not over yet and the means to do it is through lies and deceptions. Please feel free to copy and paste this information from the Lord Jesus Christ and share it. Blessings.
I find it interesting that the Septuagint says in Isaiah 13 YHWH will open gates / portals to release giants to execute His wrath
Yep, great point. That is what the translators of the Greek into English chose it to say, which is not as reliable as we might think. Greek does not translate very well into English regardless of the source text. As you surely know, we need to use our Strongs, a little critical thinking skills, listen to reliable holy prophets, and figure it out with an open mind based on all the data. Glory to God.
John did you look into these verses yet?
Isaiah 18:1-2 Woe to the land shadowed with buzzing wings,
Which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia,
2 Which sends ambassadors by sea,
Even in vessels of reed on the waters, saying,
“Go, swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth of skin,
To a people terrible from their beginning onward,
A nation powerful and treading down,
Whose land the rivers divide.”
Yep amen