0 1444

Fauci and the Coronavirus Bioweapon Patent (Video)

World War II Nazi Germany Happening Now! Fauci and Gates (with the assistance of Obama) are mass murdering the global population through a Nazi program known as Eugenics.  The Nazi…

 Posted in Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich
0 2840


  From the Dead Sea Scrolls: TESTAMENT OF REUBEN > “For they changed themselves unto the shape of men” –Testament of Reuben Therefore flee fornication, my children, and command your…

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0 1053

Brit Hume Tweets Shock, Discovers Captial Riots was False Flag


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1 5542

Biden Openly Threatening State Governors with FEMA Camps

Florida has only distributed 50% of COVID-19 vaccine supply, WH press secretary says   A Little FEMA Camp History Rex 84 (round about the year 1984) was the original Black…

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0 1612

Why Were All the Trump Reelection Prophecies Wrong? – Seducing Spirits

Scriptural Reference to this Prophecy 1 Kings 22:19-23 19 Then Micaiah said, “Therefore hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, and all the…

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2 2044

The Truth About the Vaccine

Folks please.  With all the radio shows and global chaos it’s hard for me to break away and write an article.  So I only do it when it is important….

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0 1025

SHAVUOT (First Watch) WEDDING – YEAR 20 *21*

Could Mysterious Monoliths, Space Force, Deathstar Sculptures, Disabled Space Telescopes & Credible Disclosure be warnings of the Rapture? Luke 21:25-26 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the…

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0 1131

Multiphased Rescue Mission, First Watch, Second Watch

  And here is the original article the Lord led me to write ten years ago, LONG before any of these confirmations and testimonies were a part of my life. …

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0 891


Note First:   This report never denies that Covid 19 exists, but correctly identifies it as a PLANNED ATTACK against humanity that has been greatly exaggerated! CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – Dr….

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0 1582

WARNING! Trump Comments Align to Kennedy Secret Society Warnings

TAKE THE TIME TO LISTEN AND THINK TRUMP COMPARES HIMSELF TO LINCOLN ————————- BILL GATES (in 2016) Compares Trump to JFK https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/310139-bill-gates-trump-resembles-jfk-in-his-ability-to-innovate   NOW – PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO…

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1 1634

COVID-19 is Fully Treatable

BUT WE ALREADY KNEW THAT … DIDN’T WE? Listen to this video HERE: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ye8W5qJeTjbr/?inf_contact_key=2c05db8c34d9638f76582b141712382e1b0a3f0fd3ee5d9b43fb34c6613498d7 PS: Evidenty Brietbart news got blacklisted on Twitter for sending this out.  Notice the logo in…

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0 2989

Fauci Knew Hydroxychloroquine Killed Coronavirus in 2005

Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 — nobody needed to die Monday, April 27, 2020 Bryan Fischer – Guest Columnist http://on.fb.me/1pFPvvd Facebook138KTwitterEmailMore16.5K Link to Main Article: https://onenewsnow.com/perspectives/bryan-fischer/2020/04/27/fauci-knew-about-hcq-in-2005-nobody-needed-to-die Dr. Anthony Fauci,…

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0 1365

Layered Lies upon Covid Lies

The Satanic Takedown is in Full Effect These types of disclosures are so pervasive that by now certainly millions of people worldwide know that there is an intentional manipulation of…

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1 1990

Top Five Prophetic Movies (What’s Going to Happen?)

If you really want to know what’s going to happen in the near future, consider listening to this radio show here: Victory over the Experiment with Sister Eleyna https://www.blogtalkradio.com/tribulation-now/2020/06/04/victory-over-the-experiment-with-sister-eleyna During…

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0 1325

COVID … Relief?

NUFF SAID (or … ugh) Ps 126:2-3 2 Then our mouth was filled with laughter, And our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done…

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0 1144

Annunaki, Angel Wars, and Glorified Realms

A SHORT LETTER-BASED PRIMER ON WHO WE ARE BASED ON THE MYSTERIES OF THE BIBLE AND PRAYER I recently received an email from a brother who was curious about pre-adamic…

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0 834

Rand Paul Spanks the Evil Fauci live at the Senate Hearings

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/i-dont-think-youre-the-end-all-rand-paul-casts-doubt-on-faucis-coronavirus-predictions Paul was quoted as stating: Sen. Rand Paul criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci and suggested that he and other leading U.S. health officials have incorrectly predicted how widespread the coronavirus…

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0 757

JFK and Lincoln – What do they have in Common?

TRUMP COMPARES HIMSELF TO LINCOLN ————————- BILL GATES (in 2016) Compares Trump to JFK https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/310139-bill-gates-trump-resembles-jfk-in-his-ability-to-innovate AND THEN THIS! https://www.theblaze.com/news/obama-gave-infamous-wuhan-lab-millions-in-taxpayer-money   COINCIDENCE? I DON’T THINK SO   https://www.wtae.com/article/police-investigating-deaths-of-two-people-in-ross-township/32352957 WATCH AND PRAY…

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0 1497

COVID-19 Warnings & Mark of the Beast

NOTE: Due to the highly fluid nature of the Covid events taking place, there have been a large number of updates to this article over time. Interview with: Dr. SHIVA…

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0 1468

NO GUNS! Not Even in Self Defense – BE LIKE JESUS!!!

NOT EVEN IN SELF DEFENSE!!! Aren’t We to Be Like Jesus? Your Last Decision is Your Last For the life of me I am unable to understand how people who…

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