- Glorious Mysteries Revealed We’re Finally Going Home
- What is Righteousness?
- Tears of Amazement
- Amazing Confirmations
- The Elvi Zapatta Testimony
- Prepare to be BLOWN AWAY
- Jonathan Kleck’s Confirmation on Elvi
- The Testimony of Kat Kerr
- John W. Milor’s Take on “The Rescue Mission”
- My Dream of Heaven
- Summary in Jesus Name
Glorious Mysteries Revealed
We’re Finally Going Home
All my life I’ve know something wasn’t right with what I was being told. I guess you could say it just “didn’t sit right with my spirit”. The stories I had read about Heaven were simply too nebulous. The pieces didn’t fit with the scripture. The concepts were blurry.
Where were the “mansions” that Jesus talked about? Why would I hear things like “your mother is waiting for you there”, but not find any evidence of it in the Bible. There where hints woven here and there in the scripture, but nothing of which I could be certain. I was pretty sure I would see the apostles there, but what about my family and friends? Would I forget everything?
How could I feel a sense of accomplishment if I couldn’t remember my past?
Mark 4:22-23
For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light.
What is Righteousness?
The Meriam Webster’s dictionary defines righteousness as:
1. :acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin
2. :morally right or justifiable
3. :arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality (righteous indignation)
4. :genuine, excellent (derivative)
Over the years as I wrote various articles, I knew I had to maintain a constant state of humility as best as I knew how. Many of the topics covered, while coming from my heart, were sometimes difficult to confirm with scripture. But more than anything I wanted to be correct. More than anything I wanted to be “righteous”.
It’s hard to explain to people that you’ve received “divine confirmations”. What does that mean to “some else”? To the reader of an article, suggesting you were given some “supernatural” substantiation, doesn’t work very well. People are quick to dismiss advanced concepts with which they are not comfortable (and worse).
The other day, while sitting in my hotel room in New York City, I received an email from Jeff D. God Bless You Jeff! Jeff had “coincidentally” stumbled across a testimony on You Tube. Frankly I’m surprised he found it. It was a web-link buried inside a rather lenthy email, accompanied by a wide range of other links.
I believe it was the divine providence of God.
Tears of Amazement
The demands of life can be challenging. It’s hard enough to deal with family matters, home maintenance and cleaning, and a consulting job that requires frequent travel; but when combined with the work for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, it is utterly overwhelming. Particularly when all you want to do is work for the Kingdom. Work-Life-Balance becomes loaded with guilt, concerns, and a feeling of “not measuring up”.
While somehow I knew in my heart that the controversial postulations I’ve woven into the articles on Tribulation-Now, were very likely correct, it was hard to be certain. Most times the “supernatural” confirmations, while amazing, were something only I could embrace. Without the beautiful emails of encouragement, from people all over the world, it would have been impossible to keep writing.
When I received the email from Jeff containing the You Tube video, I was quite reluctant to spend my time listening. It’s one thing to take a quick 10 minute break, and watch one or two videos a day; it’s another thing to watch a 1 hr. and 28 minute video. I had just finished a hard day at work, and had only 2 hours before I was to go live on the radio. I was tired.
I started to watch.
I was in tears the whole time.
Amazing Confirmations
I’ve written highly controversial articles on everything from “tithing” to UFOs. In the last several month, I’ve event tackled topics such as “The Heavenly Office of God” in the article “Chronicles Project Mystery Solved” and did my best to explain how “things” work in “the heavens”. I’ve recommended that people read John W. Milor’s book “Aliens and the Antichrist“.
With every article, and every reading recommendation, comes both positive and negative feedback. The intelligent “open minded” Christians are a fabulous blessing. The others are … well … let’s just say … not very nice.
I’ve gently suggested that “God’s angels” sometimes use “technologies” to move through the Universe. Many “so-called” Christians don’t like that. I’ve suggested that the “rapture” is a “rescue mission” of sorts, and that God’s angels will ultimately “beam us up” into their “light speed” transport technologies. I’ve gently suggested that God has offices in different places in the cosmos, and Heaven and “the heavens” are far more “tangible” than we ever imagined.
And I wrote about all these thing BEFORE I found Milor’s book! When I read his book I was so astonished, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
But THEN, came this testimony from a “regular guy” on You Tube named Elvi Zapatta. And it wasn’t just HIS testimony, indeed it was ANOTHER person’s as well, named Kat Kerr. At this point I submit there are probably many others too. It is clear to me that God has “pulled out all the stops“, and is revealing everything to His people. At least to those who are listening and yearning to “go home”.
If there was any doubt in my mind about us leaving earth in a “rescue mission” very soon before, – THERE IS NO DOUBT NOW!
The Elvi Zapatta Testimony
If you’ve ever set aside 90 minutes of your time to watch something important, you MUST watch this video. This is probably the most important thing you will hear in your entire life.
Some of the information is troubling. Some of the information is astonishing. Some of the information might not make complete sense to you. But you HAVE to watch this. It is life changing. Your understanding of Heaven will be completely changed. It will become something you can relate too. It will become REAL. And you will want to go there more than ever before.
It’s better than the best vacation you could ever imagine.
to be
Close your door, grab a box of tissues, and get ready to be “amazed”.
Elvi Zapatta’s Testimony of Heaven:
An Email of Guidance from Elvi Zapatta
After I watched Elvi’s testimony I was in utter shock. I wiped the tears from my eyes and called Kenneth Beer. What I told him not only troubled him, but amazed him. Yesterday he called me on the phone and said “either this guy has been reading Tribulation-Now’s articles or this is the most amazing confirmation we have ever received”.
Amen to that.
I emailed Elvi and received what appears to be a canned email he is using to respond to people from across the world. It is JAM PACKED with information he received from the Lord on preparing yourself to “get off this rock” and avoid the Great Tribulation.
Here is the email response I received from him after asking for the name of the Israeli mission to the poor he mentioned in his video:
To help the poor of Israel www.messianicbible.com.
Peace with God; this letter will help you stay pure and ready for the Rapture.
Our life here on earth is but a vapor a wisp of wind gone in the blink of an eye. The goal of our life here on earth is to achieve eternal life with God. How do we attain eternal life? We make peace with God.
How do we make peace with God? We can not do it, only God can do it for us, through The Holy Lord Jesus Christ.
It is only by our loving Father’s grace and mercy and the sacrifice of our Holy Lord Jesus Christ, may we attain peace with God. We are truly incapable of attaining peace with God by ourselves.
God is holy we are not. So how do we clean ourselves up? We can not do anything with out The Lord’s help (John 15:5). Only with the help of The Holy Lord Jesus Christ, can we begin to attempt to clean ourselves up so we may one day, in the distant future stand in front of our Holy God.
Where do we start? Good question very good question. We start by developing a close personal relationship with The Holy Lord Jesus Christ. How do we do that? We truly humble ourselves in front of our Holy God. We get on our knees and ask The Holy Lord Jesus Christ to please have mercy on us to please help us to tell him we are truly helpless with out his help. We cry our to him in agony and pain for his help. Please Holy Lord Jesus help me for I am nothing but a wretched sinner, please help me please, help me for I am incapable of helping my self. Have mercy on me Lord. Help me help me please Lord. Cry out as if your life depended on it for it surely does.
If in the eyes of the Lord you truly humble yourself and are truly sincere he will have mercy on you and begin to lead you and guide you on to the path to peace with our Holy God.
Lets talk about sin for a minute here. The first sin was pride. Most people think the first sin was disobedience. But pride is the root of all sin. What is pride? A high opinion of ones dignity, importance or superiority. Who was the first to commit this sin Lucifer. We must ask The Lord to please take all pride form us. I must warn you this a process. Pride is deep rooted in us and only the Lord can deal with our pride.
Next we must ask The Lord to help us with our doubt and unbelief. Believe me this is also a process as we all will struggle with doubt and unbelief all the days of our lives. This is not going to be easy; it will be the hardest thing you have ever attempted in your life. There will be days where you think this is impossible but remember nothing is impossible with God.What is important to God in our walk with The Holy Lord Jesus Christ. What will help us to attain peace with God?
First we must put God first in our lives above all else. I can’t tell you how important this is to our heavenly Father. Without God we would never have been born. If God stopped thinking of us for just one second we would cease to exist.
Next we must be obedient to God and live our lives according to his holy word. This is for our own good we are are own worst enemy. We bring on the calamities in our life by being disobedient to our Holy God. I don’t have to tell you how hard this is we all struggle with obedience all the days of our lives.We have been given the gift of repentance. How many of us use this gift. We should be in continual repentance. There is no such thing as too much repentance. We need to pray continually; prayer is so important. Never mind every day but every chance we get every day.
When you get to heaven you will find out how important prayer is until; then please pray continually for your own good. Next we must accept the grace and mercy that only God can give us thru The Holy Lord Jesus Christ. But above all we must trust The Holy Lord Jesus Christ.
We must then ask The Holy Lord Jesus Christ thru his grace and mercy to begin the process of cleansing our heart (Psalm 51:10). To take all the impurities out of our heart. Up to this point if you thought boy oh boy this is difficult. You have not seen anything yet; now this is truly a process. You will be tested and go thru much pain and doubt. You will say what is happening to me. But trust The Lord if you persevere and have faith and don’t give up. The Lord will help you clean up your heart.
Here is how The Holy Lord Jesus Christ has taught me to confess and repent my sins which I do many times a day and the cleansing and purification process he has shown me. This is very important to The Lord. It was shown and taught to me over many months.“Holy Lord Jesus Christ please forgive every sin I have commited in my lifetime from the second of my birth to this very second. I completely cover these grievous sins with your holy blood the blood of The Holy Lord Jesus Christ and I accept full and total responsibility for all of these grievous sins.” I then wait on the Lord ’till he tells me he forgives all my sins.
Next I do a sincere repentance. I keep repenting till The Lord tells me he accepts my sincere repentance. Sometimes this may take quite awhile.
Cleansing and Purification:
Holy Lord Jesus Christ please cleanse and totally purify my heart to perfection with your precious blood and holy fire.
Holy Lord Jesus Christ please cleanse and totally purify my soul with your precious blood and holy fire.
Holy Lord Jesus Christ please cleanse and totally purify my mind with your precious blood and holy fire.
Holy Lord Jesus Christ please cleanse and totally purify my flesh with your precious blood and holy fire.
Holy Lord Jesus Christ please cleanse and totally purify all my record keeping books in heaven with your precious blood and holy fire.
Holy Lord Jesus Christ please cleanse and totally purify my robe and my gown in heaven with your precious blood and holy fire.
Well that is it, I hope and pray that this helps everyone who reads this word in his or her walk with The Holy Lord Jesus Christ and brings you closer to peace with our loving and holy eternal God.This word was written under the complete direction of The Holy Spirit. Thank you so much Holy Spirit. I give all praise and glory and credit to our Holy Lord Jesus Christ. I love you Holy Lord Jesus and I thank you so much for having such love and mercy on all of us. (John 15:5) I can do nothing without you Lord.
Your brother in Christ
Another place Elvi and his brother Larry recommend sending your tithes to is:
Final Frontier Ministries
Box 121971
Nashville, TN 37212-1971
Evidently the Lord showed them this ministry, located in Israel, helps the poor and a big way and is currently under attack from militant forces on a daily basis.
Jonathan Kleck’s Confirmation on Elvi
When speaking to Jonathan about the wonderful new information coming through Elvi from Jesus, Jonathan Kleck prayed to our Father, and opened his thesaurus and this is the page it fell upon.
The Testimony of Kat Kerr
After I watched Elvi Zapatta’s testimony, a few days went buy. Then “out of the clear blue sky“, Dorien from Australia, sends me yet another unbelievable testimony from a woman named Kat Kerr (I hope I spelled that right … praise Jesus).
While Elvi explains things that we all need to hear, many of which are very troubling, Kat simply tells about the glorious things. But what’s simply “jaw dropping” is that Kat’s testimony MATCHES UP with Elvi’s testimony. I couldn’t believe my ears! And Kat even explains about a little bit about the “technologies” used by God’s “people” to pick us up and transport us to Heaven. I’m not going to give you all the details because you NEED to listen to these testimonies.
Kat Kerr’s Testimony of Heaven
John W. Milor’s Take on “The Rescue Mission”
John Milor wrote his books a while ago. In his book he suggests that we should all keep a copy near by, even if we don’t want to believe what he is writing. The reason he suggests this is because WHEN these things become evident (aliens, and such), the information in his book can help people who are “left behind”.
I couldn’t agree more.
Here is an excerpt from Milor’s book about the rapture. Remember I had already written articles about these possibilities LONG before I discovered this book. Praise JESUS!!
Could the Rapture of the Church Be a Mass Alien Abduction?
Could it be that the rapture of the church is a bit different from how most Christians imagine it?
If everything I’ve been writing about in this book concerning faithful and fallen angels, and the hosts of heaven (both of which are synonymous with the modern definition of aliens), as well as the ancient Earth, with its pre-Adamite society, is accurate, then it can safely be postulated that at least some angels faithful to God utilize advanced technology. They probably don’t have to have it in many cases, but they use it in order to supplement or enhance their abilities.
Consider the angel who guarded the entrance to the Garden of Eden and the tree of life after Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden (Genesis 3:22–24). Did he absolutely have to have a *aming sword? What kind of weapon was that, anyway—a light saber? Why didn’t the angel just wave his hand in order to prevent access to the tree of life? Could it be that he actually needed that sword?
Genesis 3:22–24 (bold emphasis added)
And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So He drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the Garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
Could it be that the angels who were flying a sky chariot with fire all around it and who apprehended Elijah and took him to heaven, actually needed a vehicle capable of flying?
2 Kings 2:11–12 (bold emphasis added)
And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha saw it, and He cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof.
The Bible speaks of angels walking (Genesis 19:1–3) and flying (Genesis 28:12; John 1:51; Revelation 14:6), but perhaps a vehicle gets certain angels where they want to go a little faster, just as an automobile gets people where they need to go a little faster, even though they don’t absolutely have to have one, since they can always walk. Nevertheless isn’t it true that technology is the natural expression of intelligence in the material universe?
I acknowledge that these incredibly powerful, ultraintelligent beings could actually use something as antiquated as a chariot if they wanted to, but I think it’s more likely it was another type of vehicle, and its description is given through the eyes of someone who knew of no other type of vehicle. That’s why the power moving the chariot is referred to as a horse, albeit made of fire. (…)
A prime example of what I’m trying to explain can be derived by simply analyzing movies like Star Wars and Star Trek with a more eternal kingdom–oriented perspective. Scripture makes much more sense this way. These movies clearly depict the universe with a colorful mix of all manner of life-forms, supernatural power.
In Star Wars, remember that only the Jedi Knights imbued with the force (supernatural power) were able to make and use light sabers. Recall in Star Trek that most beings needed technology, while others, such as the Q, were so powerful they didn’t need it at all. As such, I expect the heavens to be very diverse in these details, which are so clearly depicted in science fiction and in the Bible.
The Bible supports a more science fiction–type of perspective, rather than an antiquated fairytale paradigm. Reality at large is very diverse, yet interestingly, human reasoning has a natural tendency to learn about reality by accepting only one dimension of it at a time. People assimilate knowledge by categorizing and classifying, and in many cases, they unnecessarily eliminate even the possibility of that which is unknown.
With these details in mind, take note that no scripture ever mentions that angels are all-powerful; they have limits. Also realize that God doesn’t do everything himself, nor is he a micromanager. God takes extensive risks in his delegations, and he constantly delegates to his angels many activities in the affairs of his creation.
In light of these facts, it should be understood that the event of the rapture of the church referred to in numerous places in scripture will be a coordinated event with Jesus heading an extremely quick “flyby” with a massive feet of angels within their sky chariots (1 Thessalonians 4:16–17; Psalms 68:17). It will be faithful angels who will be taking the physical bodies of saints from Earth, stealing them off to heaven, probably exactly the way they took Elijah (2 Kings 2:11), but on a much larger scale. What might this entail?
1 Thessalonians 4:16–17 (bold emphasis added)
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Psalms 68:17 (bold emphasis added)
The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.
My Dream of Heaven
In a book written in the 19th century entitled “My Dream of Heaven”, Rebecca Springer writes about her visit to Heaven. Here is a small snippet from the section subtitled “Her Mansion”.
Pg 15-18
Now, come, little sister, I long to give you welcome to our home,” saying which, he took my hand and led me up the low steps on to the broad veranda, with its beautiful inlaid floor of rare and costly marbles, and its massive columns of gray, between which, vines covered with rich, glossy leaves of green were intermingled with flowers of exquisite color and delicate perfume hanging in heavy festoons. We paused a moment here, that I might see the charming view presented on every side.
“It is heavenly!” I said.
“It is heavenly,” he answered. “It could not be
otherwise.”I smiled my acknowledgment of this truth—my heart was too full for words. “The entire house, both below and above, is surrounded by these broad verandas. But come within.”
He led me through a doorway, between the marble columns, into a large reception hall, whose inlaid floor, mullioned window, and broad, low stairway at the far end, at once held my fancy. Before I could speak, my brother turned to me, and, taking both my hands, said:
“Welcome, a thousand welcomes, dearest sister, to your heavenly home!”
“Is this beautiful place indeed to be my home?” I asked, as well as my emotion would allow.
“Yes, dear,” he replied. “I built it for you and my brother, and I assure you it has been a labor of love.”
“It is your home, and I am to stay with you?” I said, a little confused.
“No, it is your home, and I am to stay with you till my brother comes.”
“Always, dear brother, always!” I cried, clinging to his arm.
He smiled and said, “We will enjoy the present; we never will be far apart again. But come, I am eager to show you all.”
Turning to the left, he led me, still through the beautiful marble columns that everywhere seemed substituted for doorways, into a large, oblong room, upon whose threshold I stopped in wondering delight. The entire walls and floor of the room were still of that exquisite light gray marble, polished to the greatest luster; but over walls and floors were strewn exquisite, long-stemmed roses, of very variety and color, from the deepest crimson to the most delicate shades of pink and yellow.
Please notice this matches very closely with the testimonies shared here from the others.
This “dream” happened over a hundred years ago!
Summary in Jesus Name
I give all the Glory to Jesus Christ our awesome King for the opportunity to share these amazing testimonies and works with you. Somehow I knew “Heaven” is much bigger than the churches were telling me. Somehow I knew, “Heaven” was much more REAL than I was able to derive from the scripture.
I’ve always said the Bible is an understatement; but I never imagined how much so.
It’s time for us to all prepare to “get off this rock” and GO HOME.
Ask God to Forgive You of All Your Sins
Don’t get left behind
… Looks like the REAL “ride to Heaven” will make Jodie Foster’s trip to the cosmos in the movie “Contact”, look like a boring run to the grocery store.
Well the answer is simple to all of your questions. If you are writing these comments, then you will be on the first phase, rescue mission of the Bride. Amen and Glory to Jesus. The rest of it, we all have to face before our King. Never forget the parable of the Prodigal Son. It is my all time favorite. Amen. GLORY TO JESUSSSSSSSS!
Forget not: “none are righteous, no not one.” And as with Saul, when he was hit with the light of Jesus and he immediately repented, when the Jesus’s light returns and the end comes, “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess.”
This is all the work that is required to enter, for ‘if by werks, grace is not grace’ and as the parable of the workers shows, this will be accepted for almost all mankind.
Acts cloth us in heavenly rewards, not entry. That is Jesus alone.
Amen. But don’t forget to read 1 Corinthians 3:13-15 … And never forget “faith without works is dead”. Salvation isn’t “automatic”. Glory to Jesus!! Get a relationship with the King of Kings NOW ….
The more we know, the more we are held accountable for. The teacher and such ilk are held to a higher level. It was the teachers/leaders Jesus rebuked. If we do not get it right, how can others? (coincidently ‘faith without works’ is the reason I’m here)
I have studied to show myself approved and prayed for the wisdom promised in James.
I love Corinthians, though most churches don’t touch important parts of it. Especially the part on, ‘Is Christ divided? God forbid.’ The church loves its traditions and separations. Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, Pentecostal, Luthern…ect All to please man.
They really should follow Paul’s lead and ‘know nothing save Christ and him crucified.’
The church has long since ‘turned aside to fables,’ as said in Tim. And as said in Philippians 1:18 at least they preach Christ.
I recently found your blog and am still catching up on it all. You have a ton of stuff!
I agree we are in the season foretold. Which I think puts us in a position of needing to inform as many people as possible of the real word of God that our Holy Bible teaches.
People, even the faithful, are really blind to the true Word. To all its mercy and grace. People are also blind to the things to learn and beware of.
How many people when reading to, ‘count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man,’ research 666? The message was never in the number, it is in the man it references. Yet most Christians are looking for the number printed on something.
We must start to teach the Word to make a real difference.