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Here is the updated link. This is not the first time I have heard this Hebrew word connection to the name Barack Obama, and it remains most interesting. Hidden references in the Bible is an ongoing fascination. Some may draw a fast conclusion as a result. Personally I am “withholding adjudication”.

However before a Christian latches on to any “prophecy” or hidden reference etc., there is a Luciferian practice with which he or she must become familiar. That practice is known as FORGERY. Lucifer’s minions and power-brokers are at work today stitching together some of the most fantastic deceptions we will ever see in our life times. An example is the deception of the Merovingian Bloodline and a FORGERY of Jesus Christ. This LIE is made famous by the DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons. Another fabulous example of Luciferian forgery (and there are many of them), is Chernobyl. It is my belief (not everyone’s), that just because “Chernobyl” (in Russian) means “Wormwood” and the water supplies were poisoned does not mean we can check the “prophecy fulfilled” box. There is no mistake that coincidentally there was a major meltdown that coincidentally poisoned the water supply, however. This is history. But as you will see below, this interpretation is not a perfect match of the Bible’s prediction.

Revelation 8:11 (Show Revelation 8)

The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter.

Now I admit since I have studied the ENEMY so much that I am perpetually paranoid and highly suspicious. They are crafty diabolical blood drinking (explitive omitted)… That being said, I have started to take more of the various WORDs in each of the verses a bit more literally. So if we back up and take a second look at the entire prophecy more detail is revealed.

Revelation 8:10

10 The third angel blew his trumpet, and k a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on l the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. [2] A third of the waters m became wormwood, and many people died from the water, n because it had been made bitter.

So as you see here, the WORD is pretty clear about a “great star” falling “from heaven”. In this case I have to lean hard toward the litteral detail of the WORD and not allow any wiggle room. WHY? Well because Lucifer’s demonically possessed world leadership FORGES events ON PURPOSE! It would be NOTHING for the Rothschild sponsors of Marxism to intentionally name their Power Plant “Chernobyl” (which they obviously did… hmmm) and then cause the same Power Plant to poison the waters. This is what Lucifer’s army is very good at. FORGERY.

This forgery will become very evident now and in the near future as the Great Deception unravels.

Am I certain that B.O. (Barack Obama, or Body Odor – what shall it be, hmmm.) is not the Antichrist? No, how could I be? But I will tell you that I am currently researching information that indicates the real AC is likely going to come out of Royal Bloodlines (but I am not ready to defend this premature belief as yet). Barack (Body Odor) Obama is a patsy. A puppet-boy. He would be a great lure for yet another forgery.

An therein lies my .02

God Bless and Thanks very Much for that Input


PS: This commentary is not intended to be PROPHETIC in any way. It is strictly the opinion of a researcher. Therefore, if incorrect, I cannot be accused of being a false prophet since it was never intended to be anything but analysis and discussion. So put your index finger back in your pocket! Praise the Lord I expect to be wrong A LOT!

Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 12:05 PM



Matt 24 “…And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved”


Author: admin


  1. One thing you have to remember. God gives two versions.. AN EARTHLY VIEW AND A HEAVENLY VIEW…So from heaven it came out of the sky and on earth it became wormwood. Think about it.

  2. I hear ya but I'm not biting.

    We as Christians try to hard to "see" prophecies. And when you "want" to hear something so bad, the human mind will allow you to get away with murder.

    Tell me what you think of this commentary:

    10 The third angel blew his trumpet, and k a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on l the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. [2] A third of the waters m became wormwood, and many people died from the water, n because it had been made bitter.

    1. The third angel blew his trumpet, WAIT! Stop the Bus! Why in the world would YHWH Almighty waste a REVELATION *TRUMPET" on stinking Chernobyl?? Considering the impact to the Earth and people's of the Earth, it seems to me that the Chernobyl meltdown would be a huge HUGE waste of a TRUMPET for as small as an event as it turned out to be. Think about it! I bet you that more than 80% of the people on Earth do not even know about Chernobyl.

    2. and k a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch – no matter how hard we try, viewing from Heaven or Hell or using the Hubble Space Telescope, you cannot twist these words into the Chernobyl event. I have seen documentaries on Chernobyl and nothing fell from anywhere. Do you think the LORD just added the words "great start fell from heaven"? We should try a little harder into believing the Lords word and not looking of a symbolic meaning where maybe there isn't one. How can we in good faith, pick and choose parts of a sentence that suit us in our interpretation. That is SATANIC!

    NOTHING but nothing fell from heaven during Chernobyl. Nada. ZIP.

    3. and it fell on a third of the rivers and on l the springs of water. – remember it was supposed to FALL (e.g. fell) and hit a THIRD of the rivers. HUH? An Angel blew a REVELATION TRUMPET and a THIRD of RIVERS got hit with this object falling from HEAVEN and we are supposed to believe this is little old Chernobyl? The disaster radius for Chernobyl was only 30 miles. AGAIN a third of the rivers of WHAT?? Disney World. Perhaps the town of PRIPYAT where the people lived. NAAAAHHHHH. Boy we Christians are gullible.

    4. ..the name of the STAR is wormwood … The Greek word for STAR is Aster. Aster = Star. This is Strong's Number 792. The same word is used in the first part (verse 10) and the last part (verse 11). It is a STAR. It is a heavenly body from the cosmos.

    Praise the Lord Paula, no way I can be positive I am correct … that would be silly. But I sure do not agree with Chernobyl fulfilling the TRUMPET of the Angel. Oh and by the way in case you didn't know, I have uncovered a testimony from a Priest of the Vatican "Black Operations" team. He quite the Priesthood and wrote the testimony after he left. The "Black Operations" arm of the Vatican is equal to our CIA for Vatican city and the CIA, MI6, Mossad, OSI and Vatican Black Ops are all basically the same organizations (interwoven with same leadership).

    This priest explained in his testimony that the Vatican is using the Hubble Space Telescope to look OUT for Wormwood! He said the access to the Hubble is located on a secret computer in one of the Vatican secured libraries.

    Why would the Satanic forces of the Vatican's Black Ops group be watching out for Wormwood?

    I think they KNOW SOMETHING.

    (Thank you LORD for helping me find all this information)

  3. Calling anyone "Body Odor" is probably not what Jesus would do. If you're seeking to find evil, just follow the chain of command for oil and monetary control in the world. Ask youself why we barely use any of our own oil? Why don't we have new refinaries? Why can't we get better mileage? Who controls oil prices? (hint-it's not supply and demand)Why can't we find silver dollars or gold coins at face value anymore? Who really starts wars? Google "Energy non crisis" and open your eyes. Wealth comes from the ground–not from any form of paper. Yes, Satan is alive and well. We are likely in the final days/years. I encourage anyone reading this to, "Get right or get left". (Left Behind)

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