Folks as I have said over and over, I really want this information to be nothing more than an alarmist hoax. But remember if it is not, and it does NOT look like it is, then we have some grim things to consider.
1. Are you taking the vaccine?
2. Are you going to let them pin this bracelet semi-permanently into your wrist?
3. Are you willing to let your spouse or children be taken away from you and placed into a quarantine facility? (FEMA Camp)
AND What Happens Next??
Do we not all agree the Holy Bible says people will be receiving a MARK OF SOME KIND?? Do we not agree that it is very likely this “mark” will be electronic?
Of course I do not think this PARTICULAR ID bracelet is the official MARK OF THE BEAST but you MUST pull your head out of the sand and realize this is NOT some miraculous “vision” seen from the Island of PATMOS! Have you ever asked yourself how this MARK would be handed out to 6 billion people? Think about how large this task is? It is ASTONISHING!
Gradualism has always been the key to prepare the world for the RISE of the Antichrist and his millions of Satanic Minions and followers. Did you imagine that millions of Christians would rise-up and STOP the Antichrist somehow? Do you think you can “pray away” the Antichrist? Certain tasks must be accomplished. A single global government for example. Electronic money that can be centrally controlled to prevent or allow buying or selling … you know … stuff like that.
Gradualism means these evil leaders will force us to take THEIR MARK, little by little. Possibly over many years of time. But they MUST START SOMEWHERE.
If you get your vaccination and take this bracelet do I think you are going straight to Hell? No.
If you take this vaccination and bracelet do I think you have taken the first generation MARK OF THE BEAST for a test drive –
And if they let you take the bracelet off – then all is good right? NO. This method of gradualism is known as DESENSITIZATION. Desensitization is the most awesome method of getting people to do things they do not want to do. To see this in action just watch T.V. for a full evening or two. Stick with the popular channels and witness the amount of foul language, sex and other “abominations”. TODAY you will have to pay very close attention to hear and see all the filth. A very gifted uber-Christian relative of mine was watching a scene on T.V. not too long ago and laughing. The scene included two lesbians talking about the possibility of a sexual encounter. 10 years ago that same relative would have slammed that T.V. off faster than you can say “ABOMINATION”!
One way or the other, we are going to be CHIPPED and no matter what anyone says, this will be THE MARK. THE REAL DEAL!
Because there is no other feasible way to control someone’s ability to BUY AND SELL. First you take away all paper money and make it all ELECTRONIC. Next you require this electronic ID to be present in order to transact any BUYING OR SELLING action. The chip becomes your DEBIT CARD. Imagine the surge of panic you feel when you think you lost your debit card? YOU ARE ALREADY CONDITIONED FOR THE MARK OF THE BEAST. You already NEED THE MARK. And you will never have to worry about losing your debit card again.
This is gradualism.
This is desensitization.
Happy Reading …
This link is to a PDF document and it is a REAL “Quarantine Order” from the Department of Health, State of North Carolina. If you type “quarantine order” into Google, more than a page of these from different States will surface. This document is being distributed by the U.S. Department of Health.
EMSystems Makes the People Tracking Bracelets
This link here will take you to EMSystems, Inc. EMSystems is the company that is filling orders for the BRACELETS. These are the electronic ID TRACKING BRACELETS you will be required to wear. Huge shipments of these bracelets (by the millions) are being shipped quietly to hospitals, internment camps, military bases and government agencies.
Detailed Information, Links and Articles Found Here
Each one of you are the final arbitrators for the ultimate destiny you will inherit, here and in the next life. Use this information wisely and prepare for what is inevitable given the direction our nation has been forced into taking.
2. Begin buying “original” (real) foods from reputable growers.
3. Use meat products from the same sources.
4. Familiarize yourself with “home remedies” and stock those items
5. Buy only the gold and silver necessary to barter your mortgage, etc.
6. Stock food, food, food and ammunition. They will be invaluable.
7. Create home church and Bible studies along with prayer groups.
8. Start moving off the grid and plan how you will live without power.
9. Stockpile quantities of gas, kerosene, diesel, water and candles.
10. Create your plan of defense and protection for your home and area.
11. Sharp-shoot practice with your weapons and prepare to use them.
12. Re-locate to a more rural area near resources and a clean water source.
Dedicate every available moment from now until this great struggle is over toward planning for your survival and your availability to help remedy this nation’s horrible situation. Together, I believe we can do this. Easy? No. Necessary? What is the alternative? When there is nothing left to lose, then you will have your answer. I have mine. I just told the gravedigger to go to hell, and take a bunch of these Obama lunatics with him.