- Forthcoming Events Revealed Is a HAARP Scalar Attack Shown on US Currency?
- How This Unfolded
- The Impossible Graphic Anomaly is Revealed
- The Mother Shipton Prophecy
- Unfolding Protocols – The Illuminati Endgame
- Summary in Jesus Name
Forthcoming Events Revealed
Is a HAARP Scalar Attack Shown on US Currency?
Strange graphic waves are found on the $5, $50 and even the $10 dollar bill images showing what appears to be a HAARP ionospheric heater “scalar” attack associated with the New Madrid levee flooding and forthcoming earthquake.
Glory to Jesus for these unbelievably strange “coincidences” that seem to be shown to us through the supernatural Jesus-Filled “Kung Fu Panda” Holy Spirit filled vision of our wonderful brother in Christ, Jonathan Kleck.
How This Unfolded
Jonathan and I had discussed setting up pages for the images God has shown him. Our plan was to make a page for “Sheep and Goats”, “Alien Heads”, and other images he sees on a daily basis to help people understand how the enemy “mocks us” with our own media.
Even our children wear imagery which shows the “cosmic” entities intent to “do us harm”. They see us as “sheep” being led to the slaughter. Our youth dances nearly naked, in provocative lingerie, at Briana concerts with large flourescent pink pyramids, while the enemy scoffs at us as they “plan their attack“. Indeed they laugh at us as we dance before them as “food” for the kill.
Spinning the Mouse Wheel
As Jonathan started hunting for the best pictures to publish, using an application he rarely uses, an unbelievable graphic “anomaly” appears. BUT it ONLY happens on the $5, $10 and $50 dollar bills! By “coincidence” he happens to scroll his mouse wheel and zoom in on one of the dollar bill images. When this happens something amazing occurs.
Jonathan had been shown years ago, that the U.S. currency depicted virtually all of the major false flag terror attacks. Indeed everything from the Oklahoma City bombing, the Pentagon, and the World Trade Centers is shown in graphics in “before and after” pictures of the attacks on various dollar bill denominations.
Please Note: You can see this imagery on the “Jonathan Kleck” page shown in the menu bar above. The name of the video series is “JustAMessenger”. We cannot more strongly recommend you take the time to view this information. It will edify and bless you in a huge way … PRAISE AND GLORY TO JESUS!
The Abundance of the Waters
However while Jonathan’s original prophecy was clear there would be an “abundance of the waters” bursting forth from a river somewhere, he was not certain what the image on the folded $5 bill represented. Recently the Lord made it clear to Jonathan that the image was that of a levee being overrun by water.
The “Morganza Spillway” levee wall, appears suspiciously similar to the image on the $5 bill (see below).
Here is the pertinent part of the original prophecy from early 2008.
“And behold the great wall which holds back the abundance of the rivers, shall burst forth bringing the hand of the oppressor against you, for I have seen it. For mighty is the enemy which has risen within your own borders.”
For more information on this amazing prophecy and the surrounding data see the article entitled, Aliens, Demons, Nephilim, Time Travel, & God (Part Three) here.
The Impossible Graphic Anomaly is Revealed
As Jonathan zoomed in and out with his mouse wheel on the images of the $5, and $50 dollar bills, an impossible visual effect showed up.
The images showed what appeared to be “energy waves” bursting down upon the buildings. When folded into a pyramid shape and turned “upside down” (Isaiah 29:16), these “waves” seemed to animate the imagery in such a fashion as to indicate the forthcoming false flag events were caused by HAARP.
To See this Video Click on the Image Below:
description=”New Madrid HAARP Attack on Dollar Bills”
The Mother Shipton Prophecy
It is most interesting to note that “Mother Shipton” prophecies seem to correlate to some of these forthcoming events. While speculation of the origins of the Shipton prophecies abound, it’s my understanding that her information has been tucked away under lock and key in Wales for a very long time and it’s no small task to look and “write down” these prophetic prose.
Here is one such interesting snippet.
Yet greater sign there be to see
As man nears latter century
Three sleeping mountains gather breath
And spew out mud, and ice and death.
And earthquakes swallow town and town,
In lands as yet to me unknown.
Unfolding Protocols – The Illuminati Endgame
Last night, praise Jesus, Jonathan and I were allowed to join the Zen Garcia Fallen Angels.tv Radio Program. It was entitled “Unfolding Protocols – The Illuminati Endgame”.
The radio show “chat room” was full of guests when the show began and Glory to Jesus a lot of people heard the show. It was one of the best shows we have ever done with Zen, and the amount of information shared was unbelievable. We believe the Holy Spirit was moving and many will be helped by understanding these “Luciferian” war dynamics and how we all play a part in the “saving of souls” for the Kingdom of God.
Here is a link to the Radio Show. We will also be placing a “PodCast” link to the MP3 on this web page and publishing the show to iTunes as well.
Click HERE to Listen to the Show
Summary in Jesus Name
Let us continue to pray for all the saints and that God will at least spare those who might do good on behalf of the Kingdom of Yahushua, Jesus our Messiah. Indeed we should pray on behalf of all of those in harms way, that they might be spared the onslaught of the “evil one”.
Do we know 100% for certain that these events will unfold this week. No. Do we know 100% for certain that Jesus is coming this year. Nope. Is it reasonable to suggest you get on your knees and pray “you are found worthy to escape all these things and stand before the Son of Man” … NOW?
Don’t forget the Deepwater Horizon event has cracked the earth’s strata under the Gulf of Mexico like an egg shell. Don’t forget the huge crack in the earth’s crust in Michigan. These things are all linked together.
Review all the articles on Tribulation-Now that contain the words “New Madrid”. The data is there. It’s time to be READY NOW!
… Be Blessed in Jesus Name
Just an fyi on Jonathan’s $5 bill. I looked at it and I saw a heart with perfect cropped farm land and a fence.
I said “Heartland of America” so I googled and what came?!! —-Arkansas, Mississippi go figure……..
many of our children are wearing a death rune
Bertrand Russell had studied northern mythology well
and knew
read specific pages 4,5 etc…