The Divine Council of “gods” with our Father
The Wars in the Heavens
Why Are We Here?
Well Glory to Jesus last night’s radio show on “The Edge AM” was a huge success. Our Heavenly Father blessed us with Zen Garcia who joined us, and the information flowed in a wonderful way. If you would like to listen (and download) the radio show you can click on this link HERE:
We covered an amazing amount of territory and topics during the show and the information moved very fast. Many listeners like to “re-listen” to the show and take notes in order to glean as much information as possible.
The feedback was so outstanding there may even present itself an opportunity for another program to continue the discussion. That is providing “all heck” doesn’t break loose in the next couple weeks.
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Ongoing Questions and Answers
As J. Vernon McGee said in his book “Through the Bible” …
“I believe that Genesis is telling us that this earth became without form and void, that it was just as uninhabitable as the moon when the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. We can only suggest that there was some pre-Adamic creature that was on this earth. And it seems that all of this is connected with the Fall of Lucifer…”
“I believe that the entire universe came under this great catastrophe. What was the catastrophe? We can only suggest that there was some pre-Adamic creature that was on this earth. And it seems that all of this is connected with the Fall of Lucifer, son of the morning, who became Satan, the devil, as we know him today. I think all of this is involved here [in Gen. 1:2], but God has not given us the details.
The fact of the matter is that He has given us very, very few details in the first chapter of Genesis” (Vol. I, p. 13).
Our Bible Has Been Pillaged
The unfortunate truth of the matter is our Bible has been pillaged by the forces of darnkess. Just as every reasonable sized church today has a Brotherhood of Satan member on the Board of Directors, you can bet the “get thee behind me Satan” problem affected the canon process. I personally believe it was far more sinister than that, particularly because the Roman Catholic Inquisition sought to destroy and slaughter any group of apostolic “good Christians” that Baptised people in the Holy Spirit by the “laying on of hands” and label them as “gnostics”.
Nevermind “The Knights Templar” and the secret “locked” Vatican Library.
And what a horrible success the Inquisition was. Indeed the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was all but eliminated through the dark ages. The Reformation of the Church, led by Martin Luther, resulted in unfortunate offshoots that still had forgotten the “Forgotten God” (The Holy Spirit). I recommend you consider reading Francis Chans books “Crazy Love” and “The Forgotten God“.
Additional Holy Spirit Outpourings Continued
However God continued to outpour the Baptism of the Holy Spirit sporadically over the years. It wasn’t until the Azuza Street Revival, that a HUGE outpouring of the Holy Spirit actually made the major newpapers across the United States. People like Smith Wigglesworth, traveled in horse and buggy across the country JUST to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. John G. Lake started the most amazing divine healing ministry to ever exist, as a result of this amazing outpouring. And the list goes on and on.
Mysteries Continue to Be Revealed
Nevertheless, even with the pillaging of our Holy Scripture, and the removal of divinely inpsired text now sadly labeled as “apocrypha” and “pseudoepigrapha”, we continue to uncover the mysteries of the Bible little by little. As the scripture says, even in our own 66 book canon of today, “all things will be revealed”. Amen to that.
Mark 4:21-23
21 Also He said to them, “Is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed? Is it not to be set on a lampstand? 22 For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”
As Close to the Truth as Possible
Now before I proceed, I will first make it clear that I am not claiming 100% accuracy. Even the Old Testament prophets of Deuteronomy occassionally weaved in “human assumptions” and God warned us “not to be afraid of them”. (Deut. 18:22)
Nor is this intended to be an exhaustive explanation with tons of citations and supporting scripture from various texts. Zen Garcia is currently completing his 6th Book entitled “Sons of God – Who We Are, Why We Are Here“. You can get in touch with him by going to his web site
However after each radio show, I continue to get questions sent from various folks with questions about matters of the “Heavenly Office of God” and how this stuff all “went down”. I covered much of these concepts in prior articles entitled, “Sons, Souls, Elohim and Angels“, “Intergalactic God“, and “The Heavenly Office of God“.
Evidently this topic is SO POPULAR (as well it should be because we are Royalty in the Universe of beings), that the questions continue to flow in. So here below is a “high level summary” of what LIKELY happened millions of years ago that led humanity to the current “redemption process” we are undergoing at this time.
In order for us to be “restored” to our “first estate”, we must strive to become righteous and holy. Otherwise our Heavenly Father cannot restore us back to our previous level of power in the Universe. We have to “prove ourselves” worthy. It’s not JUST about being “saved” … its about INHERITING the Kingdom of Heaven and getting a position of authority back.
This is why we are PREDESTINED “ELECT” of God. This is why God “knew us in the womb”.
Long Ago and Far Away
Millions of years ago the Universe was normal. Trillions of life forms existed. Civilizations of beings (peoples and creatures) existed all over the galaxy. God’s creations of amazing beauty abounded everywhere.
God’s angels (Sons of God Messengers) of many different varieties, would roam in fleets throughout the galaxies “seeding” the Universe (planting the heavens Isaiah 51:16). The “Sons of God” (all different types of creations, including Cherubim leaders, Seraphim organizers, and Ophanim angels as well as “creator god angelics” (which are a type of angel that “creates things” in the Universe for God and by God with the power of the Holy Spirit given to them “by God“) were “seeding” planets across all the star systems. They would create plants, fishes of the sea, and various life forms.
Col 1:16-17
All things were created through Him and for Him.
These “Sons of God” (angelics or beings created DIRECTLY by God (YHWH or Ya va El, the God of gods / El Elyon or “The Most High God“) are, to this day, “Royalty” in the Universe. They “help” civilizations on other planets. They “seed life”. This planet is not not the only “earth like” planet out there. The angels of God (angelics) continue to go to other planets and do what God instructs them to do and help those civilizations “get along”.
Oh you question this do you? Well lets take a quick look at Matthew 24:30
Matt 24:31
And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Interesting choice of words here. The scripture could have easily said “one end of earth to the other” but it didn’t. God is incapable of lying. You see “God’s elect” are scattered all over the heavens. We are not the only “pebbles on the beach”.
Cosmic Wars
God’s angels also get involved in cosmic wars when they break out. They put a stop to the wars (intercede). They keep order in the cosmos. This is why the scripture says …
2 Thess 2:7-8
… only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.
God’s angelic beings, guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit (as WE should be in our daily walk), are fighting angel wars RIGHT NOW. The ridiculous Pleiadians are NOT the ones disabling war-heads on ICBM and shutting down nuclear missile silos in my opinion. They have no reason to do so since they are obviously “in bed” with the Military Extraterrestrial Industrial Complex. (see “The Dulce Book” here).
Lucifer and the Creator “gods”
Lucifer was one of the head guys. A covering Cherub. He was the “top dog” along side Jesus Christ in the heavens. But of course only a minor god in comparison to our King of Kings. Indeed Lucifer himself was a type of “Son of God”.
Millions of years ago, when the earth (planet earth) was being “seeded” (planted) wth life forms, the “creator gods” working on behalf of the Heavenly Office of God, were “seeding” the earth (Genesis One). They helped our Heavenly Father, “create” the fishes of the sea, the plant life, and all the beauty here on earth. They also created “man and woman” like creatures on earth. The said “Let US create them in OUR image”. And indeed they did. These man and woman creatures were pre-adamic man. But they did not have the “Living Soul” (spirit) of God directly breathed into them, like Adam did in Genesis 2:7.
The “multi-age” saga of Genesis One that covered thousands (perhaps Millions) of years of time, should have ended with Genesis 2:4 where it says:
Gen 2:4
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,
Genesis One is HIGHLY METAPHORICAL and includes references to “prior earth ages”.
This is why Genesis One never mentions “Living Soul” (if you have a proper translation that hasn’t been monkeyed with). This term is not used until Genesis 2:7 when “Adam” was created by “Lord God YHWH Elohim” our Heavenly Father “directly“. Remember any being that is created DIRECTLY by GOD for the Heavenly Office of God, is a Son of God and is ROYALTY in the Universe (by definition).
This makes them (us) part of the Royal Family of beings in the Universe.
Lucifer Plays God
Somewhere along this “multi-age” timeline of creation events, Lucifer stepped out of line and started to have the “creator gods” make creations in which God did not approve. Dinosaurs and other abominations resulted. The unwitting “creator gods” were working for Lucifer at the time, who had taken temporary control of the “Morning Star” office of God. When the “back office” of God, (possibly located in the Star System of Arcturus (?)) got wind of what was happening on earth (e.g. Lucifer playing God), they reported this to our Father.
Job 38:32
Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?
Michael was sent out with legions of “warrior angels” to put a stop to Lucifer and his hundreds of thousands of “creator god” angelics. Lucifer, who was admired by his team of “creator gods” angelics, rallied his team and fought back. There were wars in the heavens (Rev 12:7). These are known as “angel wars” (or UFO wars) that happened between the “Sons of God” (angels).
Lucifer and his creator god angelics, lost the war. We were on the losing side of that battle.
God Imposed Judgement
There was a judgement upon the “angels”. This was possibly more than 1/3 of the angels in heaven. There was a Supreme Court held in the Office of the Almighty and the Seven Spirits Supreme Court levied a “judgement”. The judgement can be found in Psalms 82.
Ps 82:1-7
God stands in the congregation of the mighty;
He judges among the gods.
2 How long will you judge unjustly,
And show partiality to the wicked?
3 Defend the poor and fatherless;
Do justice to the afflicted and needy.
4 Deliver the poor and needy;
Free them from the hand of the wicked.5 They do not know, nor do they understand;
They walk about in darkness; (this is referring to the hapless beings and creations that Lucifer illegally created)
All the foundations of the earth are unstable.6 I said, “You are gods,
And all of you are children (sons) of the Most High.
7 But you shall die like men,
And fall like one of the princes. (Lucifer)”
Remember Jesus reminded us who WE ARE in the Universe of beings.
John 10:34-35
Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods“‘?
The Heavenly Supreme Court Takes Action
After the Supreme Court Judgement was handed down, some of the angelics and Lucifer “refused” the judgment and they were subsequently divorced from the Heavenly Office of God (cut off from the Holy Spirit and eternal life).
The “good angelics” (you and me) who accepted the judgement of “Ye shall die like men” (in human form) agreed to take on “human bodies” and live the life of a mere mortal human. This began the judgement (redemption process) of the good angels that accepted the Judgement.
Our Heavenly Father “Injects” Adam into the Garden
At that point God created Adam in the East Garden, (on an earth already teaming with life and pre-admic creatures and beings) and breathed the Living Soul of God (spirit) into Him (Gen 2:7). Each of Adam’s progeny at conception (with the exception of Cain who was born of the evil one ref. 1 John 3:12), has the “living Soul” (spirit) of one of the “good judged angels” breathed inside of him or her.
However as part of the Judgement, we agreed to “drink of the cup of forgetfulness“. We could not remember who we used to be (this is why the New Agers “feel” like reincarnation is true, because pre-existence witnesses to their “spirit“). God has to “call us” and we had to hear his voice and respond (many are called, few are chosen, ref. Matthew 22:14, e.g. because they failed to respond to the “call”).
Some of the Angelic Refused the Judgment
The angels who refused the judgement became “fallen angels“. They refused it because they saw their chance of success, living in a “mere human form” as being “slim to none“. The figured they would take their chance with Lucifer because there was little hope in remembering who they used to be in the heavens, and instead they would fight back and try to kill off as many of “US” as possible in the next 6,000 + years.
They want to kill us off because WE … “Judge the angels” …
1 Cor 6:3
Do you not know that we shall judge angels?
We are ultimately the “Jury members” of the “fallen angels” after this whole “God at war” paradigm is over. By killing us off they basically are killing off the members of the Jury. Moreover when Jesus returns with ten thousands of his saints, the “fallen angels” will be condemned.
Jude 14-15
14 Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, 15 to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”
Another Angel War Cometh
Jude 14-15 is another forcoming war in the heavens of sorts. Not only is this judgment upon those who remain here on earth, but it is upon the remaining “fallen angels“.
Lucifer has “duped” his “fallen angel” beings (in the Universe) into believing that they can win this war. And yes it will be waged in “intergalactic technological transport vehicles” (UFOs). The forces of the Galactic Federation of Light and the Extraterrestrial Military Industrial Complex will fight an “all-out” battle with GOD’S angels and they will LOSE!
And remember, Lucifer is “let out” one more time toward the end of the New Millennium, so we have another “boot camp” of sorts coming, before God tosses him into the Lake of Fire once and for all.
Summary in Jesus Name
Do I know if all of this is correct? Of course not. Has there been supernatural experiences in my life indicating in a HUGE way that I am correct … you bet. I recommend you listen to The Edge AM radio show and hear all the amazing information brother Zen brought forth during the show. Daniel Ott is a very quick witted fellow and he spent more time saying “WOW” on this show, more than any other I have heard thus far.
And WOW is the operative word here. If the Lord didn’t want this information getting out to the public, then Zen and I wouldn’t have appeared on Conciencia Radio with 8 million listeners. AND the Tribulation-Now radio shows are experiencing nothing less than impressive numbers as well.
We NEED to wake up our “brothers and sister” who have been ripped off by the lying “sweet influences” of the Pleiadians and their decieved abducted “micro-chipped” workers. We need to bring them back to …
… Be Blessed in Jesus Name
Time is Short
I have been following your site with interest for a while now and have read pretty much everything. Though I think that I am agreement with a lot, I just have to say that the main thought in my head while reading your most current post was mormonism. Have you considered and compared some of the things you have assumed from scripture with what the mormon church teaches? I am not saying that you have not stumbled upon what could be some truths not clearly spelled out, but the way you have put it together sounds so much like the teachings of the mormon church. I know you are not mormon but you have certainly added in a lot of details that sound like their teachings
Mormonism is a teaching which was founded out of the Masonic rite. It is an occult operation from the dark side. This has nothing at all to do with what I am helping people understand about the Intergalactic nature of our Heavenly Father. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that many of the various “esoteric” churches out there have many of their facts straight but they interlace lies. For example, Mormonism teaches that Jesus and Lucifer are ultimately “brothers’ or equals in the Heavens which is a lie. This “demotes” Jesus Christ as the King of Kings. The Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus is and equal with Michael the Archangel which is another form of demoting Jesus Christ as the King of Kings. The Church of Scientology teaches that “the star gods” are our ultimate creators from the divine cosmos. NEVER EVER DEMOTE THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS.
The part I was referring to was when you said that satan was himself a type of god and that we will be too when restored to position. You also said that as former “god types” before we fell, we seeded other planets with life. Mormons believe that if they keep the commandments and are good mormons in this life, they will receive their own planet and be like a god who seeds and rules over that planet. I just didn’t know if you noticed the similarities with your theory. BTW I am not mormon.
Absolutely. He is a “Son of God” by definition. He was one of God’s greatest creations ever before God found sin in him. This is all in Ezekiel 28. Amen. All “beings” (and I do mean ALL) created by God directly to work for God (includings all Cherubim, Seraphim, Ophanim, etc angelics) are “Sons of God”. Of course he is a “fallen” Son of God now as are the other “fallen” angelics.
I could only say what I would want and be so articulate if I spoke it in tongues to you~ Can’t write tongues … yet ( :
Thank you for the guts to reason and write things that are well, you know challenging to say the least! Come, let us reason together is one scripture that comes to my mind.
Keep looking,searching, asking, and of course writing to us!There is no fear in Truth… and we are led of and by Truth~for we live and move and have our Be-ing in Him ;not being left alone, but having The Spirit of Truth given to us and within us~
Yes. I guess I should have added in that I too am thankful for your teachings. Doesn’t mean I believe lock-step everything that you do, but I definitely thank God for you 🙂 Opened my eyes to a lot.
Hi JB,
I have a question… If king Solomon was a part of occult wisdom, why is he in the bible? Do you think his.books are an occultic add on?
Just curious. I have the star of david tatooed on my ear bc Jesus came from Davids bloodline. But now im wondering if i have some weird witchcraft smbol permanently on me….
Don’t get tatoos kids…
The Bible says that Solomon “apostatized” from the Lord later during his reign. So yes sadly he got too deep in the darkness of the occult and turned away from God. Don’t worry about the symbolism of the so-called Star of David, its okay. God looks into our hearts Glory to Jesus. There is so much hijacked symbolism out there we cannot escape it. The blood of the Lamb of God, our King Jesus washes it all away. Amen!!!
Nassiem Harem > you tube : video explained how travel through the sun using its black hole is accomplished and on the egyptian walls the boat they used shows the worm holes or stargates : The sun has been seen with much travel entering and appearing (Huge craft) shapes of these craft are seen. I asked our heavenly father what are these: I turned to the bible where my eyes fell on “the commander and his soldiers” Nasa has been hiding blocking!
Ahhhhhh AMAZING. Can you email me the You Tube Video?? [email protected]?