- The Nachash of Genesis 3 Revealed The Dragons of Arabia Exposed
- The 2 Legged Reptilian “Nachash” of the Bible
- The 1611 King James Speaks
- 30 Million Lizard Folk Cometh This Way
- Who Else is Waking Up?
- A Chitahuri Invasion Warning on Five Doves!
- Summary in Jesus Name
The Nachash of Genesis 3 Revealed
The Dragons of Arabia Exposed
It is absolutely amazing to me how many people are waking up to the wiles of the devil. The “evil cabal” that’s running the world is no longer a mystery to folks, who only a few short months ago, didn’t have a clue. Of course, when you consider that there are roughly 7 billion people in the world, the numbers are still relatively small, but they are clearly increasing at an amazing rate. Praise Jesus.
2 Cor 2:11
lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Whether you wish to believe these “entities” are strictly “inter-dimensional demons” or you are willing to embrace the possibility that they may actually come from other “star systems”, it’s not all that important when you consider the end-game. The end-game is that they are minions of the devil. They are coming here to slaughter the human race. In fact, many of them are already here:
2 Cor 11:14-15
And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
Can you say …
The 2 Legged Reptilian “Nachash” of the Bible
References to the 2 legged serpent creature are all throughout the Holy Bible. Here below is a snap shot of an Englishman’s Concordance search on all references to Strong’s OT5175 “Nachash”.
For more information on the term “Nachash” see this paper written by Dr. Michael Heiser here:
The 1611 King James Speaks
With all the “to do” about the accuracy of the King James Bible, I continue to struggle with how so many books have been removed from the original. You can label them as you wish, but it still baffles me. I find it even more suspicious that the Catholic Bible today has the book of 1 Esdras in it, but mysteriously omits the book of 2 Esdras, where all the really interesting visions and prophecies are.
Isn’t it fascinating that so many people refer to the upper echelon of the Luciferian “caste system” of government, being the “Dracos” reptilians, from the Draco Star System? I find that most fascinating when I look at the book of 2 Esdras chapter 15.
2 Esd 15:28-32
Behold an horrible vision, and the appearance thereof from the east:
29 Where the nations of the dragons of Arabia shall come out with many chariots, and the multitude of them shall be carried as the wind upon earth, that all they which hear them may fear and tremble.30 Also the Carmanians raging in wrath shall go forth as the wild boars of the wood, and with great power shall they come, and join battle with them, and shall waste a portion of the land of the Assyrians.31 And then shall the dragons have the upper hand, remembering their nature; and if they shall turn themselves, conspiring together in great power to persecute them,32 Then these shall be troubled bled, and keep silence through their power, and shall flee.
These ARE the Annunaki!
These ARE the Sumerian “gods”
They SHAPE SHIFT into Blonde Haired Blue Eyed Aryan “gods”
They SHAPE SHIFT into “feathered serpents” like Quetzalcoatl
Some of them live in tunnels underground. Some of them are coming from “afar”. They are fallen-angels in the flesh. Reportedly some of them transform inter-dimensionally. They are carnivorous towards humans. They are seething evil and filthy abominations unto God our Father.
Some experts are suggesting these “entities” could be returning to earth as early as MAY of this YEAR!
30 Million Lizard Folk Cometh This Way
Here is a quote (snapshot) from the book “UFOs, Aliens’ Impregnated Women, Extraterrestrials and God” written by Maximillien de Lafayette, page 67.
Tens of thousands, potentially millions of people have been “abducted” by so-called “aliens”. Many, if not a large majority, have been microchipped. Isn’t it fascinating that the “Mark of the Beast” is almost certainly going to be some type of RFID type “microchip”? Do you believe this is only a coincidence? Isn’t it interesting the alien microchips implanted into humans are connected to “nerve tissue”? Can you say “mind control”?
Do you believe the claims that these “beings” are carnivorous toward humans is a paranoid delusion?
Mic 3:2-3
2 You who hate good and love evil;
Who strip the skin from My people,
And the flesh from their bones;
3 Who also eat the flesh of My people,
Flay their skin from them,
Break their bones,
And chop them in pieces
Like meat for the pot,
Like flesh in the caldron.”
NKJVEzek 39:18-20
You shall eat the flesh of the mighty,
Drink the blood of the princes of the earth,
Of rams and lambs,
Of goats and bulls,
All of them fatlings of Bashan.
19 You shall eat fat till you are full,
And drink blood till you are drunk,
At My sacrificial meal
Which I am sacrificing for you.
20 You shall be filled at My table
With horses and riders,
With mighty men
And with all the men of war,” says the Lord God.
The NEED to drink the blood of humans in order to “shape shift”. It gives them inter-dimensional powers they otherwise do not have.
Praise Jesus I can show you these things in the Word of God, our Holy Bible. Otherwise I would be reluctant to speak of such awful stuff. Amen? Praise God we are to expose the forces of darkness.
Eph 5:11-12
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
Why do the Dogon of Mali, West Africa swing the Bullroarer in the air making the sound of their “star gods”? Why does this sound so incredibly close to the Didgeridoo of the Aborigines? Why did many of the ancient tribal people’s worship “star gods”? Why did the Mayans and Incas perform “blood sacrifice” rituals? Were they not all blood relatives of the ancient Phoenicians? Were they not all blood relatives of the Canaanites? Isn’t the Dog Star Sirius and the Star System Pleiades shown on the Wall Mural of the Masonic Lodges? Why do the Dogon tribes ancestry track back to the Pharoah’s dynasty of Akhenaten the “star god” hybrid?
Who are they waiting for?
Who Else is Waking Up?
Here below is a video of Alex Jones speaking with David Icke. Listen very closely to what Alex Jones says during the first 10 minutes of this video. His references to the Bible are astonishing and very accurate. In fact Mr. Icke, who is NOT a Christian, admits the Biblical truisms near the 11 minute mark as well.
2 plus years ago when I was writing about these things, Alex Jones wouldn’t have given this a second glance.
David Icke’s book “The Biggest Secret” is a must read if you feel led to learn more about these “entities” and their abominations. And for more confirmation you can read the book “Tranceformation of America” where Cathy O’Brien admits seeing George W. Bush shape shift into a reptilian entity. Or you can read the quote of Christine Fitzgerald, Princess Diana’s best friend, as she tells people about the Windsors. Or you can read about the Lizard People of Los Angeles in this article by Terrence Aym in Salem-News.
Isn’t it fascinating the Vatican has CATACOMBS built under it?
Why do the Catholic Bishops wear Mitres that look like the dagon fish “gods” of the Philistines? Isn’t it fascinating that the “Dogon” tribesmen of Mali have such a similar name?
Isn’t this an interesting quote from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth?
“Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us. Forth came they into this cycle, formless were they, of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men. Only through blood could they form being, only through man could they live in the world”. “In ages past were they conquered by the masters, driven below to the space whence they came. But some there were who remained, hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man. Live they in Atlantis as shadows, but at times they appeared among men. Aye, when the blood was offered, forth came they to dwell among men”. “In the form of man moved they amongst us, but only to sight, were they as are men. Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted, but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the councils, taking form that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o’er man. Only by magic could they be discovered, only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the kingdom of shadows, to destroy man and rule in his place”.
Oh still not convinced? How about let’s take a look at the Testament of Amram from the Dead Sea Scrolls?
“I saw watchers in my vision. I asked them, you, what are you? They answered and said ‘We have been made masters, and rule over the sons of men.’ I raised my eyes and saw one of them, his looks were frightening, like those of a viper” -Testament of Amram (Dead Sea Scrolls)
A Chitahuri Invasion Warning on Five Doves!
Now for the record, I am not a frequenter of the Five Doves operation. However I do receive a number of emails from people. This one was forwarded from the producer of our Radio Show, Cathy. Praise Jesus for you Cathy.
I don’t know who this “Jethro” person is, and that’s fine praise Jesus. And I don’t know who this Ned fellow is either. But after spending several years PREACHING to people about these things, I am saying PRAISE JESUS this information is finally reaching the masses. GLORY TO GOD!
Check This Out!
Ned (3 March 2012)
“REVEALED: THE NEPHILIM-CHITAURI SATANIC PLANI have known Jethro King since I was twelve years old and am aware that he is a very spiritual person and Warrior Of God. I trust his teachings and his research implicitly. Jethro has often talked about Satan’s influence on the world and how dark forces are ranged against us and avoided ‘worldly’ things because of this, however his good wife Laura bought him a laptop over the holidays and he has been on an information quest since then. This has led him, and myself, our Pastor and our church first to Ron Reese and then onto Five Doves. We are convinced this is the hand of Our Lord bringing us to yourselves, particularly as He has clarified
the information for Jethro once and for all and at a faster and faster pace. Truly this is not a coincidence and these are indeed The End Times.
The truth is even more shocking than you may have reviously [sic] imagined, Doves! Many of the events, visions and brief flickers of data you have experienced are all part of the wider vision and view that Jesus has given to Jethro. What is even more heartening (and somewhat more disturbing and frightening) is that since we contacted Ron and yourselves regarding the secret conspiracy of the Chitauri – Satan’s minions, architects of the NWO and also known as fallen angels or Nephilim – OTHER people of God have started to post about the same matters on Five Doves. We have seen two more letters on Five Doves about the Nephilim-Chitauri in the last TWO DAYS! Is this coincidence? Have the Watchmen been watching Earth too closely when the real threat lies beyond it? Our Lord Jesus is now revealing THE TRUE COMBATANTS IN THE FORTHCOMING COSMIC WAR! And not a moment too soon!It is only now, in the final few minutes of the clock ticking, that Our Lord brought us here and is allowing these secrets to be revealed. Only now can they be shared with you. You may find it disturbing and you may find validation and answers to what has thus been shown. At last and in time. So many of you have sent letters regarding these events but now the whole tapestry of Satan’s Sinister Masterplan is revealed – through the prophetic vision of Jethro King!!
I now present to you Mr Jethro King’s SIX SIX SIXES of BIG evidence of the Chitauri Empire – how it relates to the WORLD now and to THE END TIMES – IMPORTANT – more important than anything else you’ve seen so far
1. ‘Demonic Possession’/’Exorcism’ – have you ever wondered if this is so? or is it merely a Chitauri manifesting as a ‘human’ and communicating with the (usually Catholic) priest in ‘tongues’ -sending on a message to the Vatican from its Satanic-reptilian masters – when the ‘exorcism’ is complete the ‘human’ returns to normal as the Chitauri changes back into its spiritual self and thus the circle of evil is complete
2. ‘Comets’/’Missiles’ prophecy and dreams – this is a positive for’our’ side – some people are more spiritually attuned and closer to Jesus – they are picking up ‘flashes’ of skirmishes in the spiritual zone – like movies of conflict between the Angelic host and their Chitauri [sic] counterparts – if you see this sort of vision (Laura King’s mother, Mrs Edna Josias did) then you are truly blessed in Christ 3. ‘The Number Code’ in the Bible and in scripture – Again, all of you Watchers out there are doing an amazing job with the math – BUT why does it transpire that on the dates prophesized [sic] for the Rapture or
Sudden Destruction the event simply does not happen? Because the NWO – Chitauri-Satanic alliance use binary math code THEMSELVES and like a computer code they can change it so the dates SIMPLY ALTER because they KNOW WHEN WE ARE ONTO THEM. Five Doves is not just watched and read by the Godly – it is watched and read by the NWO and its horrific
Chitauri-Nephilim-reptilian masters. You righteous watchmen may be sat there at your table or PC working on
the math all day on your own – while your (im)mortal enemies the Chitauri have 3000 agents (human, reptilian and spiritual) at work in giant space stations orbiting their black star DOING THE SAME WORK and UNDOING THE WORK YOU HAVE DONE! Take solace that they will not always be the operators when OUR LORD SOON STRIKES! When a heavily armed invasion force of the Heavenly Host breaches the airlocks of their mothership the shoe will be on the other foot!! Hallelujah!4. ‘The Middle East’ facade/decoy/illusion – this is all well and good for the humans on Earth to fret over Israel and so on, but you must open your eyes further, for the destruction of Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and The SUN ITSELF is the Chitauri’s true aim – how horrified will Our Lord be if the Sun itself is destroyed?!! And all of the planets! And each ‘branch’ of the Chitauri Empire has the task of DESTROYING ONE PLANET EACH of which will be revealed later
5. ‘The Great Unsaved’ Already many humans are unwitting drones of the Chitauri – do you suffer a migraine or a headache? This is your spiritual self fighting the advances of the Chitauri in the fourth dimension as it tries to make contact. Atheists, false prophets, hs, evolutionists, socialists, communists, Satanists, devil worshippers, abortionists, Islamics, Scientologists,liberals, Sikhs, video gamers,
Jehovahs witnesses, Hindus, rock n rollers, psychics, false prophets, witches, Wiccans, Italians, drug addicts, drunks, drug users, Italians and homosexual atheist bookstore owners who stock the Koran in their Religious Studies sections are ALREADY easily able to become prey to the Chitauri mind-controllers and are waiting to become their robot slaves at the flick of a switch. Particularly Scientologists. Only the cosmic armor of accepting the way to Heaven is thru OUR LORD JESUS acts as protection. Those secular masses may as well peel off their skin to reveal the green scales underneath NOW6. ‘The Sudden Destruction’ is more horrific than anyone has dared to believe so far. The SIX SIX SIXES of cosmic spiritual warfare stand revealed. Who’s side are you on?
Tomorrow – the Chitauri Empire’s DEATH PLAN for the Solar System and how the Rapture Cosmic War will be fought and WHO are the Human-Satanic-Chitauri people AT LARGE and already in place to serve the ANTICHRIST-CHITAURI HIGH GENERALISSIMO?
And as you ponder if these “things” are strictly “inter-dimensional, why not get yourself a cup of coffee or your favorite glass of wine, and consider these things as you watch THIS video.
2 Thess 2:11-12
And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Summary in Jesus Name
Suddenly all these claims about “shape shifting” reptilians doesn’t seem so far fetched; at least I would hope not, for YOUR sake. ANYONE who is living in SIN will have to face these things in the Great Tribulation. Suddenly the “Before It’s News” article entitled “NASA vs. Reptoids in Chilean Mines” doesn’t seem so far fetched. In fact if you search on “NASA Chilean Mine” you will find a number of articles confirming that NASA was indeed involved in the Chilean Mine disaster.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
I’m sure the “space” part of their name had NOTHING to do with their presence on the scene.
If you want to learn even more about this “stuff” be sure to tune into the Radio Shows entitled “Zen Garcia – Sons of God, Who are We, and Why Are We Here?” Here is PART III. Be sure to listen to part one and two as well.
Wow John, so many people are waking up like you said! Glory to God, the unrolled scroll of prophecy as Jonny Kleck puts it is here, and you have helped unroll it for me personally over these last 16 months or so, I just wanted to say thank you brother for your diligence, obedience, and humility. I can’t wait to give you a big high-five and a hug after we all hit our faces when we see Yeshua for the first time, praise His holy name!
I foresee this article spreading like wildfire after the Bride is rescued, Lord may it be soon!
God bless you brother, see you up in the clouds, keep your head up!
St. John: Could you be any more AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEESOME – This [article] is EXQUISITE!!!!!!! WOW – It just overwhelms me…………………… You are too much and we will NEVER, EVER deserve you………………. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!~ Great exegesis…………….. Just breathtaking………………………
Yours in Christ,
You have Dragons and Reptilians mixed together, please do more research and stop guessing. I am a Dragon and have no relation to reptilians other than them marrying daughters of Dragons/Grail Royalty.
I know exactly what you think you are and you are deceived. Jesus Christ is your only hope. The dragon “blood lines” are just a group of people who “think” they are the original bloodlines. Hell burns those offspring the same way as all the other “blue bloods”. CALL OUT TO JESUS CHRIST, he is your ONLY HOPE.
Awesome collection of material until the part where the Five Doves guys starts ranting about Italians and video gamers….and Italians are the most likely victims. I would share this on facebook but that part kills the momentum of the article. Regardless, thank you for your work
We all have to watch out for our tendency to “throw the baby out with the bath water”. I see people do this all the time to their own detriment, as well as others. This is most unfortunate. God Bless You. – John
I wonder if the impacts to the earth’s electromagnetic field and the solar storms may cause a change in “vibration” that would cause the lizards already present here to be made manifest? (BTW the quote from Fitzgerald explained alot!)
Here’s an excerpt from an internet news article about the solar flares happening now,
“… The sun unleashed one of the biggest flares ever seen during its current activity cycle late Tuesday — an X5.4-class outburst strong enough to trigger a radio blackout. The resulting geomagnetic storm could affect electrical grids, communication links, satellite navigation systems and airline schedules over the next couple of days.”
I had a dream a few months ago that indicated that people would see their “family members” for who they really were. The dream along with some other experiences have indicated to me that one day everyone’s eyes will be opened and those that they have trusted in as “brothers” will actually be shown as malevolent alien entities.
Can you imagine those doing the bidding of their higher ranking lodge brothers (which often include persecuting the saints) only to find out their brothers are…lizards…that want to eat them!!??
Yes- it’s way past time to repent of all sin and return to Yahweh!!!!
amen and amen!
Hey Johnnie B. Enjoyed hearing your commentary on Johnnie K’s show this past Summer. Especially all the confirmations about the NUCLEAR MISSILE ATTACKS coming upon America in the near future. I had my own confirmations on this, since 2003 when I discovered the revelation of the EAST/WEST COAST attacks unveiled on the folded $20 dollar bill. Back then the images indicated a “SUBMARINE LAUNCH” and now we have this new October Surprise TV series called THE LAST RESORT that presents a remarkably similar scenario, as foretold on the folded $20. It comes on Thursday nights, if you haven’t seen it yet, check it out! Also, unholywood is putting some real spooky episodes on ABC with “666 Park Avenue” on Sunday nights, proceeded by “‘Reven8e”. Could this one be prophetic with Luke 21, saying , “these be the DAYS OF VENGEANCE, when all things that are written will be fulfilled”? Hum? We all know the ILLUMINATI CODE OF CONCEALMENT in that they must reveal what they intend to do, before they do it! This is why we think that they unveiled their 9/11 Plans on the folded $20, both the first 9/11 ordeal and the soon coming USA NUCLEAR 9/11. But not everybody knows about these $20 findings and I suppose that Unholywood has to pick up the slack on “informing the general public” for those who are still in the dark on these things. One way or the other, the Illuminati Elitists who call all the shots as, “Rulers of Darkness & Wickedness in HIGH PLACES”, are going to inform us, before they seek to DESTROY US! That is their way. What will be the “TRIGGER EVENT” for the potential OCTOBER SURPRISE? Turkey led by NATO and Obama, all declaring war on Syria? Remember, CHINA & RUSSIA sent a huge Naval Force to the Syrian Coast not long ago, that worried many news reporters. Will the “Gog of Magog” alliance do it again, when Turkey & NATO attack Syria? What about the NUCLEAR WAR TENSIONS building between North & South Korea? Or the Land dispute tensions between CHINA, JAPAN, and now TAIWAN? Oh, I almost forgot all the ISLAMIC UNREST that keeps firing up with each new anti-Muslim insult that gets published? It sure seems that all the PROPHETIC PIECES for the Great Battle of God Almighty, aka, ARMAGEDDON, is almost upon us! Could this mean that Revelations 16:15,16 is almost ready to happen? From the “red letter edition” of John the Revelator in REV.16:15 to the “red line ultimatum” of BiBi of Israel, we are almost there my friends! It wont be very much longer! As Luke told us in his 21st Chapter, WHEN YOU SEE THESE THINGS BEGIN TO COME TO PASS, LOOK UP, FOR YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH!… Let’s keep our eyes on the skies! SteveS
Be sure to read the last couple articles written to understand the nuclear war that destroys the USA soon is NOT Armageddon because the forces of evil will trick the world into believing it was thus propping up a fake new millennium issuing the mark of the beast to a duped society. Armageddon does not happen until a couple years AFTER the WWIII and the first global thermonuclear war. God help those left behind
What the rubbish are you talking about here such a waste of time you did lot of effort uselessly. Talk some sense; sorry quite a futile attempt.
With that attitude you will likely see them with your own eyes when they come. God help you. God have mercy on us all.
” for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.” ISAIAH 14:29
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” GENESIS 3:15
“For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him” JOHN 8:44