Category: Marshal Law and Police State
UNITED NATIONS FOREIGN SOLDIERS ARE HERE On July 27th, the FEMA National Level Exercise began here in the United States. Most people do not know anything about NLE 09. As…
This is OUTSTANDING. A new volunteer police force (ala Obama) under the hierarchy of Homeland Security, Fusion Centers and the State Police forces helping us all out. Seems like EVERY…
Nuking Chicago: Next Terrorist Attack?
Former U.N. Ambassador, John Bolton, Jokes about Nuking Chicago! ” Former UN Ambassador John Bolton believes the security of the United States is at dire risk under the Obama administration….
New NSA Spy Group to Kill 911 Media Claims
Evidently because the 911 Truth movement has been so successful in revealing the danger the United States and world peoples are in right now, the National Security Agency now has…
"The Calling", a MUST SEE Documentary
THE CROW HOUSE WEB SITEFolks, there are hundreds of documentaries out there that help us understand much about certain subjects. When studying the “end-times” or “tribulation” you can reach out…
Mark 13:34 – […] and commanded the porter to watch."
ARE YOU WATCHING? Probably not really – be honest with yourself.Are you really guarding Christ’s home? Are you “looking out” for his Bride?Do you know who the enemy is? Can…
Next US Gov’t Sponsored Terrorist Attack Likely Nuclear Well if by now you haven’t figured out that 9-11 was a government sponsored terrorist attack against our own country then you are a sitting duck for the next…
Damning 911 Testimony by FEMA Leader
You really should read this entire article to understand the magnitude of Mr. Sonnenfeld’s testimony (see link below). God Bless you and keep your frame of reference in mind. It…
Covert Channels Warning Us?—Part-5.html It seems like someone employed by or contributing to the United Kingdoms “Telegraph” web site is getting some insider information on what is happening in the global takeover (rise…
[LIST of EVENTS] with Reference Links
The John Warner 2007 Defense Appropriations Act If any civil disturbance so much as interferes witha “privilege” of another person/group – the Presidentmay institute Marshal Law without any one’s approval(including…
New Bills Screaming through Congress and Other Rants
HR 166 – Hate crimes legislation; If you hurt people’s feelings and they testify to this fact in court; a judge can rule it a Felony. HR 2401 – The…