- Comet Storm Begins the Trumpet Judgments? Remote Viewing Matches Child’s Vision from Jesus
- David Wilkerson’s Vision of U.S. Earthquakes
- Review of Little Girls Dream from Jesus
- Ready to Fly This July?
- Let’s Review the Trumpet Judgments
- FEMA Mass Graves and High Winds Preparation Warning
- Something Catastrophic is Brewing
- The Major Ed Dames KillShot Warning
- “When as space shuttle mission is forced to abort because of a meteor shower”
- The Space Shuttle ATLANTIS is the LAST space shuttle mission, according to NASA.
- Jonathan’s “Coincidental” Space Shuttle Decryption of 2004
- Summary in Jesus Name
Comet Storm Begins the Trumpet Judgments?
Remote Viewing Matches Child’s Vision from Jesus
Did you know there is an Illuminati saying which mysteriously reads:
“A Columbian Enterprise to Endeavor for the Discovery of Atlantis … and all Challengers will be destroyed”?
The “FINAL” space shuttle mission, “Atlantis” ST-135 goes up on July 8th, of 2011. This mission takes on a whole new light, in lieu of the visions, dreams, and prophecies of those who live, and who have died, while working on behalf of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
On July 7th, the Elenin “cluster” aligns with Saturn.
David Wilkerson’s Vision of U.S. Earthquakes
Here is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of David Wilkerson’s book –> The Vision
Chapter 2 Drastic Weather Change and Earthquakes ( The Vision by David Wilkerson-published in 1974)“Earthquakes coming to United States
The United States is going to experience in the not-too-distant future the most tragic earthquakes in its history. One day soon this nation will be reeling under the impact of the biggest news story of modern times. It will be coverage of the biggest most disastrous earthquake in history.
It will cause widespread panic and fear, Without a doubt, it will become one of the most completely reported earthquake ever. Television networks will suspend all programming and carry all day coverage.
Another earthquake , possibly in Japan may precede the one that I see coming here. There is not the slightest doubt in my mind about this forthcoming massive earthquake in our continent.
I am not at all convinced that this earthquake will take place in California. In fact, I believe it is going to take place where it is least expected. This terrible earthquake may happen in an area that not known as an earthquake belt. It will be so high on the Richter scale that it will trigger two other major earthquakes.”
Review of Little Girls Dream from Jesus
Here below I am reprinting the little girl’s vision / dream of Jesus telling her about the Black Sun, and comets driving the “space shuttle” back to earth. This is critical to hear.
JUNE 17, 2011
by Stewart BestMy daughter has had many prophetic dreams with the Lord and it confirms what you are talking about. In one dream she said she was in space above earth with Jesus and she saw an astronaut out in space floating outside of the shuttle and seen the inside also after she seen a big object coming near earth. She was told by the Lord it’s the Black Sun ( could it be Nibiru and its moons ) and a planet hit our moon. She did not say (the) Black Sun hit the moon, but a planet. It could be one of Nibiru’s moons. And it cracked our moon. And the impact brought our moon closer to earth. And thousands or millions of pieces of the moon went / headed to earth. A rock hit the back part of the shuttle and (…) the shuttle went to earth.
Before the meteors hit earth, she seen the earth dance. Imagine a sea saw and two kids are going up and down and the earth is in the center; that’s what the earth was doing.
My daughter told me before the rocks fall on earth she seen the Lord in the middle of two angels in the clouds and thousands of angels next to the Lord.
And then there was a great noise from a shofar (a trumpet) and God woke up people and they came out of the ground. And she was told this would happen in July.
I never taught my daughter about the rapture, nor does she see movies of this nature. Her favourite show is sponge bob.
After this I decided to show my daughter NASA’s web site and she recognized one of the 4 astronauts Sandra H. Magnus from her dreams. And she confirmed that shuttle Atlantis was also seen in her dream.
She told me that she was told many times this would happen in July and she also seen a scroll written in it July.
Could NASA be lying about time of arrival of Elenin/ Nibiru or will it speed up and come earlier and catch everyone off guard? I read somewhere that this Nibiru is gaining speed as it comes closer to our Sun. And could it be closer to earth in July instead of Sept or could it be that one of the moons of Nibiru could be in front of it and it reaches our moon in July and Nibiru does really come in September?
She seen a city in the moon and seen the inside of this city it had buildings and green houses to grow food. And that humans and grey aliens are living there.
These rocks that fall to earth will make a great noise like a grumbling sound from a airplane. Very scary. I asked where did these rocks fall? Was it in a city? She told me all the cities of earth, everywhere, and many children and mommies and daddies died. She even seen the CN Tower in Toronto fall to the ground and even our home was hit by a meteor.
But before this the dead will resurrect and then the living will go next, this will happen in July, she was told.
Ready to Fly This July?
Here below I present to you an AWESOME compilation of “rapture visions” some of which Tribulation-Now has published over the last several months. Indeed one of them is described in the Blue 21 article.
This compilation, and many more outstanding messages can be found at the EndTimesWatchman web site here:
End Times Watchman:
This person’s You Tube channel, I believe his name is Immanuel, is located here:
This is FABULOUS work and I pray that you take the time to listen both of these videos. The first video is the rapture dreams and visions video.
Click the Image Below to Start this Video
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Here is a direct link to the You Tube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGFjlWTju4w
And be sure to watch this fabulous message by this AWESOME Jesus loving servent of the Kingdom! I hope I get to give this fellow a big Jesus Hug on the “way up”.
Click the Image Below to Start this Video
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Here is a direct link to this You Tube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8uJPpfxqPk&feature=channel_video_title
Let’s Review the Trumpet Judgments
Here below I present to you a highly simplified table of events associated with the Trumpet Judgements. Never mind that Revelation verse one says …
Rev 1:1
things which must shortly take place.
Which actually means “in rapid fire succession”.
So here you see what could possibly be a “rapid fire succession” of events associated with cosmic disturbances on our horizon. Right? And by now if you don’t know about the “alien” threat … all I can say is … Uh oh!
You might want to start reading other articles here on Tribulation-Now as soon as possible. You can start with “The Real Joel’s Army” here.
FEMA Mass Graves and High Winds Preparation Warning
In July of 2009, there were a number of alarming reports of “mass graves” being dug on an industrial scale across the United States. Alex Jones was “beyond alarmed” and did a number of shows and articles on these reports complete with photographs and videos.
Around that time I wrote an article entitled “Nuking Chicago: Next Terrorist Attack?” In that article I linked to a radio show where an “Emergency Operations Manager” outside of the Chicago area called in. This fellow was noticably shaken. Evidently FEMA was making sure they were prepared for a catastrophe. FEMA wanted to know what land was available for digging mass graves. They also wanted to know if they were fortifying their fire and police stations to withstand extremely high winds.
It looks like “they” knew what was coming.
The video has since been removed by You Tube, however GLORY TO JESUS, I happened to have it saved on my local computer. Here it is.
Click the Image Below to Start this Video
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Something Catastrophic is Brewing
At the risk of repeating myself (tongue in cheek), here again is the trucker warning from the Power Hour radio show. This is worth listening to once again.
Something Catastrophic is Brewing:
The Major Ed Dames KillShot Warning
Ed Dames, a retired Major in the “black ops” division of the U.S. military, was part of an elite team of “remote viewers”. He and his team of elite “remote viewing” black-ops colleagues, spent years looking at events that were to happen in “the future“. He unwittingly refers to his team as a “global mind” … think “all seeing eye” here. Most people do not know when they are influenced by the demonic world. Refer to Peter and Jesus saying “get thee behind me Satan” … Amen?
I am not going to try and recite everything that Major Dames says in his DVD documentary KillShot, however in Jesus name, I will mention some key points here.
Major Ed Dames mentions:
“They” (the remote viewers) cannot tell the exact time an event happens but they can “see” the events unfolding
They communicate their visions in sketches and words that they hear
In 1995 anomalous events started to appear
They started to “see” people under ground
They started to “see” extremely “high winds” of 200 – 300 Mph.
They started to “see” extremely “high temperatures”
They started to “see” all kinds of “debris” in the air
They saw “armies” across the world stop fighting and LOOK into the sky
The armies started to come home
They saw the “earth” start to wobble. The earth’s atmosphere was “superheated”. The actual AXIS of the earth shifted. This was NOT a “magnetic” shift but an ACTUAL shift of the earth on its “axis”. This is a cataclysmic event which is completely different than the one or two degress “magnetic North” shifts we are hearing in the media.
Isa 24:6
Therefore the curse has devoured the earth,
And those who dwell in it are desolate.
Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned,
And few men are left. (…) The earth is violently broken,
The earth is split open, The earth is shaken exceedingly.
20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, And shall totter like a hut; Its transgression shall be heavy upon it, And it will fall, and not rise again.
The Nearest Preceding Event
Major Ed Dames says, without hesitation, that the nearest preceding event to this global cataclysm is …
“When as space shuttle mission
is forced to abort
because of a meteor shower”
What mysteriously is said, within 60 seconds of this statement is that …
“Plato refers to Atlantis sinking in 9600 B.C.”
This documentary was made prior to 2005, since Major Dames suggests that people should pay attention to the 2005 space shuttle mission in the video.
The Space Shuttle ATLANTIS is the LAST space shuttle mission, according to NASA.
Nuclear Power Plants Mentioned
Major Dames then explains that no one should remain near the ocean or shore. He suggests to seek high ground, very high ground. He says that there will be many different versions of “Chernobyl” across Japan and the United States. Winds will exceed 200-300 Mph for several days sustained. He goes on to strongly suggest that crop circles mark locations on the earth will be safe havens, pointing to Saskatchewan, Canada, and across the British Isles. and mid to Western Europe.
Electromagnetic Alignment
Major Dames never mentions “Planet X” (Nibiru), but he and his team, which he again refers to as the “Global Mind“, saw a “planet sized body” pass close to the earth intersecting earth’s orbit at one point. He points out this intersection would be absolutely cataclysmic and cause all of the above mentioned catastrophes to unfold violently.
Here are the videos from Major Ed Dames:
KillShot Part 2
KillShot Part 3
Jonathan’s “Coincidental” Space Shuttle Decryption of 2004
Here below is a video presentation by Jonathan Kleck. Personally what I find MOST amazing is that in 2004, Jonathan was led to “decrypt” what appears to be images of “three unlean spirits like frogs” in a picture of the Challenger space shuttle crew. This was in 2004!
In a book of nearly 100 pages of decrypted images, Jonathan shows in this video how the Lord showed him these images in the Challenger photograph. Jonny mistakenly mentions the space shuttle launch on July 7th. This is instead being reported as the Saturn alignment. Praise Jesus!
This message is amazing.
Click the Image Below to Start this Video
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Even more troubling is the “Illuminati” saying that mysteriously has the phrase I placed at the top of the article. Again it says,
“A Columbian Enterprise to
Endeavor for the Discovery
of Atlantis …
and all Challengers
will be destroyed”
Is this all just a coincidence, or has the Illuminati known about this catastrophic event for possibly decades? Or could it be that they’ve known about it for HUNDREDS of years? I hope you know the answer to this question.
Remember REX 84? Remember FEMA Camps? Remember Operation Garden Plot? Remember the John Warner Defense Appropriations Act?
It all takes on a NEW MEANING in light of this information, Glory to Jesus!
Summary in Jesus Name
Does anyone know for certain that this will all unfold during the July 8th space shuttle Atlantis mission? Of course not. In light of all these dreams and visions is this possible, ABSOLUTELY.
I recommend in Jesus Name, you take the advice of Immanuel at the End Times Watchman and get yourself ready to “Stand before the Son of Man!”. Even better than that, take the advice of Jesus Christ Himself! Glory to God!
Do NOT be afraid of these events.
… Be Blessed in Jesus Name
I had a re-occuring dream from age 8 till around 19. I am now in my mid-forties. The dream scenes always change in rapid fire succession, but my understanding of the dream was that there was a war coming, and there were tanks and other military vehicles hidden in the earth. In the final scene that I still remember, I was near a playground, where other children were playing, and I was calling out to them, trying to get their attention, but they didnt hear me. I remember i saw something huge, something gigantic coming out of the sky, like the moon was coming down to the earth. The feeling of terror and helplessness overwhelmed me, as there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and i sensed a massive wall of rushing water coming closer.
At this point I always woke up, with my father holding me, sometimes trying to splash water on my face. He told me that he would hear my cry out, and come in to my room where I was screaming, eyes wide open, terrified. He would then spend several minutes trying to get me to wake up. I always woke up with my hands clasped together as if in prayer, and it was as if my vision was now super-enhanced, I could see the pores in the paint on the bathroom walls. It often took several minutes for me to feel “normal” again. Even after 20+ years if I concentrate, I can recreate that post dream feeling again. It is very weird.
I found your site two years ago and have been following it as well as other sites, and the planet x, niburu, whatever phenom triggered a memory of that dream. I often ask God how prophetic it was, but fear experiencing the dream again.
I was 8 years old when I gave my life to Jesus. He has been with me every step of the way, and helped me back up everytime I have fallen. There is no one greater than Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Time is definitely short. Plant your seeds, and let the Lord do the rest.
God Bless You Jeff:
Job 33:14-18
For God may speak in one way, or in another,
Yet man does not perceive it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
When deep sleep falls upon men,
While slumbering on their beds,
16 Then He opens the ears of men,
And seals their instruction.
17 In order to turn man from his deed,
And conceal pride from man,
18 He keeps back his soul from the Pit,
And his life from perishing by the sword.
After reading this I am convinced that Christianity is most certainly the religion of fear.
Yes Amen … True Christianity is indeed the FAITH and FEAR of GOD. You BET it is! And those who do NOT fear God will find out why they SHOULD have feared him and done what He said to do “soon enough”. Jesus Christ’s instructions were NOT OPTIONAL. Coasting along through life thinking you have it made is DANGEROUS to your eternity. Fire and brimstone teachers were doing the right thing! Fire and brimstone is what you face if you don’t DO WHAT YOU WERE TOLD!
Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom…”
I agree with the fire and brimstone belief for the Western world. For too long we have coasted along with our different church events and most of the time it has been to give those saved an alternative to a secular lifestyle that just has Jesus’ precious name stamped on it. Fashion parades, movies nights just to name a few played within the very walls we worship God in. I often wonder if Jesus was alive now if he would turn over the tables of the money changers like he did in the new testament.
Remember the words of David of how just to be able to sit in the doorway of the house of God would be enough for him. Christianity is not an oh if I can fit it in I will. My life is as filthy rags compared to being in relationship with Father God day by day, change needs to happen from within, a light that makes you stand out. Let us not just make our Christian walks about a lifestyle we have chosen that feeds our flesh but one that draws a closer to God, where we renew our mind to think like God, led by the Holy Spirit and thank Jesus we are washed in His precious blood. I speak this strongly to myself each day as reading this website has made me so aware of the cost Jesus paid, may I never forget I serve an awesome, powerful, loving God who ways are not my ways or thoughts my thoughts until I spend time with Him knowing His heart.
I don’t want to speculate. Now older, I had a few dreams and impressions of a large
heavenly body. For what reason(s) I do not know. There may come some terrifying
times in our life time. We should all take the responsibility to be ready and not make
fun of true instruction in the the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I cannot
call myself a christian but it would seem with all the “warnings” filtering in from the
general populace we should be aware that indeed we may be living in the last days.
We cannot say we were not warned.
You NEED to become a Christian IMMEDIATELY and give your life to Jesus Christ. The scripture clearly says “no one comes to the Father but by me”. This is not optional. God Bless You and thanks for sharing. PREPARE in Jesus name. Take no chances. GLORY TO GOD.
Thank you for what you do here in spreading the truth of Christ. I also have had a dream about two years ago where it was night and the moon was full and in the sky. A large comet flies into the far side. It erupts and comes towards the Earth. It goes down below the horizon and there is a huge Earthquake and I woke up shaken.
You are not alone. God Bless You for sharing!! Glory to Jesus!!
@ James Simmons…..the Bible clearly states that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. In other words, all that stuff we do or think of as wise is not unless we have first considered where we are in comparison to God and in comparison to His holy standard.
Jesus also said for us not to fear men who can kill the body, but to fear God who can kill the body and then cast you in to Hell.
It is wise and prudent to understand that God is the Creator of all things and that we as His creations are subject to His rules. We have broken His rules and are therefore sinners. If you have even told one lie in your life, you’re a liar. If you’ve used His name in vain even once, you’re a blasphemer and God says that those who use His name this way He will by no means hold guiltless. He says adultery is wrong, but Jesus took it a giant leap forward and showed us that does not only mean physical act of adultery but the thoughts of the mind and intentions of the heart by saying that if we even look at a woman with lust it is adultery in God’s eyes. If we have ever hated someone we are a murderer at heart. Are you starting to get the idea here? We are all guilty of sin. And God is a very holy God who cannot and , by His very nature will not, allow sin into His holy presence. He is a just God…perfectly just. He will not allow even one sin to go unpunished. The Bible says no drunkard, no liar, no adulterer, no homosexual, no fornicator, no blasphemer etc etc can enter into God’s kingdom. If this is true then we are in trouble aren’t we?
If God were to give us justice, we deserve Hell because that is the only place of eternal existence that is not in God’s presence. That is the bad news man.!!
God created it for the devil and his demons. God says He does not want any to go there, but He desires all come to repentance.
Here is the good news…the gospel!!
God loves you soooo much. He places immense value on you. Even though you are a sinner and He hates sin. He still loves you. The Bible says that while we were still sinners Christ died for us! WHAT? WHY? Because He loves us and wants us to be restored to a right relationship with Him.
God cannot violate His nature. He must punish sin. Jesus lived a perfect sinless life. He is the Son of God. He willingly went to the cross. It was His mission. He suffered horribly the worst torture and humiliation and death anyone could imagine. HE didn’t have to. He could have called down a million angels and wiped everyone out. But He did not. He endured and suffered for that period of time so you and I wouldn’t have to eternally in Hell. He paid our fine and God can dismiss our case legally.
The payment for your sin has been paid in full. All you have to do is tell God you accept that payment. When you realize how much He loves you and how you have sinned against Him and that He still loves you and is willing to extend amazing grace and incredible mercy to you, how can you not respond rightly.
Jesus took our sins to the cross, He died and was buried in the tomb. On the third day He rose from the dead and defeated death and sin.
Repent……Repent….think of repentance this way. If I come home from work from a long day and I have my arms full of things I am carrying and my beautiful 5 year old daughter is waiting at the door with arms open saying “Daddy..Daddy I love you”….what am I going to do with the stuff I am carrying? Am I going to concentrate on putting it all down behind me so very carefully and while I pick her up am I going to be thinking wow I hope I put that stuff down right.”?? No not at all.
I am just gonna lay it down so I can pick her up and embrace her because I love her. I am gonna forget about the stuff I put down because I am picking up something so much more valuable!
That is repentance. All the sin and wrong things we have done and still do we just drop when we realize God is right there saying ” I love you so much and want you to come to me”…..Drop the sin…embrace Jesus Christ! Trust in Him as your Savior! Confess your sin to Him and be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You will be what Jesus called “born again” by your faith in Him when the Spirit of the Living God comes to live inside of you. and your sins will be forgiven and you are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and are granted eternal life with God. You are adopted into the family of God and He is now your Heavenly Father!
There is NOTHING more important than what you do with Jesus…on your eternal destiny. You may not live another hour. Once you are dead it is too late to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The Bible says it is appointed every man once to die and then the judgement.
Please choose carefully. Don’t love your sin so much that you won’t let it go. Please don’t reject Jesus and go to Hell. Please repent, trust in Jesus and receive forgiveness and eternal life.
Why did I just spend 30 minutes typing this out for someone I don’t know or who may never read this? because God loves you and wants you to know about His Son and because He loves you, I love you and want you to know about His Son , Jesus!
Amen to you all, I will pray for you all and your families Praise be to Jesus. God bless
All I know is I love my Heavenly Father. He sent his own son to save us. All.
I would just like to add; We have but only two choices to make with regards to where we want to spend eternity; whether in heaven or in hell. This choice can only be made NOW while we are alive. NOW is the acceptable time for one that all important decision to spend the rest of their life in heaven. The ONLY way to heaven is through The Lord Jesus Christ. The only other option one has got is hell (eternal damnation – separation from GOD the Father) FOREVER. Please check out this website http://www.spiritlessons.com. for more dreams and visions that other people have had across the world about the coming of the Messiah. It can only be LOVE that the Father has for us that would cause Him to send out so many warnings to so many people (note: the message to all these people is the same; Prepare yourselves (in holiness) for the return of the Messiah which is at hand.) prior to the return of Christ. God bless you all.
Yes AMEN. You can find out how by reading the article “Revelations of the Real Heaven” and praying Psalms 51!
With the last space shuttle mission going up tomorrow, we get to see if Ed Dames space shuttle prediction has any merit.
My greatest fear is that they might re-instate the space shuttle program with a new vessel later. I want “off this rock” in Jesus name.
I am not really concerned about the space shuttle programme being reinstated, everything going on in the world points to everything coming to a head anyway. I was looking at what will happen if the astronauts do get hit by an asteroid or need to get home quick. There is only one ship which can get them which is from Russia and it can only take one of them at a time. I feel for the people who the Illuminati have seen as expendable. Continual cover-ups of things seen by NASA and those behind our governments saddens me. I pray that at this time I remember each one of those which are mere pawns and are just a piece of the puzzle that is being puting together, that they will come to know of Jesus’ saving grace and love for them.
Well IF the visions and dreams do come to pass, then evidently the shuttle will get driven back to earth. While it’s hard to be sure, it seems that that dreams suggested the shuttle makes an emergency langing. We will see if this happens at all. If it does, then its almost as likely the Bride of Christ could be “rescued” at that time because the dreams and visions also indicated it would be the start of a global comet storm, earthquakes and tusnamis as well that would devastate large part of the entire earth. Again all we can do is watch and pray.
I just want to cry, I feel so out of sorts battling addictions that seem to overwhelm me so often, my hearts cry is for daddy god to end my pain, I seem to let him down and it pains me deeply I’m unable to lean on him for resuce. I have been a Christian for 8 years and have struggled from the out set. Lord forgive my rebellion and lack of trust in you and you alone. This world gives me nothing that sustains and yet it’s the sin in my life that try’s to tell me it is everything I need. Lord forgive my selfish nature, that sabotages my gains. I’m lonely and scared I don’t want to be left behind. Father god hear my cry hear my hearts cry – lord how can I be a watch man for your glory? I’m give a teaching on tuesday on temptation, lord help me to be authentic for you.
Dominic, we all have to be strong and wait upon God to see if these things come to pass. Maybe they will and maybe they won’t. Either way we continue to seek God and pray for our deliverance from sin. Continue and stand strong brother. All of us are in the same boat. Praise and worship is the key. Talk to God every day. Seek Jesus and talk to him every day. God hears your cries. Glory to Jesus no matter what everything will be okay.
@ Dominic. I do recognize so much in your prayer. Thank you for sharing. I can totally understand you. I feel so like the tax collector. I am definitely not a super power christian but I’m a sinner that is only freed and cleansed by the precious Blood of Our Saviour, Yeshua HaMashiach. Thank you Lord G’d that You have saved a wretch like me.
That is a very interesting logo for certain but what do you think of this?:
Typical balderdash. If you follow the advice of that article, then 911 was a legitimate terror attack and we are all a bunch of brain dead morons. Pay NO attention to the MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!