Category: Evil Documents

0 1189

Executive Order for WWIII

  War Powers Allocation Considering the Bigger Picture It is my estimation that these are war powers allocation in preparation for something very very big.  I believe the Bible (and…

 Posted in Evil Documents, False Flag Terror, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, New World Order Power Structure, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich, Uncategorized
0 2209

Destruction FIRST then Rapture

The Final Word Destruction First The FEMA Camps are being “activated” at this time.  This is NOT A DRILL.  The Lord has spoken through His prophets, not once but many…

 Posted in Evil Documents, False Flag Terror, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich, Uncategorized
0 1610

The Arrival

Focusing on the Big Picture A Recap of Approaching Threats The 1611 King James, when originally assembled, included the books of Esdras (and many more).  Regular readers of Tribulation-Now probably…

 Posted in Evil Documents, False Flag Terror, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Mind Control, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 2739

HAARP, Planet X or New Madrid NLE Drill?

Preparations for the Inevitable Facts Figures and Speculation  In my frequent discussions regarding the “when” part of the next big event, there surfaces much evidence to indicate something significant may…

 Posted in Evil Documents, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 1997

Ensured Starvation

The Noose is Yanked!The Ugly is About to Begin Most of the regular readers of Tribulation-Now know that I’m not one to parrot other news stories very often.  However this…

 Posted in Economic Takeover, Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, Evil Documents, Marshal Law and Police State, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich
0 644


TRIBULATION NOW COMMENTARY: I trust the readers of this web site are all doing well. Either there has not been any outstanding news in the last few weeks or this…

 Posted in Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, Evil Documents
0 777


An Introduction to Army RegulationFM-19.40 (19-40) INTERNMENT / RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONSFirst Let Us Define Who a “Civilian Internee” (henceforth to be referred to as a “CI” so as not to confuse…

 Posted in Evil Documents, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich
0 894

"EVIL" OBAMACARE BILL – Review by Law Professor

Obama Health Care Plan DetailsHR 3200 currently under consideration in the House of Representatives VIEW H.R. 3200 RIGHT HERE: A PAGE BY PAGE ANALYSIS BY MATHEW D. STAVERFounder and Chairman…

 Posted in Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, Evil Documents
0 856

Nazi Science Advisor, Holdren (And El’s Master Plan)

“The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately…

 Posted in Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, Evil Documents, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, New World Order Power Structure, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich
0 1235


FEMA CAMPS – REX84 – FEMA CAMPS – REX84 It’s unfortunate I am not simply a research computer. But I make stupid assumptions sometimes. One of those is that the…

 Posted in Evil Documents, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, Prophetic Warnings, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich
0 1465

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

AN INTRODUCTION TO: “THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION” INTRODUCTION The topic of the “PROTOCOLS” is vast. The content within the paper that holds this title has been…

 Posted in Evil Documents, Lucifer's Army, New World Order Power Structure