- The Falling Away Begins
- A Troubling Report from the Federation of Light
- The Botnet Coincidence
- The Mystery of the New Age
- Official Government Disclosure
- Articles Pointed out By David Wilcock
- Mainstream Media UFO Video
- The Festival of Enlightenment
- Summary in Jesus Name
The Falling Away Begins
A Troubling Report from the Federation of Light
A new article has been published on Divine Cosmos. Quite frankly I must admit the work is rather … well done. I would expect nothing less from the upper echelon of the “New Age” ranks of the Federation of Light team. After all, many of them have divine assistance from the friends of the “Council of Nine”. And the “Council of Nine” correctly identify themselves as the “Elohim” mentioned in the ancient Hebrew writings.
(A heart felt Jesus filled “shout out” to Ricky for this awesome hookup)
Many of these reports have been released for several weeks. These reports are scattered all over sites like Rense, Steve Quayle, Stan Deyo, and others. However when you see them all presented together in a single cohesive article an awakening occurs. And it’s not a good one for those who want to save souls for the Kingdom. When presented all together, it becomes painfully clear, “Official Disclosure” is on the imminent horizon.
The Botnet Coincidence
Several months ago I had an astonishing coincidence happen to me while at work. I was in continuous praise and prayer throughout the day. The job I had at the time was not terribly demanding, and I had time to spend researching material for my “professional development”.
While in the midst of this training, an unbelievable “coincidence” occurred. It was the Lord showing me what I needed to focus my “attention” on. It has become a mission of sorts. While researching “botnets” I found a 3-D animated graphic that allowed a person to view all the virus-infected computers across the world in such a manner to allow you to “zoom in” and “zoom out”. There were literally thousands of computers shown in this graphic. When I “zoomed in” the very first time, I couldn’t believe what I saw.
The computer in the center of my screen (amongst thousands) was named “disclosureproject.server.us”. The odds had to be one in a zillion this could happen.
You can read that article here: The Botnet Coincidence”
The Mystery of the New Age
The “New Age” is the perfect Luciferian End-Game in the world of spirituality. It has its roots in the ancient Far East religions (e.g. Hinduism, transcendentalism, Kundalini stuff, et al). The Nazi’s were intensely interested in the Far East “spiritual” occult understandings. It’s all connected back to the “White Brotherhood” and the dark teachings of Madame Blavatsky. Indeed it is all connected to Aleister Crowley and his conjuring up of the interdimensional “being” Lam (otherwise known as a “demon”).
However today it has grown up into the perfect lie. The problem here is that this lie is nearly bullet proof. Remember the scripture …
2 Thess 2:11-12
And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The problem is that the Bible is an understatement. So when the word of God mentions a particular “lie”, it means one HECK of a WHOPPER! Allow me to try and explain. And this isn’t going to be easy if you only have a rudimentary understanding of “who we were” since the Foundations of the World (and prior).
The reason why the “New Age” understanding of spirituality is so appealing to the human spirit is because it “rings true” and witnesses to them. Why? Because it is so darn close to the truth. I have made these points in the past, but you would have to “at least” read the Souls, Sons, Elohim and Angels articles to understand the very basics. (so get reading) You would also need to read the article entitled “Intergalactic God” which helps to pull a number of concepts together for you.
The point here is that we “knew Jesus before the foundations of the world”. This is the concept known as “predestination”. While this is a complicated concept to explain, it is a spritual reality. If we were “predestined” (which we were), then it stands to reason that God knew us “in the womb” and then arguably even as a spirit prior to being concieved (ref. Gen 2:7).
This spiritual “knowing” associated with our existence before the “foundations of the world” is what the New Agers latch on too. It witnesses to their “spirit”. This is where the notion of “reincarnation” comes from. People “feel” like they lived in a past life at one time. While in a “heavenly” sense this is arguably kinda true, actual reincarnation is a Luciferian forgery.
To further the excellence of “the lie”, the New Agers espouse this concept of Universal Love. The notion is that if you fill yourself with “Love” of all things, you can make the “vibrational shift” and “transcend” into “time and space“.
Ultimately this is a type of “apotheosis” such as what is depicted in the mural on the ceiling of the Washington D.C. capitol building entitled “The Apotheosis of Washington”. Apotheosis is the transformation into a “god like” state of being.
Gen 3:5
For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.
For the New Agers, this is a “return to the origins” in the Universe with their fellow “cosmonauts” or “Federation of Light” space “friends”.
This concept is a Luciferian forgery of the true Christian anxiously awaiting the transformation of their bodies …
Rom 8:23-24
Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.
Isn’t it fascinating that Jesus’ most important commandment was LOVE. And here you see the perfect Luciferian forgery of “love” being the “key ingredient” to “ascend” into the “cosmic consciousness” to be with “their creators”, who they see as their “cosmic family”. Unfortunately these are “fallen angels” and not intergalactic family friends. Their Commander in Chief is named Lucifer. The Mason’s call him the “Great Architect of the Universe”. The term “LIGHT” is huge with this deception, when in fact WE CHRISTIANS were the orginal “light beings”.
See the article entitled “Bodies of Light” by Douglas Hamp.
As I have said many many times. The PERFECT LIE is when you use 99.999% truth and add just a tiny bit of .001% leven. The ONLY thing Lucifer needs to do to “steel a soul” away from the Kingdom of Heaven is to “demote Jesus Christ” … PERIOD. The closer to the truth the rest of the story is, the better for Lucifer and his minions. Why? Because it will WITNESS to their SPIRITS. It will “witness” to the YHWH God BREATHED spirit that resides in all of us at birth.
And without the Baptism of the Holy Spirit they are “sitting ducks”.
Even my own niece got “caught up” in this lie. She was telling me all about “her Angel”. It’s one thing to be “visited” by an Angel once or in an extremely rare case maybe twice, but when you think you have your own “personal Angel” ….
This is what is known as a “familiar spirit”. This is a lying demon. And yes they can look like your mother, talk like your mother, and be your very best friend. Indeed they can even look like Jesus and tell you all sorts of things. There’s a reason why the Bible calls the “FAMILIAR” …. get it?
Deut 18:10-14
There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. 12 For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you. 13 You shall be blameless before the Lord your God. 14 For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the Lord your God has not appointed such for you.
And …
Lev 20:27
27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.
Official Government Disclosure
The argument being made by the author of Divine Cosmos, a Mr. David Wilcock, is that he “knows” people inside the governments of more than one country and they give him “insider information” on imminent “disclosure” of the UFO “truth”. The truth is indeed “out there”. You can bet on that.
The problem is that once full “disclosure” happens, it will cause the 2 Thes. 2 “Falling Away”. There is absolutely not a doubt about it. How do I know? Because for years now people have been writing me endless emails about how Tribulation-Now “saved them” because they were staring to believe the Zecharia Sitchin information about the “Ancient Aliens” being our “creators”. So I have heard it time and time again now for at least the better part of a year from a vast number of readers.
NOW … when you read this David Wilcock article entitled “Official Government Disclosure Has Begun“, it is utterly “jaw dropping“. And if David is checking his “referrer links” he will almost certainly see that people are clicking over to his article from Tribulation-Now. So I have to be very careful to only “disclose” to you widely available information and not appear to be violating his “Divine Cosmos” copyright. Amen?
Here are some of the points David makes. And quite frankly he is correct.
- The governments are steadily releasing more and more “official” UFO data
- The FBI documents released on April 11th, 2011 included detailed information about UFO occupants, “3 feet tall” and dressed in “metallic suits”.
- The FBI documents are vast and full of tons of alarming “alien” encounter-based data
- The main-stream media followed up with articles which were in complete agreement with the disclosure data and did not attempt to debunk it in any way
- Celebrities are starting to admit their “alien encounters”
- Kennedy tried to get the UFO “alien” information released prior to his assassination
- Military jets are being seen regularly chasing UFOs (and indeed they are!)
- Professor Bill Wickersham called for a Congressional hearing to re-examine the UFO topic
- The National Security Agency release leading information that implied they were attempting to decrypt extraterrestrial communications
- The Dome of the Rock sighting
- He points out that “they” (the evil cabal) are trying to trick everyone into believing it is the end-times (to convince Muslims their Messiah, the Mahdi is coming)
The most amazing finding on this large and well written article is this comment here. I reprint only this small snipet to comply with the Fair Use copyright law requirements and again will link you to the article again here.
Part of what leads me to think this is “one of ours” is the mention of a “pyramid-shaped UFO.” Apparently this system utilizes the same technology as the flying black triangle — only now you have three triangles formed into a pyramid shape.
This may have been one of the key events that led the insiders to realize they had to surrender. If their own technology could be shot down by the Russians, or their ET allies, they no longer possessed the needed military advantage to win the battle.
Notice here that David points out this “pyramid” shaped UFO was likely “one of ours”. What he means here is that he believes it is one of the “Federation of Light” vehicles. And I believe he is 100% correct.
Remember one of the first things Jonathan Kleck was told by YHWH God is …
“The pyramids are your enemy”
Articles Pointed out By David Wilcock
Here are some of the articles and their headlines David correctly pointed out as part of the early phases of “Official Disclosure”.
FBI Records – The Vault – http://vault.fbi.gov/hottel_guy
Press Responses to the FBI Release
UK Guardian: FBI Destroyed Many UFO Reports
Yahoo News UK: FBI Documents Indicate UFO Landings
Washington Post: FBI Releases Roswell Memo About Three Bodies of Human Shape
Celebrity Reports
MSN Celebrity Encounters – http://specials.msn.com/A-List/Entertainment/Celebrity-alien-encounters.aspx?cp-documentid=28364511&imageindex=1>1=36010:D
The Kennedy Connection
Secret Memo Shows JFK Demanded UFO Files 10 Days Before Assassination
AOL: The JFK-UFO Connection: Bogus Documents or Unanswered Questions?
Military Jets
Military Jets Follow Virginia UFO: April 14, 2011
Video of UFO Being Chased By Three USAF Fighter Jets
The NSA Release
Mainstream Media UFO Video
To further slam-dunk this issue home, here is a mainstream media news compilation of UFO reports within (I believe) the last year or so.
Click the Picture for the Video to Begin
description=” Mainstream Media UFO Video ”
The Festival of Enlightenment
A member of Tribulation-Now’s email list just reminded me about the Festival of Enlightenment happening in June. Here is her email.
Dear John,
Don’t forget about the creepy enlightenment festival known as the “Festival of Enlightenment”. They’ve changed their website since the last time I looked at it. They finally declared the spot. After reading it was Evergreen, then Boulder, finally now Conifer. That is just south of Evergreen. Which would be south of Mt. Evans, I am north of Mt. Evans. I plan on commuting to work that week, hence I’ll be bunking up in the mountains to observe. This is the event that said they want to have a circle of star children to request a galactic federation ship de-cloak.
As Always, peace be to you, and to us all!
God Bless!
Your Sister in Christ,
Summary in Jesus Name
If this isn’t a bit of a crescendo to a large scale UFO Disclosure of sorts, I don’t know what is. The fact of the matter is that the “shock” of disclosure is less enormous if “they” release the data in batches over time. This is a type of “front loading” in order to get people talking about the issue to prevent mass hysteria.
No matter what, once this become even more “main stream” than it already is, more and more people will question their “faith” and ultimately “believe the lie”. This, by definition, is “THE FALLING AWAY”.
There is no way unto the Father but by JESUS!
… Heaven that is … not to the Luciferian Federation of Light Merkabah Light Ship straight to Hell.
“GOD HAS NOT GIVEN US THE DETAILS”. I totally agree that there was something going on upon and with this planet BEFORE God moved to RESTORE this planet. I believe God created it, and it does not give us a time or date of the actual creation, but we are told of HOW He RESTORED earth and placed upon it a GARDEN. I can surely see that there are 2 types of created man and women. This can be confusing, and so as we look at the scriptures asking for WISDOM, we also need to seek UNDERSTANDING, as God warns us. Having said that, I have to say I am pleased you are focusing on the great deception, because we are almost out of time. I watched the final shows of Fringe, V, The Event and I ALL of these popular TV shows along with many commercials (don’t forget the commercials, there is plenty there), are screaming to our subconcience mind that something huge is about to happen on earth and in our thinking about who we are, what we are and where are from. WE are being conditioned for and EVENT that will TRANSFORM our thoughts and beliefs towards a dramatic shift that can NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN. I am in a class right now that the students and even the Instructors and upper staff, are disillusioned and rely mostly on TV movies and celebrity for their number one source of information and BELIEF. The TRUTH totally escapes them and more importantly they don’t want to see the truth… THEY HATE THE TRUTH! Pray for me, this has been hard… I am suppose to be finished by Jan. 2012 and the more I am in these classes, the more I want to be taken out of here ASAP! Believers wouldn’t stand a chance, once the full blown disclosure happens! Admittedly, in 1988 I had a hard time imagining people as close as even family, throwing me under the bus or rejoicing over my death. I CAN TELL YOU FOR SURE, IT WILL HAPPEN!
Just look at the attitude over Bin Laden”s manufactured death. I found it so disgusting I almost threw up. It is a so horrific to see national journalist and people in government display excitement and rejoicing over the death of ANY man. Life is not sacred anymore and that man has gone to horrible place. Out society is EVIL ALL THE TIME. Now I can surely see the world rejoicing when the two witnesses have been killed and lie dead in the streets for three days!
Glory Hallelujah!! Just like J Vernon McGee said … God indeed has not given us all the details. The Bible is a roadmap to salvation through Jesus Christ, the rest of it is up to US to learn through research and study of God’s word WHILE we recognize the pagans infiltrated the councils and tore out and corrupted much of the text. Amen!!
You don’t stand alone friend…after reading your comment, I could have written it myself. I will pray for you to get through your classes and more. I’ve been there in a psychology class before…everything you wrote in your comment are my sentiments exactly!
We stand united for the Lord our God, the true KING!
God bless and have a wonderful day!
Amen! God Bless you for all your hard work and research. Thank the Lord we have the body of Christ and many arms and legs working for His Kingdom. Because one person could not accomplish God’s wonderful plan for our Salavation. The Harvest will come soon. Saving one soul at a time. Praise you.
Great piece.
Thomas P. Fusco (physicist) did an extraordinary interview with the Byte show and brilliantly explained how the ‘Akashic Records’ (also referred to as the wisdom of God) is at its higher strata the Logos (word) of God.
Chris Thomas was born with the ability to access the akashic field and expresses how the ‘new agers’ are being lied to by the experience of channelling. Rather than imbibing the will of God through his Logos, they are accessing the wisdom of fallen created creatures through channelling.
Thomas P. Fusco
Chris Thomas
God Bless You