Author: John Baptist

Researcher. Writer. Engineer. Born Again "Spirit Filled" Christian. If you want to get to know me, just email me. All Tribulation-Now email list members are friends in Jesus.
0 1446

COVID … Relief?

NUFF SAID (or … ugh) Ps 126:2-3 2 Then our mouth was filled with laughter, And our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done…

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0 1269

Annunaki, Angel Wars, and Glorified Realms

A SHORT LETTER-BASED PRIMER ON WHO WE ARE BASED ON THE MYSTERIES OF THE BIBLE AND PRAYER I recently received an email from a brother who was curious about pre-adamic…

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0 944

Rand Paul Spanks the Evil Fauci live at the Senate Hearings Paul was quoted as stating: Sen. Rand Paul criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci and suggested that he and other leading U.S. health officials have incorrectly predicted how widespread the coronavirus…

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0 850

JFK and Lincoln – What do they have in Common?


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0 1606

COVID-19 Warnings & Mark of the Beast

NOTE: Due to the highly fluid nature of the Covid events taking place, there have been a large number of updates to this article over time. Interview with: Dr….

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0 1574

NO GUNS! Not Even in Self Defense – BE LIKE JESUS!!!

NOT EVEN IN SELF DEFENSE!!! Aren’t We to Be Like Jesus? Your Last Decision is Your Last For the life of me I am unable to understand how people who…

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0 1418

Sons of God – Who are We and Why are We Here?

AN AMAZING RADIO SHOW – AMAZING POSSIBILITIES    The Real Cosmic Truth To all readers and listeners, and to especially the Galactic Federation of Light (GFOL) and Pleiadian “light workers”;…

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0 1523

Kundalini or Misunderstanding of the True Power of the Holy Spirit?

Everyone is Warning About Kundalini Spirits Few Understand the True Power of God when it Hits a Person Most lack an understand what really happens in a church or gathering…

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0 793

Renowned Physics Magazine Concludes in New Report: All 3 WTC Towers Collapsed Due to Controlled Demolition

Renowned Physics Magazine Concludes in New Report: All 3 WTC Towers Collapsed Due to Controlled Demolition New York, NY – Over the past 15 years many highly respected academics and…

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0 979

The Son of Kenya Prophecy

The Owalo Prophecy of 1912 Kenyan Son and Destroyer of America – Is Barak Obama the “Son of Kenya” foretold by the great 19th Century Kenyan Prophet, Johanwa Owalo, the founder…

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0 972

Red and Blue List, All Seeing Eye and Detention Centers

The Most Blatant Depiction Thus Far In the eleven plus years I’ve been doing Tribulation-Now, I have never seen such blatant in-your-face depiction of what’s coming directly on main stream…

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1 1753

Vision of the Rain of Fire (Jan 2009)

Vision of the Rain of Fire    1-06-09 Susan Cummings In the vision, I was looking at the world from a suspended position. I could see people and areas from a…

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0 1827


Cosmic Spheres and Blue Light Streaks, Stars, and the Number 21 It seems like every day, new visions of the “rapture” of the “Church of Philadelphia” surface.  This matches up…

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0 2330

NO GUNS … Christians NEVER use GUNS

NOT EVEN IN SELF DEFENSE!!! Aren’t We to Be Like Jesus? Your Last Decision is Your Last Rev 13:9-10 9 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand. 10…

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0 1464

The Pleiadians are Liars

A Blast from the Long Ago Past.  PRAISE JESUS!!   Colleen Thomas on Russia Today (RT) report:   Colleen Thomas on Tribulation Now – The Pleiadians are Liars (Part 1)…

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0 1723

How Satan Stops Our Prayers

COMBAT IN THE HEAVENLY REALM by John Mulinde, Obsteig, Austria, Nov. 2000 I would like to share with you part of a testimony of a saved person who once…

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0 1447

Planet X and The First Trumpet – Connecting the Dots

What Do “They” Know What “Should” WE Know I recently received a confidential briefing on the impact and causation of so-called “Climate Change” from a very reliable source.  The briefing included a…

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0 2207

The Obama Martial Law Antichrist Prophecies

The Obama Martial Law Antichrist Prophecies Please Note: Many of the words in these prophecies may still come true; we have to watch and pray and see how this all…

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0 815

Imminent Terror Approaches (Repost)

Why is it Taking so Long? FEMA Camps, Guillotines, New World Order, and UFO Disclosure You can call it “The Rise of the 4th Reich” or the New World Order. …

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0 780

APOCALYPSE NOW! Any Doubts? PRAISE JESUS PRAISE JESUS PRAISE JESUS PRAISE JESUS PRAISE JESUS This video says it all glory to GOD.  Pay close attention to the healing revival at the ten minute…

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