Category: Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible

0 1685


Snow on the PorchBurgers on the Grill The other day my wife asked me if we were going to put up a Christmas tree this year.  Last years’ Thanksgiving and…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, Media Control, Prophetic Warnings
0 923

Correlated Alerts Nov 6 – 9

Shorter Than We Think (Part II)November 6 – 9 Correlated Alerts UPDATE Greetings and good morning in Jesus Name. Here below is a short list of the “major” indicators that…

 Posted in False Flag Terror, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, Prophetic Warnings, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich
0 1084

Holy Spirit Manslaughter

Strategic Targeted PoisoningSpiritual Deadening Sometimes I just shake my head in amazement.  Now is one of those times.  Yesterday was yet another day where the “coincidences” were so THICK you…

 Posted in Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Mind Control
0 1199

Interim Epiphanies

The Greatest Story Never ToldTo GOD Be the GLORY Forever and Ever Greetings in JESUS Name.  This is intended to be a short article providing you some highlights of new…

 Posted in Bible History and Today, Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 851

Emotional Outpouring

Our Greatest Spiritual AssetThe Key to Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Man oh man oh man! Praise Jesus for all this new and wonderful information that keeps getting…

 Posted in Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Mind Control
0 767

Take No Chances!

How Much is Enough?Your Journey, Your Eternity Recently I have been on a learning journey of sorts. Quite frankly it has put me into a continuous stream of tears. So…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible
0 851

Threats and Countermeasures

The THREE “WHAT IFs” Three things hit me like a ton of logs this morning.  One of them came from a regular contributor to Tribulation-Now.  Her name is Cheryl and…

 Posted in Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 918

Shorter Than We Think?

Target Miami?Intel Alerts for November A number of warnings have surfaced lately that arguably warrant consideration. Quite frankly I’ve been hoping for a smooth ride until “The Hollow Planet” got…

 Posted in False Flag Terror, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 695

Three Little Words

PEACE and SAFETYWhat Does This Mean? Yesterday I received an insightful email from an awesome spirit named Laura.  Her email, like many, radiated excitement.  She was blessed by the article entitled…

 Posted in False Flag Terror, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Marshal Law and Police State, Prophetic Warnings
0 1268

Are You Ready?

What is a Bride? What Does it Mean to Be Ready? Yesterday was an unusual and blessed day for me.  I had an unexpected surge of emails arrive after I…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings
0 994

Cry Wolf

Rendered Utterly PowerlessToo Many False Alarms Little by little I am coming to a sad conclusion.  It appears that the enemy has done an excellent job of making us look…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Marshal Law and Police State, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception, Weather War
0 1230

End-Timeline Guesswork

Wormwood, UFOs and More An Estimation of the End Time Timeline Greetings with great peace and joy in the name of Jesus our King. After my last article entitled Brace…

 Posted in Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, Secret Societies, The Great Deception
0 1500


The Bible Timeline UnfoldsNibiru Brings Wormwood and Climate Change It’s hard not to get excited about the times we live in.  Those of us who are watching diligently and understand…

 Posted in Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, False Flag Terror, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 1058

It’s a Setup!

Blow the Balderdash Shofar!Scam Alert Warning I’m sure by now you have seen all the articles on forthcoming UFO disclosures.  Frankly there are so many of them it makes you…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Marshal Law and Police State, Media Control, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 918

Power in the Name

An Amazing StoryAn Amazing Name I have been studying divine healing for a while.  It is my personal belief that when the scripture says that “signs follow” we should not…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible
0 914

There is a Calm in Knowing

Only Joy Awaits You When You Know the Outcome Ya’ know how sometimes you just have to “make time” for things in life?   I have to admit, this “end-times”…

 Posted in Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 995

Set Phasers to "Bind"

  Supernatural Cosmic Power In the Name of Jesus It’s amazing how I continue to get these unbelievable confirmations.  Sometimes it’s a phone call.  Other times it’s an email.  But…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 1327

UFO Wars: They’re Coming to Save Us

Federation of Light – Merkaba Light Ship Of the Adamic Elohim Group GOOD COP BAD COP The Ultimate Deception  Well folks over the last several days I have been doing some…

 Posted in Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 1002

The Emerging Threat

UFO Shoots Laser: Troop Buildup Mounting the Offensive Greetings again everyone in the Name of Jesus OUR King.  Wow are we blessed in Jesus Name.  Glory be to the…

 Posted in Gods gods Jehovah, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 1447

Salvation Tactic: Matrix

Capture Their Attention Hidden Messages of Salvation Everywhere I used to watch more movies in the past.  These days I spend far more time researching stuff for the salvation of…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible