Sumerian “gods” are Returning (Part 2)
The Pyramids Are Your Enemy The Deception is Thick The warnings about the Sumerian “gods” returning cannot be understated. The Ancient Aliens enthusiasts would have you believe that “they” are…
Sumerian “gods” are Returning
Warnings from the Dark Side They Mean Us No Harm Stan Deyo warned us that “rumblings” in the Pentagon indicate the Sumerian “gods” are returning. I have been warning about…
“Conspiracy Theorists” being Intentionally Discredited on a Global Level
Recalling Calling Audibles Being “Setup” for the Big Fall Something “big” is on the horizon. People can feel it. From the prophesies of Dr. David Owuor, to the visions and…
Target Hoover Dam: 11 11 Revealed
The Mystery of 11 11 11 God Speaks Once Ye Twice The USGS (United States Geological Survey) organization, has openly admitted they are removing earthquake data from publication. In an…
Angel Wars & The Original Sin
The Divine Council of “gods” with our Father The Wars in the Heavens Why Are We Here? Well Glory to Jesus last night’s radio show on “The Edge AM”…
Proclamation 46
Occult Blasphemy The Abomination Declares The 911 memorial speech that Obama made this last weekend was not only blasphemy to the Most High God, our Heavenly Father, but it was…
Revelations of Revelation
Tying things Together Today’s Events Aligned to Scripture Well glory to the King of Kings, Yahushua Jesus Christ our “SAVIOR”. Admittedly I feel both excited and a bit sad…
Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign Cosmic Disturbances End Times Realities Well Glory to Jesus Christ, the King of Kings! These are the most exciting times ever. The signs in the sun, moon and stars…
He Comes Like a Thief Wake Up Your Brothers Now Yesterday it stormed. It stormed hard. Harder than I can remember in 20 + years of living here in Tampa….
The Destroyer Approaches
Nibiru is 30 Days Behind Elenin The 6th Seal is About to be Opened Glory to Jesus it appears there is little question, the 6th Seal of Revelation is about…
The Epoch of Elenin
The Emissaries of Sirius Approach Revealing the Mystery of 911 We begin this journey through the mysteries of the cosmos, embracing a humility associated with our origins, before the foundations…
Glorious Testimony
A Dear John Letter And a Placeholder in Time Glory to Jesus I just got a “Dear John” letter. Woohoo! I kid of course … well not really. Anyway it’s…
A Colossal City In Space
The Glory of God Awaits Us Heavenly Answers Backed by Scripture Praise Jesus I’m not one for reprinting articles from other web sites, but this one merits it. This article…
Doom Tards for Jesus!
Shouting Doom and Gloom! Glory to the King of Kings Ever hear of “Trucking for Jesus”? Who were those “masked men” (and women?). Who said the space shuttle would get…
Peaking Out the Window
Powerful Imminense Watching and Waiting with Baited Breath Glory to Jesus I find it fascinating to listen to various people across the world comment about those of us who are watching for…
Crucified with Christ
Complete Surrender Jetison the Jellybeans As we all watch hoping and praying for the glorious day we shall see our King Jesus Christ, a state of utter surrender must take over. …
The 7 Trumpets of Atlantis
More Amazing Shuttle Confirmations Soon and Very Soon, We are Going to See the King Over the last week or so, Glory to Jesus, we have continued to receive an…
The Lost Shuttle of Atlantis
Comet Storm Begins the Trumpet Judgments? Remote Viewing Matches Child’s Vision from Jesus Did you know there is an Illuminati saying which mysteriously reads: “A Columbian Enterprise to Endeavor for…
The Abundance of the Rivers
The Hand of the Oppressor For Mighty is the Enemy within Your Own Borders Glory to Yahushua Jesus Christ our King of Kings and GLORIOUS SAVIOR. Praises to the Almighty…
Brace for Impact
It’s All of the Above “Prepare for a Catastrophic Event” Glory to Jesus! Ever since I wrote the article “Black Sun Moon Impact July“, I have been uneasy in a…