2011 Slight of Hand
Focus FactorWere We Thrown Off Our Game? Praise God. I had a person email me the other day and mention they were impressed that Tribulation-Now has been calling attention to the…
The End of the World
Is This For Real?Everybody’s Talking Now Praise God. We are living in THE most exciting times EVER. Last night I was like a kid staying up late on Christmas Eve. …
Spiritual Holiness is Not an Option
Holiness is SpiritualGod’s Waters Run Deep Never before have I felt so unqualified to write about a particular subject. The good news is that we all have time. I learned…
Speculations and ReportsEvidence of Things Unseen Well praise Jesus and Hallelujah! Boy are these exciting times in which we live! Before I continue with this article, it is MOST important…
Wormholes and Intergalactic Troop Buildup
Spirals are WormholesExpand Your Mind and View the Evidence This morning in Jesus Name, I will try to present to you some information which is challenging to grasp even for…
THIS IS IT! The Sign of the Son of Man We have definitely entered the Final Count Down. It is with somberness of spirit and great excitement both, that I…
Righteous Indignation
Jesus Used a WhipSometimes Indignation is the Key I was sitting at my “headquarters” this morning, thinking to myself (and sharing with others) that things are rather quiet. Perhaps the…
We Are Getting Married!
Prophetic Marriage Declaration And Descriptions of the Trouble to Come The revelations that are flowing into Tribulation-Now are at an all time high. I must admit it’s pretty hard to…
Do This in Remembrance of Me
A Prophetic RecommendationA Final Duty of Commitment Luke 22:14-21 When the hour had come, He sat down, and the twelve apostles with Him. Then He said to them, “With fervent…
Alien-Demon Breeding Facility
Denver Airport – Google Earth Coordinates 104 44 30 – 40 36 10 About to Be UnleashedWay Too Close of an Encounter Where to begin? So much information and so little…
Be About Our Father’s Business
Let’s Get BusyWe Aren’t Raptured Yet I am so excited. It occurred to me that perhaps we all just need to “Be About Our Father’s Business”. He wouldn’t have it any…
Pray Up! Pack Up! Hagee Warns of Rapture!
The Rapture is ImminentChurch to Be Raptured before Antichrist Appears May the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Messiah, Bless You and Keep You in the Peace Which Passes All Understanding…
Mainstream Article on "Brown Dwarf"
From Brown Dwarfs, to Molten LavaEnd Times Catastrophe Data Everywhere Greetings, Grace and Peace in the Name of Jesus Christ, our King! I am always quite surprised to learn how…
Church of Philadelphia Now Boarding
Elite’s Boarding Survival Arks?God’s Fingerprint is Everywhere Breaking News Report in Jesus Name So what exactly does it mean to be the Bride of Jesus Christ? I know the answer. …
Stop Sinning Now!!
We Really Don’t Fear GodTime to Get Things Into Perspective Here I sit going over emails and thinking to myself that I might get to take a day off on…
Time is OverAt Any Moment He will Take the Church This is a SPECIAL NEWS BULLETIN from Tribulation-Now and the Lord Jesus Christ. On February 11th, 2011, the Prophet Dr….
We Wield a Dangerous Sword
A Shoulder to Cry OnA Great Responsibility to Love FIRST As all of us walk through our challenges of life, sometimes we just need a sympathetic ear to help us…
Captain’s Log Star Date 03-03-2011
The Horrible Dagon Star Approaches Holy Spirit Force Field on Full Captain’s Log Star Date 03-03-2011 The “Horrible Star” predicted in the earth prophecy 2 Esdras 15 is well within Star…