Author: John Baptist
Researcher. Writer. Engineer. Born Again "Spirit Filled" Christian. If you want to get to know me, just email me. All Tribulation-Now email list members are friends in Jesus.
The Disclosure Crescendo
John Baptist May 8, 2011
The Falling Away Begins A Troubling Report from the Federation of Light A new article has been published on Divine Cosmos. Quite frankly I must admit the work is rather…
Hard Times on the Horizon
John Baptist May 7, 2011
Prophetic Revelation – 3 Trumpets and Out? Stand Fast. The Day Approaches. Three Trumpets and Out? Is it possible the Bride of Christ will have to endure the first three…
The Mabus Warning
John Baptist May 5, 2011
Oracles and Dreams Catastrophic Events following an Unfortunate Loss? Could Ray Mabus have been predicted by Nostradamus as a marker of forthcoming calamities? Hard to be certain. However one of…
Posted in False Flag Terror, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings Tagged Dream, Mabus, Nostradamus, Ray Mabus, Tribulation-Now