Category: The Ancients

0 3155

Scientists Unwittingly Unravel the Mystery of Iniquity

Unraveled Junk DNA Found in Humans Confirmation of Biblical Mysteries Glory be to Jesus, with the help of the scientific community, the deepest mysteries of the Bible are unfolding before…

 Posted in Gods gods Jehovah, Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Media Control, Mind Control, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, Secret Societies, The Ancients, The Divine Council - Gods, The Great Deception
0 1462

The Cosmic Transformer Mystery

Transformer Explosions, EMP, or Plasma Weapons To Go Where No Man Has Gone Before Evidently there have been a vast number of “global” reports of what the main-stream media is…

 Posted in Bible History and Today, False Flag Terror, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, Media Control, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 1693

The Planet X Crop Circle

Warned Again in 2009 What Happens on June 1, 2011? The intergalactic dynamics of what is unfolding around us today are utterly astonishing.  It completely baffles me how so many people still…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 2078

Aden Star Gate Warning

Who’s Messaging Us? The Wilton Windmill Crop Circle Crop circles have been a fascination of those who study the UFO phenomenon for a long time.  And oddly there’s been a…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception, Uncategorized Tagged , , , , , , , , , ,
0 1314

Imminent Terror Approaches

Why is it Taking so Long? FEMA Camps, Guillotines, New World Order, and UFO Disclosure You can call it “The Rise of the 4th Reich” or the New World Order. …

 Posted in Economic Takeover, Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, False Flag Terror, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, Media Control, Mind Control, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich, Secret Societies, The Ancients, The Great Deception, Weather War
0 1415

The Disclosure Crescendo

The Falling Away Begins A Troubling Report from the Federation of Light A new article has been published on Divine Cosmos.  Quite frankly I must admit the work is rather…

 Posted in Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Mind Control, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Divine Council - Gods, The Great Deception, Uncategorized Tagged , , , , , , ,
0 2029

Hard Times on the Horizon

Prophetic Revelation – 3 Trumpets and Out? Stand Fast.  The Day Approaches. Three Trumpets and Out?  Is it possible the Bride of Christ will have to endure the first three…

 Posted in False Flag Terror, Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception, Uncategorized Tagged , , , , ,
0 1596

That Which Restrains

A Controversial Understanding Making Sense of “Holy Watchers” Greetings in the Name of Yahushua Jesus Christ, our King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and God of “gods”.  Amen. It is…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Media Control, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 806

Cosmic Discipleship

Educate People on the Threat Save them from Falling Away Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ! Wow what a huge undertaking this “new job” has been for me.  Hallelujah! …

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Mind Control, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 1263

An Alarming Christian Abduction

A Warning of What Happened A Warning of What’s to Come About a month or so ago, a fellow by the name of Gary reached out to Tribulation-Now with a…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 6642

Planet X Bible Study

The History and The Word An Outstanding Expose by Pastor Francis M. Riley As many of you know, I have made a significant investment over the last 6 or more years…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception Tagged , , ,
0 1278

Which Came First, Persia or Persia

Cosmic Civilizations The Key to Deeper Understanding For hundreds of years, arguably much longer, those who have studied the words of the major and minor prophets have often struggled with…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception Tagged , ,
0 1158

Combined Foreign Troop UFO Invasion?

Total Onslaught PlannedTroops from “Afar” When reviewing all the intelligence coming in against the scripture, and realizing that the beginning of the Great Tribulation is almost certainly on our door…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 3158

Motherships Arriving

The Crescendo Continues Daniel 9:27 Unfolding Greetings again in the name of our awesome wonderful King Yahushua Jesus our Messiah.  Glory be to God. – YHWH the Mighty El Elyon!  Wow…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception, Weather War
0 1065

2011 Slight of Hand

Focus FactorWere We Thrown Off Our Game? Praise God. I had a person email me the other day and mention they were impressed that Tribulation-Now has been calling attention to the…

 Posted in False Flag Terror, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, Weather War
0 3415

Wormholes and Intergalactic Troop Buildup

Spirals are WormholesExpand Your Mind and View the Evidence This morning in Jesus Name, I will try to present to you some information which is challenging to grasp even for…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 1562


THIS IS IT! The Sign of the Son of Man We have definitely entered the Final Count Down.  It is with somberness of spirit and great excitement both, that I…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Marshal Law and Police State, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 1037

Church of Philadelphia Now Boarding

Elite’s Boarding Survival Arks?God’s Fingerprint is Everywhere Breaking News Report in Jesus Name So what exactly does it mean to be the Bride of Jesus Christ?  I know the answer. …

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 1394

Captain’s Log Star Date 03-03-2011

The Horrible Dagon Star Approaches Holy Spirit Force Field on Full  Captain’s Log Star Date 03-03-2011 The “Horrible Star” predicted in the earth prophecy 2 Esdras 15 is well within Star…

 Posted in Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Media Control, Prophetic Warnings, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 722

Separated Unto Holiness

A Lesson for Us AllAn Awesome Testimony from Katie With all of this “fantastic” information surfacing, may of us have fear.  However the scripture makes it clear we should be…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, The Ancients, The Great Deception