0 1244


The Key to the Holy SpiritThe Key to the Atonement Attention all believers!  This is a CALL for PAPERS! Have you ever watched the dynamic that happens in the scientific and…

 Posted in Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, The Great Deception
0 1149

Mark of the Beast (Part Two)

You Know the WHATNow Here’s the HOW I don’t like writing articles like this.  It gives me the creeps.  I suspect it will do the same to you as well. …

 Posted in Economic Takeover, False Flag Terror, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, Prophetic Warnings, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich
0 830

God Does Not Stretch The Truth

Scholars at a Lecture – Etched in 1736 An Open Mind is KeyFlush Your Mind’s Beliefs Many gifted scholars used to believe (and some still do) that prophecy was mostly…

 Posted in Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 1107

The Mark of The Beast

Aaron Russo and Nicholas Rockefeller (IMPORTANT – Note the Date – 12/1/1999) Settling The Mark of the BeastOnce and For All So what were you doing in 1999?  Well what…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings
0 884

Inheritance is CRITICAL

The Kingdom, Power & Glory Who Are the Overcomers? by Nancy Missler ——————————————————————————–MINISTRY WEBSITE King’s High Way——————————————————————————–RESOURCES The Kingdom Power and Glory – The Overcomer’s Handbook——————————————————————————– “He that overcometh shall…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible
0 1093

UK Parliament Publishes World Governance Assignees

http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm/cmallparty/register/memi589.htm Tally Ho! and “Here Here!” Parliament Has Assigned their New World Order Personnel To some of us perhaps this headline should read “Tally Ho and Ho Hum”.  After all,…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings
0 677

Special Report: Leading Christians Are Waking Up

Jack Van Impe Warns of 2nd Trumpet Possibilities To Watch This Presentation Go Here: http://podcast.jvim.com/video/1022.mp4 No matter what you think about any particular Christian leader, you need to open your…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings
0 1677

The Enemy’s Multiple Personalities

Satan is Man / Satan is WomanConfusion is King! All throughout history, even back as far as 6,000 years plus, Satan has manifest himself in many different ways.  From the…

 Posted in Gods gods Jehovah, Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, The Ancients, The Great Deception
0 1261

Can Demons Hurt Born-Again Christians?

DEMONS HURTING CHRISTIANSAre You Qualified for Battle? This is tricky business. It begs a number of questions.  Can a demon hurt a born-again Christian? To EVERYONE I recommend reading “He…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army
0 1047

Special Report: We are Not Alone

SPECIAL REPORT: We are Not Alone Some Church Elders Do Have a Clue Mutwa Credo – Zulu Shaman and Picture of Annunaki Which He Memorializes in a Wall Mural While…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Secret Societies, The Great Deception
0 1176

It’s Time to Pick the Beans!

What Are We So Afraid Of? Is it Time to Pick the Beans? In 1 Kings 18 + 19, Elijah, one of God’s greatest prophets, who saw into the heavens…

 Posted in Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Marshal Law and Police State, Prophetic Warnings
0 1554

Common-Sense Trib & Trumpet Theology

Does God Have Common Sense? Maybe We Should Apply It Today I was struggling with Calvinism vs. Arminianism, and the concept of “Inheritance” and it was having a troubling effect…

 Posted in Announcements and About US, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings, The Great Deception
0 1142


The Second Trumpet? Maybe Not So Far Fetched After All When Tribulation Now released the first article on the Deepwater Horizon disaster (entitled “The Second Trumpet? The sea became blood“),…

 Posted in Eugenics Poisons Pestilence Famine, Media Control, Prophetic Warnings
0 725

SPECIAL REPORT: Buildup for IRAN Attack

The Global EmpireNew World Order – World War III Honey grab the Kids!  Time to go to the beach, and enjoy the $2.98 a gallon gasoline while you can.  Been…

 Posted in Economic Takeover, Lucifer's Army, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich
0 1326

Upper 2% of the Graduating Class

Tribulation-NowThe Virtual Church Some people on our email List have asked me about my real name.  I use “John Baptist” as a “nom de plume” or “pen name”. This is necessary…

 Posted in Announcements and About US, Bible History and Today, Infiltration of the Church, Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings
0 1060

SPECIAL REPORT: Birth Pains of Leviathan?

BIRTH PAINS OF LEVIATHANThe earth’s water is breaking? An interesting and insightful observation from one of “The List” members of Tribulation-Now, just came in. If you “stand back” and look…

 Posted in Announcements and About US, Prophetic Warnings
0 1017

SPECIAL REPORT: The Second Trumpet?: The Sea Became Blood

Plans to Evacuate the Tampa Bay Area over Oil Spill to be Announced Reports coming in that FEMA is preparing to evacuate and lock down / evacuate the Tampa Bay area…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Prophetic Warnings
0 1243

Aliens, Demons, Nephilim, Time Travel, & God (Part Four)

Unavoidable Realities We Must Deal WithThe Final Revelation It is at this point I must caution the reader to beware.  I just finished a prayer for the Lord to “crash…

 Posted in Jesus-Holy Spirit-Bible, Lucifer's Army, Marshal Law and Police State, New World Order Power Structure, Prophetic Warnings, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich, The Great Deception
0 770

First the Saturday People, Then the Sunday People

Above Shown: The symbol for the “Moon god” Allah Also a symbol associated with Russia and China A symbol prevalently found in the Catholic Church (if you look carefully) First…

 Posted in Uncategorized
0 1727

The Great Altar of Zeus

Obama’s Innaugural Speech On the Great Altar of Zeus For those of you who do not know this, historically Antipas, a faithful Christian was burned alive on the Great Altar…

 Posted in Lucifer's Army, Prophetic Warnings, Rise of Nazi Fourth Reich, Secret Societies, The Great Deception