Star Gate of Praise
OPEN YOUR STAR GATEPraise is Your Force Field Some things are just so darn simple. I used to work in a 5 star restaurant and discovered the best dishes were…
We’ve Lost Our Minds
God Speaks and We Don’t Listen! Let’s Have Itchy Ears, Shall We? Is there anyone out there that doesn’t think we are near the very “end of times”? Am I…
The Alien Demon Agenda (Part 1)
The Demonic Hierarchy And some of their challenges … When you attempt to unravel the extremely complex dynamics of this total onslaught of humanity by Lucifer’s army, you begin to…
Heaven on Earth, a Sneak Peak of Our Future
The Millennial Jerusalem by Dr. Robert D. Luginbill When Christ returns at the 2nd Advent, He will establish His kingdom and rule the entire world from Jerusalem (e.g.,…
Something Smells Funny, Oil Perhaps?
ALTERNATIVE INFORMATION Is this misleading too? Does ANYONE know for sure what the dickens is going on with this oil catastrophe other than it was deliberately done by the forces…
Law, to Grace, and Back to Law
LEVITICAL CEREMONY In the “Millenium” Once in a “blue moon” you stumble across an article of Bible study that is so “right on the money” you simply cannot improve upon…
Scripted Prophecy vs. Bible Prophecy
Demonically Orchestrated Prophecy Is it Real? By now the regular readers of Tribulation-Now have figured out that nothing is “simple”. We have all sorts of unbelievable complexities to deal with. …
You Have Your Scientology We Have Our “JESUS-tology“ I am so grateful for all of you. I don’t even want to go to work any more. All I want to…
"Tetelestai" means "PAID IN FULL"
How Do You Defeat the Accuser? Take Away His Ability to Accuse! The word “tetelestai” may very well be the most beautiful Greek word ever uttered. For thousands of years…
Luciferian Global War Scenario
Battle Stations II END GAME – PHASE I What seems to be ringing true consistently, is that each group, (be it media, leading officials, religious, prophetic, etc.) has “something” they bring to the…
Running from the Kingdom
And having done all … to STANDGod may have you … right where he wants you Authoring the articles on Tribulation-Now has been one of the greatest blessings of my…
Deepwater Nuke
Unraveling the Dark Web of Lies The Inevitable Nuclear Reality Here I sit, just East of the Gulf, trying to unravel the web of deception we now have before us. As…
You, But NOT your Teddy Bear!
YOU CAN COMEBut Don’t Bring that Teddy Bear! Most people, particularly “Christians”, believe they have everything figured out pretty good. I’ve had people close to me tell me things like, “we know…
Lucifer’s Ephod & 2010 Destruction
Author’s Note: This is an excerpt taken from another article for impact. This is an important concept for us all to understand. Lucifer’s Ephod from Hell In Ezekiel 28 you…
The United States Ends in 2010?
Map of the United States – Post “this phase” of Magog Editors Note: God is in control and the Holy Sprit is the restrainer. Only the Lord knows for sure…
This is a CRITICAL UPDATE on our dire circumstances GOD BLESS YOU BARBARA ANN for sending me this email alert from Unleavened Bread Ministries Dear brethren in the Gulf states:…
God At WarEnter … Leviathan I believe if we could see past our earthly existence, we would see “things” that would strike utter horror into our minds. The Bible is…
Underwater Fire
God’s Hand is in Everything Deepwater Horizon Underwater Fire It’s difficult to understand the dynamics of God at War. It makes you feel, sometimes, that we are all pawns in…
A Vision of Our Future
The Sanctuary A House Filled with Love I value utterly, every person’s email. For it is through your questions the Holy Spirit leads me to the answers. I tell you from…
GOD IS IN CONTROL An Important Reminder A Sequel to “The Sword of the Spirit” This is no time for fear, this is a time for faith and determination. Don’t…